Triangle Love

Triangle Love

Chapter 2
“Jae jin-ah, I’m sorry…” Taemin whispers in your ear as the two of you follow the rest of the band. You nod, not really wanting to talk to him right now. “Jae jin-ah-” he starts but Key interupts him, catching your attention.

"So, Jae jin-ah? How long have you been in Seoul?" he asks, flashing you a warm hearted smile, not like the diva you expected.

"A few months, I come for the music stayed for the culture~" you say, making him chuckle. Taemin glares at the older boy, which goes unnoticed by the two of you. "Do you know English?"

He looks up at the sky, which is partly obscured by his hat, “Yea, a little~ I don’t think its very good though~”

"Try me~ I’ll be the judge of that~" you say, smiling at him, which catches him by surprise. He says something and you clao like a delighted child, "Very good! Almost no accent~"

Taemin glares, grasping your arm and holding it close to his chest like a prized toy, “Jae jin-ah~ Pay attention to me~” he half whines, catching your attention.

You frown slightly, “Taemin oppa, don’t be rude~ Key oppa was talking and you interupted~” he growls, making your eyes widen as he pulled you into an alleyway. “Yah! Taemin!” you yell, arms flailing as the others watched in bewilderment.

"Yah! Lee Taemin!" Jonghyun yells, chasing after you two. But he loses you both, passing right by the place where Taemin was kissing you fiercly.

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