I walk in the rain.I run as fast as I can.Did he lied to me?Or is it true?I don't know!I stuck between this 2 answer.I hate myself because I still love him!I'm afraid to trust him anymore but my heart want me to believe his words so badly.What should I do now?Another chance?It's not that easy to forgive him.The rain doesn't seem to stop now and it's getting late already.I try to find a way back to my house.I keep walking around.I don't even know where I'm going.Suddenly my body can't move when I see a light infront of me.Oh !I hope this car don't hit me.I still want to live!I can't feel anything anymore.My eyes start to close and I collapse.I can heard someone voice but I can't do anything.

I open my eyes slowly.The light greet me.I stand right away.This is not my room.This is also not Kris's room!Where I'm right now?!Oh no this is not a good thing.And since when I change my cloth.Gosh this pajama is just to big for me.Ar whatever I need to find a way out from this place.So firstly I need to get out from this room.Door?Where is the door?There you go!Got it!I open the door slowly so that no one would hear me.When I walk down on the stair there is a big window beside it and I can see the stars hanging on the sky and shining so brightly like a diamond.It's pretty scene to see but I can't enjoy this time because I need to go from this place quickly.I reach the first floor and I directly walk towards the big door a few step infront of me.This house totally big!As big as Kris's house.Kris?What happen to him?I don't care!I stop moving when I heard someone voice behind me.I feel so shock.I'm having a small heart attack and I almost die because of it. "What are you trying to do?Stealing?I guess not.Right?" Okay I want to smack his head so badly.Stealing?I never live in this kind of house for my entire life but I'm not that kind of person.I'm not that poor until I need to steal from other people.I turn around to face him and my heart stop beating for a second.This man!This man that .... "Yes you're right!I'm the one who you meet at the graveyard.So please stop staring at me like that.Come here and take a sit.Please make yourself feel comfortable.Sit there." I just follow everything that he asked me to do.I sit on a couch infront of him and I take a cup of coffee that he offer to me.I drink it slowly!Ouch!It's hot.I sigh and he smile to me.So charming but he's still a stranger. "We meet again right?Nice to meet with you for the second time.What such a coincidence.What are you doing in the rain?It's late already.I almost hit you with my car but you should be grateful because God come to save you.I need to take you to my house.I hope you don't care about that" I nod my head.Yeah I should be grateful.Well we can't predict our own fate right.I meet again with this man. "Nothing,I tried to find a way back to my house but I'm ending up like this." He just smile like always and he put his cup on the table infront of me and he stand up. "Okay.I don't want to disturb you.You need a rest.Let just talk tomorrow.Oh yeah it's up to you either you want to run away or stay here for tonight.Don't need to worry,I will sleep in a different room.And you can sleep in the room just now.I'm going.Bye." He end his boring speech and go upstair.He stop for a while to say something to me. "Oh ya!Your cloth?I ask my maid to change it.So don't worry.I don't see anything." He walk and leave me alone in the living room.I sigh.I think I will stay here for tonight.He's right.It's getting to late.I call my mom to inform her about this.After that,I walk back to the second floor.I find the room and I close the door and lock it.I lay on the bed and my eyes start to close.I'm off to my dreamland.What a stupid person I'm.How could I refuse to sleep at my own brother's house but I easily agree to stay here.He's a total stranger.But I believe with my fate.I know he wouldn't do something bad to me.Wu Zin Fei,You said that you trust your fate but you can't even accept the reality of your past!Pathetic!You trust a stranger but you do the opposite to your own brother.Stupid!I open my eyes!My eyes getting teary.What my heart told me just now is totally right.I'm stupid but I need to teach Kris a lesson and it could be that he just lying to me.I try to sleep that night but after all of this happen to me I can't make my self calm anymore.Without I realize my eyes getting tired and I'm totally leaving my reality and I'm off to my dreamland where everything are totally calm.The times keep moving and another day will come.



I open my eyes and the light greet me this morning.I open the curtain and I can see the birds already woke up before me.I grab my towel and I go into the bathroom quickly.I lock the door and I start to take off my cloth one by one.I brush my teeth after that I wash my face.I lay in the bath tub and when I'm lacking of oxygen I sit right away to grab some air.I love doing this kind of thing.Done with my refreshing shower time,I go outside and I start to find anything nice to wear .I'm not going to work today.I'm getting lazy to do that boring thing for now.I need to rest.I grab a long sleeve t-shirt and a pair of jeans.I think I should go out and spend some of my times to have fun like a normal person.I have been working so hard before this and I should take a rest too.Oh gosh!How could I forget about that girl.I almost kill her last night.I feel so guilty so that's why I bring that girl to my house.After I wear my cloth I open the door to get out from my room.I walk pass by her room and go downstair.All my maid greet me.My parents are totally caring and because of that they get me 5 maid so that I don't need to clean my house.But actually I can handle all of this by myself.I greet them back and they continue their work.I go to the kitchen to wash my hand and I sit on the chair near me.My mood brighten up when I see food infront of me.I drink my milk that they put on the table and I grab some toast.It's delicious!I stop eating when that girl standing infront of me.I have meet with her before but I don't remember her name. "Erm morning.I'm sorry,but can you tell me where is my cloth?" I smile and she's look swolen actually but she's still look cute.And that pajama totally big for her.It's mine and I let she wear it last night. "You cloth?It's still not dry yet.So just wear ny sisters's cloth.Just find it in your room.It's all there.I think it will fit with you." She nod her head and rub her eyes.What such a cute girl.She walk to the opposite side and now I can only see her back.She start walking and leaving me alone here.She comes down after 30 minutes with my sisters's cloth on.Just like what I predict!It's fit with her so well.I ask her to join me so she sit quickly and drink her milk.Nothing happen we just having a small conversation. "By the way,What is your name?I forget about it." Lastly I can ask about her name. "My name?Wu Zin Fei.But just call me Feifei" I nod my head and we both walk into the living room. "Can you send me to my house?" She ask me with her big rounded eyes.I forget that she's not my wife and I need to send her back.I don't know why I'm feeling quite sad about this.I want to spend more time with her but I know I can't.So I just nod my head.She quickly grab my hand and take me outside.I feel shock with this sudden skinship.But I don't know why I feel happy when she touch me.I take my key quickly.She let my hand go when she realize that we are holding hand.I sigh and I try to smile.I hope she could hold my hand a bit longer.I get into the car and she follow after me.I drive off and we keep talking.Usually I don't talk a lot with other people except my family.But Feifei always make me want to laugh.I turn into a talkactive person when I'm around her.After 45 minutes I reach her house.I bid her goodbye and we both promise to meet up again after this.I feel so lonely.I drive away and just like that we both seperate.



I kick the table infront of me.My asisstant look scared.I ask him to get out from my room.What?!Feifei stay at another man's house last night?!Feifei why did you always want to make me feel worry.I rub my neck.I decide to think about it later.I need to work right now.So I go into bathroom and I start to take a shower quickly.My tears fall when I remember about what happen last night.I shake my head.I shouldn't give up easily.Now I have found her,so I should protect her.That man?Who is him to Feifei?My head become so miserable.I can't think straighly right now.So I think I should go to work.I can let my personal life ruin my company.I wear my suit and I look at my own figure in the mirror.Everything is fine.I get out from the room.I feel so bad right now but I can't let other people see my weakness.I need to act strong because I don't want other people worry about me expecially Mr Ahn.He is my assistant.He has been working with my family even since before I was adopted.He know everyting about me.I only trust him.He treat me like his own son which make me feel that there is still a hope in my life.He always help me and I already assume him as my own family.I greet all of my maid and I ask them to join me to eat together.We all eat happily this morning.I love this kind of feeling.A feeling where you feel so happy.I miss this feeling.It will be perfect if my sister also here with me.But there still a long way to go for that.After done I grab my key and I drive my car to my company.It takes me for about 39 minutes to reach there.I park my car and I wak into the building.Everyone greet me.And I do the same as them.I get into the lift and I press a button to the last floor.After 5 minutes I get out from the lift and I walk towards my office.My personal assistant,Miss Clara greet me.She's totally beautiful and clever.But I don't have any feelings with her.I walk pass infront of her.I put my hands inside my pocket and she help me to bring my suitcase.She put it on my table and leaving me alone after I ask her to go.I open all the documents infront of me.Nothing interesting.I'm just working.I need to attend a meeting after this.And all my day just pass like this.Working and working.It's 5 P.M right now.I should go back.So I leave the building and drive my car to my house.After a few minutes I reach there and I go into my room..I take off all my cloth.I decide to take a shower quickly.I rub my wet hair and I grab some casual cloth.Just a white plain t-shirt and a pair of red jeans.I want to take some fresh air outside so I leave my house.What should I do.I need Feifei in my life.I miss her so badly even though I have meet with her last night.I want to hug her so badly but she hate me.The cruel fact that I need to accept!I hate myself!I hate myself for being a stupid brother to her!I stop my car and park it by the roadside.I decide to got to the nearby park.I love to see the kids play around with their friends.I miss my times where I also used to played with my sister.I smile and I continue to walk around.I feel so calm.If she don't want to see me I will stop disturbing her life.




It has been a month  and Kris never visit me anymore.I can't lie to myself.I miss him.I want to meet him again.I want to hug him so badly.But I guess he already give up on me which mean he don't love me.I sigh.My head feel hurt so much for this past few weeks.I don't know why.My body also feel so weak.I get tired easily and I always faint.Well I guess maybe I'm just to tired because of my works and task.Oh ya!Luhan and me get well so fast.He just so nice to me.I get to know that he and my brother is in a same age.So I always see him as my brother.But I can feel something odd about him.Honestly my heart start to love him.For the first time in my life I love another man else than my brother.I'm not that sure yet about my own feeling towards him.I just hope that everything will end up in a good way.I fall on my knee and I hold my chest.I don't know why,but I think my heart will explode right now.It's hurt.I yell and I faint after that.

I open my eyes and the doctor greet me.I sit right away. "Can I know where I'm right now doctor?" The doctor smile and nod his head. "You're at the hospital right now Miss Wu.My name is Chanyeol.Park Chanyeol." I bow a bit to him.And he do the same.He help me to stand up straightly.My leg feel a bit shaky and I almost fall but he grab my body quickly. "Erm your friend take you here after you fainted,but she already left a few hours ago.She said sorry because she can't stay with you." I nod my head.He give me a cup of coffee.I take it. "Miss Wu please sit.I want to talk a bit about your condition." I sit infront of him and I place the cup on the table between me and him. "Can I know what is my problem doctor?" I ask him curiously. "Well,I feel sorry to tell you this but I need to do my job.You have a cancer and the chance for you to live is so thin.From what I see,you only have 2 weeks left to live.I'm sorry for this but I can't help you anymore." My eyes start to form a tears.I'm gonna die?Yes I'm gonna die!I cry infront of him.And with my shaky voice I ask him if there are any medicine that can cure me.Or maybe other solution. "Actually there is a hope for you to live.You're having a heart cancer and we can save you by doing a heart surgery.You know what I mean,erm we need a donor who willing to give their heart to you.But for now from the hospital data around seoul,there is no one who have a same type of heart with you.I will try my best to help you." I nod my head and he grab a taxi for me.I greet him and after that I go to my house.I feel totally sad about this.I only have 2 weeks to live.I take my phone out and I start to calculate something.I sigh.I only have 336 hours left?To early for me to leave this world.I cry again.My mom already sleep when I reach my house.I go into my room quickly and I lock the door.Because of my loud step before,my mom awake from her sleep.She knock my door a few times and ask me if I'm fine or no. "Mom,I'm okay.Don't worry and go sleep.I love you mom.And sorry for everything." She go to her room and after that I start to cry again.I stand up and I open the cabinet beside me,I take an old picture of me and my brother.Kris I only  have 2 weeks left now.I regret everything that I do to you.I'm gonna miss you when I'm gone later.Wu Zin Fei stop being selfish and accept your brother back.You only have 2 weeks left to spend time with him and after this you will never meet him again.I agree with my heart.I should accept him before it's getting to late.I close my eyes and I sleep while holding that picture.I can feel a hot liquid falling out from my nostril and when I wipes it away I can see a red thing on my fingers.Blood,it's a blood.I faint again and the last thing that coming out in my mind is,KRIS.I hope miracle will happen.I hope I could live a happy life with my brother.




I'm having a nighmare last night.I couldn't sleep because of it.In my dream,my sister died and she crying when she hug me.After that she just disappear like a bubble and leave me alone.It just a dream!But why it seem so real!I don't know.I wipe my tears and I look at the old picture of me and my sister.I don't take a breakfast this morning and I go to feifei mom's cafe right away.I want to meet with her.I want to make sure that she's alright.I open the doors and get into the cafe quickly.I ask her mom about her and she said that Feifei are totally fine.I feel relief and when I turn around my eyes meet with her big rounded ayes.I smile and I run toward her.I hug her tighly and the great thing is she don't fight back.She just letting me hugging her. "I'm sorry oppa.Can you forgive me?I want to live with you!I'm sorry for being stupid.I will believe your words.I will always trust you!Forgive me oppa!I'm stupid.I'm stupid!" It make me shock.Why did she need to do this?I don't know but I hope this all is not a dream.She keep hitting her head.I hold her wrist to make she stop.I pull she out from the cafe and I bring her to the nearby park.I ask her to sit beside me and explain everything. "Nothing oppa.I'm just having a nighmare last night.In my dreams,mom told me to forgive you and start a new life before it's getting to late.So I decide to accept you back.I'm sorry." I nod my head and I wipe her tears away with my fingers.But honestly I can feel that she's lying about that.I don't want to make she feel sad anymore so I decide to not ask her about that.I think all my wish have come true when she said that she want to start a new life with me.Of course I will forgive her.This is all I want in my life.I only need her to make everything perfect.I decide to take her back to the cafe.I told her mom everything.I feel so happy and act like a son of her.Well I guess she could be my mom too.I hug her and Feifei and after that I go to work like the others day.

"Good morning sir!You look so happy today." I hug Mr Ahn tightly and jump around him like a kid.All my employee looking at me with a weird face.Well I always look serious before this,so maybe they thought I'm crazy but whatever.I decide to ignore all of them and I rush to go to to my office.I want to clear out all my works quickly so that I can spend more time with Feifei.But something weird right now.How could she forgive me so easily like this?Wait a minutes,she don't said that she forgive me yet she only apologize for her mistake.There is something that she try to hide from me.Feifei you can lie to other people but not me.I know you very well.I will find it out by myself.I try to keep my attention with my works but Feifei keep coming out from my mind.I sigh and continue to do my own stuff.For sure,I can feel something is not right here.But what is it?Well I need to find the answer by myself.




"Chanyeol please tell me the truth!Please,If you see me as your brother,please tell me everything!" I kneel down infront of him asking for his symphaty.






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Midnight_Rose #1
Nooo!!! its too soon for kris to end. Cant wait to read more...nice writing so far. Keep up the good work authornim ^^