"Sir we have found your sister.Now what you want us to do sir?"..I open my eyes after I heard my assistant's voice.They found my sister?They found FeiFei?I want to cry so badly but I need to hold it.I can't describe how happy I'm right now.."How she's doing now?She's fine right.?".I can't help it,I miss her so much.There are so many things that I want to ask her after I meet with my little sister."She's fine sir.We also have doing a bit research about her background including her school,friends,and family.Do you want to know about that too?"..I nod my head and ask him to sit on a couch infront of me.I drink my coffee and I try to act cool even though I want to jump like a kid right now.He start to tell me everything.Starting from A until Z."So now currently she's living with that person.It has been 13 years already since they both live together.And your father he died in car acciednt 5 years ago.And this is where his grave at.Oh ya sir her teacher said that she told them that she doesn't have any sibling."..I nod my head.My dad died already?I will visit his grave later.I'm totally shock when he said that my sister lied to her teacher.She hate me.Yeah she hate me so much until she don't want to admit that I'm her own brother.She deserve to do that.I'm the one who left her with that man.I can't even protect her so now I want to do my job as her brother.But how will I handle all of this.She don't even admit that she have sibling.I don't know what to do.Now I know about her but can I protect her?Will she forgive me.I hope she will.I decide to meet with her so I ask for her address and I grab my car's key.I drive out from my house and rush to find her.I can't take it anymore.I miss her so much and I need to meet with her now!I reach that cafe.I try to make my self calm but I can't.I'm to excited to see her again.I get into the cafe and I decide to choose a table beside the window.I sit on the chair and waiting for the waitress to take my order.I hope it will be my sister but I'm wrong.Another girl around my sister age come to greet me and to take my order.After done she leave me alone.I can't sit properly.Where she is?I sit and stand up,I sit and stand up,I keep doing that for 10 minutes I guess.Then I see a girl coming towards me to send my drink.I sit and I try to close my face so that she can't see me.She smile and put my drink on the table infront of me.That smile!I miss that that smile!That smile that I always want to see for the past 13 years.My sister you have grown up into a beautiful angel.I don't have an enough courage to meet her.So I guess I will stalk her like this until I know she can accept me.But will she do that?She suffered a lot and I'm sure she can't forgive me that easily.I leave that cafe quickly.My heart hurt so much right now.She just infront of me.A few step from me.She just to close but I can't even hold her.Not even toucing her.My tears fall and it seems like god hear my thought.The rain also start to pouring and my tears can't be seen because of it.I keep walking in the rain.I want to hug her so badly.I can't even do that even though I'm her brother.I keep bump with other people but I don't care.I decide to go back to my house.I need to rest.I need to sleep so I can forget all this cruel destiny.



That man.He look so familiar to me.Well maybe I'm wrong.I can't see his face but I can feel something.This is the same feel that I have everytime I look at my brother.Wait a second!Brother?I don't have a brother!Whatever I should have been focus with my class.And that black car!They have been following me for 2 months already but for a week they don't!I guess they get tired to stalk me for day and night.It's good that now they stop doing that but I still curious why they need to follow me.Mrs An smack my head and I stand up right away.All my classmates laugh at me.I bow to Mrs An and I sit back on my chair."Ya!What are you thinking about?Share it with me!Is it about  Sehunnie?."I turn to my left and I pat Soo Jung's shoulder."I'm not.Why should I think about him."She pout and ignore me.Well this girl is my bestfriend.I only trust two person in this world which is Soo Jung and my Mummy.They both always stick with me everytime.When I don't have my mom to comfort me Soo Jung will always by my side to make me feel safe.She always make me smile.It has been 7 years since I know her.She's my neighbour so I always go to her house and her parents don't care about that.She and her family always treat me well.The class end so fast until I don't even realize about it.My friends decide to got to the library to do some research for our new project but I can't join them because I need to help my mom.They know about that and let me go.After a few minutes I reach the cafe.Before I'm coming here I went to my house first to rest for a while.I get into the cafe and start to do my work.Well they are not so many customer for now.So I ask permission from my mom to go outside.I go to the nearby park.I sit on the bench and the wind hit my body.After that I take a bit time to walk around.I can feel someone following me.I ignore it and act like nothing happen.I'm sure that person can't do anything bad to me because this place are a bit  to open to doing that.It has been 15 minutes and he still following me.So I try to act brave and I turn around to see that person.I feel like time stop moving.For a second I told myself that I miss this person so much but after that it turn into a disgusting feelings.I take a deep breath and I look at him.I don't have anything to said so I just walk as fast as I can.I hate him.I HATE HIM!My tears fall and my mind become so miserable.I can feel someone holding my hand.I try to resist by pulling back my hand but I'm not strong enough to beat him.H epull me into her embrace.And I cry like crazy.I really miss to hug him.I can feel his heart beating so fast.I push him away from me.My heart say that I miss him but my mind ask me to hate him.I stuck between my own feelings.I don't know what to do.My leg feel wobbly and after that I can't see anything anymore.Black it's all black!



I hug her tightly.I miss her damn so much but she push me away after that.After a few steps she fall.I rush to grab her.She collapse.I sigh and pick her up in a bridal style.I take her to my house.All my servants looking at both of us.They thought she's my girlfriend.I smile and ignore all of them.I will let my assistant explain everything to them.I put her on my bed.I leave her there and I decide to go the cafe to inform her mom.I  reach there and I start to explain everything.She look suprise and shock.I can see that she worry about Feifei.I told her that Feifei will stay at my house for tonight.At first she don't trust that I'm her brother but after I told her the whole story she can take the fact that I'm her brother.She agree to let Feifei stay with me for a night.I leave that cafe after I greet her.I drive in a high speed.I reach my house after 30 minutes.My servant said that Feifei still sleeping.It's about 10 p.m right now and she still sleeping like a baby.So I go downstair and I decide to wait for her.I fall asleep but I wake up again after I heard something upstair.I run to the second floor and I open the door to my room.Feifei already wake up.For a while we both keep in silence."Fei I miss you.".My tears fall.She doesn't give any reaction with my words.She sigh."Miss me?!Hahaha are you kidding me.Don't try to act like an angel now Kris!So pathetic!"..Her words hurts my feelings but it's my fault too.She push me away and she want to get out from the room but I can't let she go.I need more time with her.She rush and go downstair.I run right behind her.I already asked all my servants to leave my house and take a rest for tonight so now I'm alone with her.I need more space for both of us.She run outside but I quickly grab her hand and pull her back inside the house.I lock the door and I ask her to sit on the couch infront of me.She's totally stubborn like before.She follow my words and sit infront of me.She keep staring right into my eyes.I smile and she throw a cushion beside her to me and I dodge it.She looks totally mad now."What the hell are you doing right now?!Why did you bring me here?!"..I laugh and she sigh."Well you're my sister!I can do anything I want."She answer me with a harsh words."!I'm not your sister you !".I stand and I hold her wrist.Well I try to make she feel scare but she don't."??Who teach you that kind of harsh word?"I let her hand go and I hug her.She don't fight back.So I keep hugging her until she move her head."Now can I go back to my house?"..She ask me but I shake my head and say NO!She bite my hand and try to run away but dahhh! her leg is short so I catch her easily. "No.Not yet!We have so many things to talk right now!." She just standing infront of me like a statue.Not even one word come out from her small lips so I decide to start a conversation with her. "I miss you.I'm sorry for being stupid.I need to do that.Please forgive me." I hope she will trust my words but I'm wrong. "Yes you're stupid!You're selfish!You leave me for money!Because of money you forget about your promise!You forget about your responsible to your sister!You forget our love!You forget everything about us!After you leave me,I need to live with appa.And guess what!?He treat me like an animal!He will hit me when he was mad.He leave me at home without any food to eat!I need to beg for a food from our neighbour.I have a father but I live like a beggar!It's hurt!It's hurt so much but no one will heard my voice!There are no one who care about me!I'm 8 years old that time.I'm to young to protect myself from an animal like him!After a few moths I can't take it anymore so I ran away from that hell because he tried to me.For the first time in my life,I see this world as a hell!I lost evryone including my brother.I almost lost my pride too!After I ran away I need to sleep by the roadside.It's cold but I can't feel it anymore because my heart hurt so much.And yeah I totally look like a beggar that time.I sleep by the roadside while you!You live like a prince!It's unfair right!Hhahaha but this is world!And I need to accept that.But after that an angel appear in my life.I meet with my mom.Well I guess you already know about her right?She's the one who protect me.She's the one who save me.She's the one who give me hope to keep living.And you?!You did nothing!You just giving me a scar in my heart that will never disappear!I hate you!I hate you!" She keep crying and crying and crying.It's make me feel like dying to see her like this.She need to go through all of that?She hit my chest with her small hand.I hold her wrist to make she stop. "I'm sorry for being selfish.I'm sorry because I don't keep my promise to you.I'm sorry because I leave you.I'm sorry for everything.But did you know that I also..." She cut my words with her harsh respond.I feel so shock.But I know this all will happen. "Sorry?!Do you think I can forgive you after all of this!No way!" She reply me with that cruel thing.My tears fall again.Did she know that I also need to suffer like her?Did she know that I love her so much?!She leave me and go outside.It's raining heavily.I run after her and I shout her name which make she stop running. "Fei can you give me another chance?Did you know that I also need to go through a hard time just like you?Do you think I'm happy living with them?Did you think I want this all happen?Only my dad love me while my mom,she never want to accept me as her son!Infront of her husband she will treat me like a prince but when he's not around she will lock me in the room for all day.She always hit me when I make something that she don't like.She also said that I'm a beggar.She always remind me that I will died already if her husband don't save me!My dad usually will work abroad which take him for about 1 months or maybe longer than that ,so she will take that time to torture me.She will let me sleep with the dog outside our house and she will only provide foods and drinks in the morning.I need to starve until she give me another food for the next day.She will bring another man when my father was working and she will hit me if I make her boyfriend feel mad.I can't even tell dad about that because I know he will never trust me.She tried to kill me before but god save me.I need to go through all of this until they died a few months ago.My dad leave everything to me.And that time I decide to find you again.Did you know about all of this?I know I'm wrong.It's my fault.But you should be grateful because you don't need to to live like me for 13 years.Did you know that I miss you so much?!I don't blame you for all of this because I'm the one who choose that way.I don't ask you to love me like your brother.I don't ask you for your money!I just want you to forgive me!But you said you will never do that.Did you know that my classmates always said that I didn't deserve to be a part of them.I know about that.But everytime I think about you I will forget all of that things.Did you know that I love you so much?Did you know all of this?!Answer me Fei!Answer me!" My tears fall in a same speed as the rain.She turn around and now we both facing each other. "Just say whatever you want Wu Yi Fan!!I will never believe your words.And trust me Kris,I will never forgive you!Never!" I wipe my tears away but it keep falling. "What can I do so that you will forgive and trust me?" I hold her wrist but she pull her hand right away. "Die for me then I will trust you!I will also forgive you if you can do that for me!But I know you will never do that.So just forget it!And don't you ever dare to touch me anymore!" I feel so shock with her words.I only can see she disappear int the rain.Die for her?I will do that if it can make she trust me.I will sacrifice my life for her.I fall on the ground and the rain hit my body.It's cold.I lay on the ground for a few minutes and I try to gather all my strength to stand up.I go inside my house.I sleep on my bed with my wet cloths on.I don't care anymore.I will die for you Feifei if you want that to happen.I love you my sister.Don't miss me when I'm gone later.



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Midnight_Rose #1
Nooo!!! its too soon for kris to end. Cant wait to read more...nice writing so far. Keep up the good work authornim ^^