I Feel Moody.

Hyosung's Oneshot Collection

Hyosung smiled, lifting her arms in the air to feel the breeze pass through her. It's been a while since she's had a vacation, and being stuck at some lame office was not how she wanted to spend it. Even if she only had a week just to relax, it was way better than nothing.

Every since Hyosung moved away from her old apartment, she's gotten a new job as an accountant. It doesn't sound like the worst job in the world, but if you were put in a corner, surrounded by immature losers for five months, you'd think otherwise.

She grabbed the smooth handle of her suitcase and waited by the bus stop, tapping her long fingernails against the filthy pole. About five minutes passed, and Hyosung was sitting on top of her suitcase, trying really hard not to fall off. Finally, the bus arrived and opened its door. She puffed out her cheeks, and tried to carry her luggage on board. Passing the bus driver, she eyed a seat in the third row, and hopped down onto it, brushing against the surface to get rid of any tiny particles of dirt or any crumbs that may have fallen. Hyosung clapped her hands, and glanced out the window, hoping to get to the beach quickly.

It's been a while since she's been to the beach, and it's been even longer since she's been to the beach with him. After they split up, Hyosung moved away from him, and tried to start a new life. It . Mostly because all that she remembered were the happy things when she was with him. Her mind just completely put away how moody he would get, how his personality would change in less than a second, how they would always be fighting. At the end of the day he would turn into a complete gentleman, since he would be really guilty after a fight.

'If we meet again by chance. Have you been well?' Hyosung laughed softly about how crazy she must be to be having a conversation with him in her head.

'I'm good too.' She replied, picturing his eye smile, and his pretty dark hair framing his face. Hyosung looked out the window and sighed, clutching her bag close to her.

'I want to greet you with a smile.' And she really did, since it's been so long since she's seen him. Wondering where he might be right now, and his current feelings for her.

'I would like to meet you girlfriend too.' Letting out another deep exhale, Hyosung knew that he'd probably moved on. Since he left her, there was a chance that he found a better person than her. Someone who could give more him more than she could ever bring.

'I've been holding back, to not cry, but I feel fine now.' Lies, lies. She wasn't fine, but she would be. Sooner or later. Glancing down at her shaking hands, she played with her fingers. Trying not to compare herself to his new girlfriend, she was tired of feeling like crap, and she seriously needed to stop thinking she wasn't perfect. Damn her perfectionist side of her.

'It feels nice today.' It did, remembering how good the wind felt against her body, remembering how perfect the sun was shining against her. It was a great day to begin her vacation.

Opening her suitcase a tiny bit enough just to get a view of something that she brought with her. To a regular person, they'd probably think it was junk. But even with the small gap, she could spot a tiny view of an old shoebox, decorated in pastel tissue paper. Hyosung smiled her normal gummy smile, and quickly closed it. She sprung up and looked around the bus, there wasn't that many people except some elders in the back, and a woman around her age, listening to music from her phone, with a light-colored box sitting on her lap. As Hyosung was studying the lady, she looked up and made eye contact with Hyosung, giving her a small smile. Hyosung smiled back and waved, sitting back down in her seat.

Hyosung already booked herself a hotel, and unpacked her luggage. Next stop was to the lighthouse that she'd always visited anytime she was here. Once she was there, she leaned against the rail, thinking about Lee Joon. She missed him more today and she didn't want to tell herself that, even though it was the truth. Was he doing well, was he still the same? Questions like that have been haunting her mind for a long time. It was because she was alone, and she felt moody. But who wouldn't when you're revisiting the past.

Heels clicking against the concrete floor captured Hyosung's attention. She turned her head and blinked twice, it was the same woman from the bus. What a coincidence. Hyosung took a deep breath, to collect herself, and decided to get ice cream, not wanting to disturb the woman.

Walking through alleys and twist and turns, Hyosung walked into a small shop, bought a coconut and kiwi cream popsicle and sat outside on the bench. Her mind racked through her thoughts of today, especially about that lady. For a moment, she was actually distracted from Lee Joon. A burst of happiness exploded throughout her chest, and it lasted for a moment before she went to her sulking self.

'Will you come back? Will you come back? I waited all night in a dark room.' The night he left, she told him that she could forget about him, and how much she hated him. He was frustrated, and he just walked out of the door. She assumed that he just needed time to cool off, but he never came back. Except that time where he came to get his stuff, and she tried to keep her distance, and pretend that she didn't care. But all she did was push him even farther, which was the total opposite of what she wanted. So she waited for him and she waited, and she cried a lot too. Because she knew that it wouldn't work out even if they met again. She hated herself in that moment, for laughing and crying because of him alone.

Lee Joon always like this kind of weather, so that made her even miss him more today. More because the wind feels cool and the weather was nice. A part of her wondered if time passes a little, will she be able to see him once more? If he meet someone good and became happy... Will he forget her? The more she thought about him, the more she missed him.

Suddenly, the same woman sat down next to her, looking depressed and tired. Hyosung smirked, wasn't she feeling depressed and tired? She really needed to get away from this woman, though she wanted to ask her what was wrong and was she okay?

Hyosung got up, and from the corner of her eye she could see the lady wipe a tear that was about to drop to the ground. 'Just ignore it, Hyo...' It wasn't any of her business, and she shouldn't get involved in stuff like this. Walking a short distance to a nearby restaurant, and ordered a small plate of pork BBQ with a bottle of their best soju. She obviously needed it.

She wasn't in the mood to eat, or drink. Hyosung was about half done with her plate, and stared out at the open sea. No words could describe its beauty. Again, the same woman approached the table next to her and ordered a bottle of soju. The waiter immediately delivered it to her, and once she had it in her hands, she automatically served her self. Hesitating a bit, before gulping down the cup. Hyosung watched this poor woman down soju like it was nothing, and finally she understood why. She could see the pain behind this stranger's eyes, the same pain she was experiencing.

Tears were running down their faces, and they were almost done with their bottles. Hyosung had spent some time and introduced herself, and found out that this woman (Sunhwa) had also gotten out of a rough breakup. They found out that they have a lot in common, and that Sunhwa was a year younger than her. In the distance you could hear them laugh happily for the first time, and sharing stories with each other.

Hyosung had Sunhwa wait in her hotel room, so she could get that battered shoebox out of her suitcase, and Sunhwa went to fetch her box before meeting at the beach. It turns out that each box was made on this very beach, and that each box had pictures, letters, and other things that reminded them of their previous lovers. They took turns lighting each piece on fire, with a lighter Sunhwa brought. It symbolized that they were finally over their exes, and that they've become good friends.

They were finally set free from this misery and they sat back and watched the sun set against the sky, with a pair of sparklers in their hands.


The road we walked together

The story of you and me 

The time we spent together

But now is worse

I promised... I thought I'd be fine

I miss you a lot today


REQUESTED BY: superstarhyo

»A/N: omfg, this is the worst oneshot ever. i was rushing this, so if there's any mistakes forgive me. i really like this couple, but i felt like i did a crappy job!~ it tried to lay down on the 'angst' too. lee joon really didn't make that much of an appearance... ._. i'm going to work the the part 2 of the banghyo one, probably tomorrow. i promise you guys that i will write something fluffy. i really like ballads, so i tend to write angst. i like getting super emotional. lol. xD anyways, SUPERSTARHYO, i'll do the jonghoon one after banghyo. it's going to be fluffy, i hope.. lol, how is it? thank you for subscribing everyone!~ <333

Inspired by: Because I Miss You More Today - Davichi

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TriX209 #1
Gikwang x Hyoseong :DD
I love this!
Chapter 8: Hey bby! Don't you think you need to make a sequel? .-.
I want to know what B-bom hid from her x3 and I think they can still be together, if only they'd talk heart to heart c:
It feels new you know, when reading this. So not your type o_O Well, at least not like the prev oneshots^^;; but you did a great job!!<33
Update soon=)
Chapter 8: Ahh i request this,right?? Thank you thank you..it's great..b-bomb as possesive boyfriend..hehe..yeah it seems unfinished but its okay..great story, nice writing :)
Chapter 8: waah that was awesome
you shoudl try story like this
your good at it
update soon
Chapter 7: ;-; so sad... This one is just too deep *sigh* ~
Anyway I just realized that the fic is tagged with angst lol.
I'm gonna enjoy more angst fics of you then!
Chapter 6: Aaaak love this!<33 I'm relieved, really. Reading this chap after reading the previous ones are really having cold air blew out on your face lol. I mean, this is the only happy-ending oneshot among the others ;-;
Anyway, update soon chloe! And if I allowed to, may I request one featuring Jaejoong?^^
gihyoB2Secret #8
Chapter 6: kikwang hyosung pleaseeee :))
Unnie can i request hyosung and sehun ?
daebak300 #10
Chapter 6: this is sweet and cute... great job....