Do you love me

Locked memories

"Did you ever say you loved me."

Key was shocked.

"Do you love me?"

He cleared his throat.
"why do you think it could be a memory and not dream?"
he tried to act calm but you could still hear in his voice he was shocked.

"I eh well I"

"you could never imagine wanting something like that because you hate me"

"well not like that and I don't really hate you. It doesn't matter just tell me if you did or not"

"what if I did"

"than. Than than at least I know And I well I don't know"

"I did tell you I love you, we were together for a shot time than you had to go and now you lost everything of that I wasn't sure how to act. I knew I loved you but wasn't sure about you if you would love me again"

"that does explain how you acted. I understand it now I think I would have done the same. Thank you for telling me"

"let’s go to school now before we get to late”

You started walking.

“It must hurt knowing the one you love doesn’t  even remember you”

“It’s not your fault it just happened. So I don’t blame you.

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Chapter 7: It is good! Keep updating!