Chapter 2

If Kyungsoo Doesn't Say 'I Do'
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           Kyungsoo stood frozen outside of Jongin’s office.  After standing there for three minutes, he still wasn’t sure if should enter or not.  The last time he spoke to Jongin was this morning when he dropped the younger off before parking the car. 

            He didn’t want to hurt the younger because obviously Jongin was hurt.  He didn’t want to make things worse by trying to explain to Jongin that he didn’t believe in marriages. Jongin wanted to have children in the future; he wanted to adopt a puppy with Kyungsoo a few times before.  I mean Kyungsoo wasn’t against having pets or kids.  It’s just that it was too soon. 

            Kyungsoo was in a few relationships before.  But none of those were serious.  He never had such intense feelings for someone and it was even more surprising because it was only a little more than a year ago he wanted to rip Jongin’s head off.  He and Jongin went from being acquaintances, to friends, to rivals and then boyfriends. 

            His relationship with Jongin had always been complicated.  There were more good moments than bad but the bad ones were definitely horrible.  However, in the last year since going out there was not even a single bad thing he could remember.  Yeah they had some fights but their fights never lasted long.  They loved each other too much.  

            But marriage. 

            Kyungsoo didn’t believe in marriage, never did.  Maybe his parents’ failed marriage was the cause of that.  They married when they were young and in love.  But after 10 years it started going downhill.  The honeymoon phase was long over; the young love was gone.  His mom became a workaholic.  His dad drank and slept with other women.  But the two stayed together because of Kyungsoo.  They didn’t want their son to live a hard life of moving from one parent to the other or even worse: choose sides.  They wanted Kyungsoo to have a family life. 

But Kyungsoo didn’t really have a family life growing up.  His parents were almost never home because they wanted to stay away from each other, to prevent seeing the mistake they made in their lives.  Kyungsoo wasn’t the mistake; they both loved him to death.  But marriage had been. 

            So why get married?  If you stay together, you stay together.  You didn’t need a marriage certificate to prove that you would stay together until death.  Marriage was binding.  Love was simple.  It worked or it didn’t.  If it did, then it should just be that.  So even though he knew he loved Jongin, Kyungsoo didn’t want to get married to him. 

            But he didn’t want to lose Jongin.  If Jongin decided to leave him…over something so trivial…

            Maybe it wouldn’t be bad.  He loved Jongin and if marriage made Jongin happy then maybe he should say yes. 

            Kyungsoo was about to knock on the door when it opened by itself; Kyungsoo found himself falling forward.

            “Whoa, hyung,” Jongin said surprisingly as he caught Kyungsoo in his arms.

            Kyungsoo scrambled out of Jongin’s arms, his face completely red.

            “I um…sorry about that,” Kyungsoo said awkwardly.  His face was slowly turning red.

            Jongin laughed, “Why are you sorry?”  Jongin was smiling, but it turned into a frown as he realized the last time they talked was when Kyungsoo rejected his marriage proposal.  And Kyungsoo was about to knock on his door.  That means he was going to break up with him.  This means there wouldn’t be Kaisoo anymore.

            “Are you okay?” Kyungsoo put a hand to his cheek, “You look kind of green.”

            “I…uh…um yeah I forgot to get something at Ms. Oh’s!  I’ll be back soon!” and without a word Jongin was sprinting for the elevator. 


            “Hey,” Chen knocked on Kyungsoo’s door around lunch time.  The whole group usually went to eat lunch at the same time in the cafeteria.  There were times when one or two of them had to bring lunch to their desks to finish work.  And it was almost impossible to get Kris to join them because he preferred eating alone in his office, but lunch time was where everyone caught up with the latest news or gossip and just talked. 

            “Jongin still hasn’t come back yet,” Kyungsoo stood up and went to where Chen was waiting at his door.  He looked through the open door of the office right across from his; no one was in it. 

            “Where’d he go?” Chen looked into the office. 

            “I don’t know.  He had to talk to Ms. Oh or something.”

            “Jongin didn’t come to see Ms. Oh.  I would’ve seen him.”

            Kyungsoo almost jumped when he heard a low voice, “Holy crap where did you come from?” Kyungsoo grasped at his heart as he saw Chanyeol, Ms. Oh’s desk receptionist.  He was the newest addition to their group at Oh Corp.    

            “I came from the 100th floor?”

            “So you didn’t see him today?” Kyungsoo began nervously.  Where could Jongin be?   


            Jongin took another breath as he looked over the side of the building.  He was currently on the roof.  This was where he usually came to think. He could yell out all his frustrations or let the wind dry up all his tears.  Most importantly he could avoid the upcoming break up that would surely happen.  He could force himself to get used to the idea up here. 

            He was beginning to regret proposing to Kyungsoo.  Maybe he was stupid; maybe he was thinking too fast.  But in all honesty, the signs were there.  Their relationship seemed to be heading in this direction.  Sure they’d only been dating for a year but if they knew they were going to be together then it didn’t matter how long they’d been together.  In Jongin’s opinio

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doksoo1201 #1
Chapter 7: i really really really love the ending. thank you so much for writing this fic. I loved it!!!!
doksoo1201 #2
Chapter 6: yesss, finallyyyyyyyy!!!!
doksoo1201 #3
Chapter 5: i think jongin's decision is right ㅠㅠ
doksoo1201 #4
Chapter 3: so cuteeeeee
doksoo1201 #5
Chapter 2: both of them is so selfless
Chapter 7: This story is so cute I just can't stop smiling. Both of them are so stupid in love
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 7: Oh my so cute...

Thanks for sharing this great story.. love it so much
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 6: Ohmy gash..
So nice of Kyungsoo asking Jongin's mom that he wants to marry Jongin... owwwwww
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 5: Uh oh... the failed marriage of Kyungsoo's parents took a big toll on him... oh my... hope the lasr chapter is good with a nice ending hehe
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 4: Jongin is having doubts about Kyungsoo's sincerity... just don't be too negative Jongin dear .. maybe Kyungsoo is thinoing something about how he'll go about the marriage