
Love Straw

Baekhyun warned me to ignore the Queenkas, however I just ignored Baekhyun’s warning.

What's there to be afraid of with some high school girls?




School has ended for the day.

I saw Byung and Chanyeol walking home together hand-in-hand.

Hanna's going back home with Kris by her side, carrying her school books. Aww what a sweet guy.

Looking to my right, I saw Baekhyun approaching me with a smile on his face.

“Going home alone?” Baekhyun asked me.

I nodded, answering to his question and smiled at him.

“Should I walk you home then ?” with me replying “Why not?”



[ Min Gi's POV ]


Kris and Hanna also looks like a perfect pair.

With Kris being a sweet guy, helping his girlfriend carry her school books and all.


I swear Byung and Chanyeol looks good together.

Both of them have that creepy idiot smile and they both just love to bully each other, but in a cute way those couple does.

Say, did I just see a 2-second kiss ?

Byung and Chanyeol really just kissed.

Oh how I wish I'm in a relationship like that.


Baekhyun, he's walking me back home.

Does he like me ? Well maybe not.

It’s only my first day here and I made good friends.

I don’t really care if my new friends are idiots. Poor, rich, creepy etc.

The most important thing is they are willing to be my friend.


That night, Byung texted me. Yeah, we exchanged numbers of course.

She asked me to  hangout with them tomorrow.

Since tomorrow is a Saturday, I simply agreed.

However bad news kinda ruined the day a bit the next morning.

Hanna, Suho, Kyungsoo, Xiumin and Kris had vocal classes while the others had a science project due Monday.

Looks like it's just Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Byung and me for the hangout.


We went to the mall and shopped a lot of clothes, well mainly Byung's clothes.

Whenever Chanyeol wraps his arms around Byung’s shoulder and carries the shopping bags for her, I somehow get jealous.

While Baekhyun walks besides me, we don't even talk much.

We had a small conversation during lunch and Baekhyun asked me if I had fun.

Fun? Of course I did, I went out with new friends.


But again I envy Byung.

Chanyeol's just wrapping his arms around her waist.

Why am I forever alone ?




They went to carnival near the mall.

Byung and Chanyeol played whack-a-mole and had won themselves a stuffed teddy bear with a pink bowtie.

Baekhyun was looking at Min Gi’s expression. “Do you want a bear too ? Let's play” he pulled Min Gi’s hand and played the game.


They won a panda bear which was half the size of Min Gi’s body.

Baekhyun seems a little proud at himself “Do you like it?” Min Gi nodded in reply.

They both saw Byung and Chanyeol queuing for the Couple’s Fantasy ride.

Baekhyun poked Min Gi’s shoulder “Want to ride it ?” Min Gi answered by widening her eyes.

Baekhyun pulled her along and lined up to the ride.


While Min Gi was enjoying the ride, Baekhyun accidently placed his hands on top of Min Gi’s.

Min Gi’s heart started beating rapidly.

Is this for real? Did he accidently placed his hand on mine or ... no, I must be crazy.

Do I like him ? Min Gi stop. This is nonsense.

Min Gi ignored about it for awhile and continued enjoying the ride.

After the ride, Chanyeol sent them back home. They were really tired.




It's finally Monday and they met at school.

Baekhyun waved at Min Gi as she entered the class.

Min Gi was happy to see him, she was going to confess to him later.

Now, they have history class.


Recess time. Of course Min Gi went to the cafeteria with Hanna and Byung. They ate the same thing. Min Gi excused herself after recess and went to the toilet. After she’d finished her business, she was on the way to the library.

She saw Baekhyun. She wants to talk to him. When she was heading towards him, she stopped her foot. Baekhyun is kissing someone. Someone known as Minah. Min Gi was heartbroken. Even tho it hurts seeing them but Min Gi’s eyes were glued tough on them.

Her tears started to drop. She ran to the toilet again and facing the mirror. She cried heavier than before. The bell rangs. Recess time is over. she washed her face and wipe her tears. She head off to class.

She arrives at class and sit at her place. Baekhyun stared her and he asked. “You cried? Why your eyes are swollen?” Min Gi shook his head. She starts cried heavily again. “Its okay. Let it out. If you’re ready to tell me, just tell. I’m a good listener.” Baekhyun pities her and let her cry on his chest.


[Byung’s POV]

I had a great day at school with Chanyeol. He kissed me in class making the other students jealous. I wasn’t suppose to feel this way. But, who cares?

Someone knocked on my door at 8.00pm. It was Min Gi. She hugged me after I opened the door for her. She looks kinda sad.

I let her in and we sat on my bed.

“I think I love Baekhyun.” She started crying. I was really shocked. She liked Baekhyun? Omygod. She’s too late.

“I don’t know why I cried. my heart burns seeing him kissed Minah. I’m just… an ordinary girl.

I Laughed seeing her confessed her feelings to me. She started to stare at me confusing why I laughed. “Byung, its not funny. Why are you laughing?” I smiled.

I pinched her cheeks. “Haha. Why are you that slow? Don’t you know they were in a play. They were only practicing. Btw, Baekhyun hates Minah. How could he liked a like her?”

Her jaw dropped. I laughed again and someone knocks my window.

Chanyeol is climbing my window. I let him in and he startled me. “You cheated on me and became a lesbian?” I punched him. “Lesbian? U think I’m that seductive ayy? I’ll kick ur pen** you idiot fagot.”

“Now now. I was joking. Stop being an .” He smiled and kissed me. He apologizes at Min Gi for disturbing our conversation.

5 minutes later, Baekhyun texted me.

‘I need to ask you something about Min Gi. Since you are close with her.’

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update juseyoo
Pretty_gurl_16 #2
Chapter 3: Please update I love ur story so much!!