Kiss or Hug

Love Straw
" my phone just died. Where's the charger!"
Min Gi cried and cried. Byung just cant stand it.
"I'll make you hot choco. Let's go downstairs."
[Min Gi's POV]
Why cant i stop crying. Its kinda embarassing to cry infront of them.
someon knocked at her door. Maybe it is Luhan. He must be returning Byung's shirt that her sister borrowed.
"Hi Byung. Can i come in?" It sounds familiar to me. I turn my head and saw him. Its Baekhyun. Why is he here? When did Byung invited him.
Yeah i'm screwed. He greets me like he did nothing. I forcely sincerely greets him back. Then he started ing his mouth and ask me a million a question. 
"How are you? Are you sick? Did the queenkas beat you?"
"I'm fine Baek." I tried to talk facing the living room to prevent him from seeing my swollen eyes.
"Why you're not looking at me? Did u cried again. Tell me whats wrong?? I cared about you. So can you please-"
"Baek. Its nothing. I just failed my piano test in my forth try. That's why." I just gonna tell him the truth, but my lips dont want to. I ing hate this situation.
Baekhyun pinched my cheecks "Its okay, just a small matter. I can help you train a song for your fifth try."
I just nodded my head without compromises. So now i'm okay with Baek. Thanks god he stopped bugging me. 
[Chanyeol's POV]
Ahhh ... Its science. I'm going crazy when Mr Kang always asking me the questions. him. Byung is playing with her phone again.
I totally liked it a lot when me and Byung are in the same class for 4 years straight and she always like, sit beside me. I even cant stand it when she gets angry. She kinda like a cute baby when she's mad.
Yeah.. In like 3 weeks its our 4th year anniversary. Its been four years already and we still not married yer :P
Mr Kang is doing a project and he will pick the partner. Like i said, i'm going crazy with this guy. He always keep repeating 'No kissing in the hallway' to me. 
Yeah, like i'm the only guy who is kissing a girl. And he definately hates me and Byung beeing a couple. 
He just picked Suho as my partner. While Byung's with Luhan. The this teacher. You'll rot in hell with Micheal Jackson. I swear.
We must exchange places in his class. So Byung exchanged with Suho in the back who is sitting with the deer. 
Ugh how jealous am i to Luham. .
"Yeol, i cant walk with you today. I have a project planning with Luhan. I'm sorry" Byung kissed Chanyeol and waved at him. Chanyeol's smile just fade away.
Bro, they are just studying. Ugh why cant i just let Byung go. This is hard. .
Chanyeol walked home alone and Kris greeted him.
"Yo bro. Where's your princess?"
"She's doing science project with Luhan."
"Oh snap. I just wanna ask you two to join our movie date. Maybe next time ayy bro."
Chanyeol smiled and just nodded.
"They're not joining babe. Lets just go home."
"Okay. Where's your mom Kris? Is she fetching us?" Hanna is fixing her shoelace.
"Yeah wait a bit. I texted her already."
Chanyeol went back to school to search for Byung. He saw them in the music studio. Luhan is playing the piano while Byung watch him play.
"Hey. Planning on science project huh?"
"Yeah. After 3pm. Its 2;30 now. How about calling Suho to come over helping you with the project. We can do it together."
"Nvm Byung. So. What song is that. i think i heard it. It's from exo right?"
"Oh yeah. Should i sing it in Korean or chinese?"
"Luhan, you sing? Okay in korean please"
Luhan started to play the piano

Deoneun mangseoriji ma jebal

nae simjangeul geodueo ga 

Geurae nalkaroulsurok joha

dalbit jochado nuneul gameun bam 


Byung is touched by Luhan's singing. She's smiling.
While Chanyeol stares at Byung. She liked Luhan? What is this. That mothering dude just seduce my babe. The kk..
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update juseyoo
Pretty_gurl_16 #2
Chapter 3: Please update I love ur story so much!!