Third encounter

Being a star isn't everything

Jongin woke up to the sounds of birds chirping. He smiled as he opened the curtain letting his eyes flutter; trying to adjust to the bright sun. He put on a hoodie and some sweats. He grabbed his ipod and headed outside for a run. He didn't know where he was going but he needed to clear his mind. He ran for hours and before he knew it he was in front of the cafe. He put his hands on the handle and realized he smelled like . He started walking off when someone called him. He turned and saw Sehun running towards him with a smile.

" Hey."

" Hey."

It got quiet from there and they just stood still taking in each others appearance. Sehun looked fresh with his outfit or was it him that looked fresh.




" This is not my outfit. I was just out on a run." Jongin said really quickly and Sehun chuckled.

" It's okay. It's not a fashion show."

" yeah."

" So are you coming in to have breakfast?" Sehun asked.

" Maybe after I shower." Jongin said rubbing his neck awkwardly.

" Okay. I'll be waiting." Sehun smiled heading in to the cafe. He looked down at his phone and groaned pressing the decline button. Jongin  quickly ran back to the hotel and took a quick shower.  He put something good on and started walking towards the cafe with a smile.



He entered the cafe and everyone's eyes him. He just walked over the counter only to be greeted by a glare. He was quessing they all didn't like him.

" Hey." 

" Good morning."

" Chen right."

" 'Yes. What do you want?" he asked bitterly.

" Um. Is Sehun here?"

" Why do you want to know?" he asked.

" I just wanted to ask if he wanted to hang out.

" Well he can't. He's a busy man unlike you. So why don't you dissapear and leave him alone." he coldly replied.

" Look. What is wrong with you people? I just want to hang out with a friend. You guys are seriously losers. I'm not trying to get in his pants or anything."

" What did you say?" he growled pushing Jongin against the nearest wall grabbing everyone's attention.

" I. Said. I'm. Not. Trying. To. Get. Into. His, Pants. Yet" Jongin smirked and Chen threw a punch across his face. Jongin stood up and wiped his blood before punching Chen. They started attacking each other while the costumers just stood there shocked. They guys came running in. Chanyeol and Baekhyun held Jongin back while Xiumin and Suho held Chen back.

" What the hell hapened?" Kris asked clearly pissed. Jongin and Chen stayed quiet glaring at each other.

" I asked a ing question!" Kris repeated clearly angry.

" He said he was fooling around to get in Sehun's pants!"

Everyone froze staring at Jongin. Luhan exploded with anger and punched Jongin. Jongin punched him back pushing him away for a bit.

" You ing bastard! I said I would kill you if you hurt him!" Luhan exploded puching him with everyone word. Tao and Krsi held Luhan back and they all stood glaring at each other.

" Hyungs?" a voice called making them all freeze. Everyone turned and saw Sehun shocked with wide eyes. The costumers were also silent. It was like a free dine in movie.

Sehun ran over and carresed Luhan's face before looking over to Chen and Jongin.

" What happened?" Sehun asked checking Chen's face.

" There was a robbery. They were the only ones in the store." a costumer spoke up since the rest were all dead silent. Sehun walked over and caressed Jongin's face.

" OmG! Hyung they hurted you the most!" Sehun said looking all over Jongin's face.

" I'm fine. I'm gonna go. Check on your friends okay." Jongin smiled and Sehun smiled pulling Chen and Luhan in the back along with Kyungsoo and Xiumin.

" I don't want you near Sehun." Suho stated and Jongin chuckled.

" I don't think it's up to you."

" Ya! We're not messing around. Leave him alone or watch." Baekhyun warned. Jongin dryly chuckled again.

" What? You're gonna kill me? I though you were my fan."

" Brothers come before hoes! In this case bros before ignorant stars!" Baekhyun stated.

" I'll decide whether I want to or not okay." Jongin said walking out of the shop with everyone's eyes piercing his back even the costumers.He walked into his hotel room and collapsed in tears on the bed. This was really hard on him. How could he just lie to Sehun? He knew it was more than just lust. Good damn it he was in love with the boy! He wasn't gonna go down with a fight whether it mean beating all those guys or not. He was going to get Sehun.

Woo! I updated <3 Sorry it took long but hope you enjoyed. Please comment and I'll love you beatiful people <333333333333



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Very good story!
Chapter 5: Aww! Take ur time and good luck :) Oppa fighting!
Chapter 4: Omona you updated >\\\\< Yayy!~
Ur story is very nice and I really like it <3
But well... I actually want to give u some of my opinion...
Maybe this can help you a bit to make ur story better (or not ;) idk)
First, I like how u used those pics to give us readers the idea of how Sehun and Kai's outfit look like but then... those guys look nothing similar to our babies ><
I actually felt a bit awkward when I saw those pics (idk why... Maybe becuz I'm too weird >~<)
I think maybe the next time you will like to use their picture, I mean the picture of themself for those describe, like Sehun picture for Sehun's outfit... (I hope u understand me T^T)
Second and also the last one Cx~ I dont get why Exo hyungs hate Kai so much... They were A LITTLE BIT (maybe not just a little) but tooo protective over Sehun... Is there a reason, like something happened to Sehun in the past that cause them being like this!?!? (Lol Idk just taking a guess xD)
But still I hope the hyungs wont hate Kai anymore, maybe they should give him a chance to be with their baby Sehun >\\\<
To be honest I actually love how they careeee sooo much for baby Sehun ^-^ (everybody love the maknae huh!!!!) but at the same time I also feel bad for Kai ><
Anyway sorry for this long/boring/weird comment T^T *bow*
Update ASAP and fighting Author-nim!!!!!~~~~
Chapter 4: lol I thought Jongin was bad. Update soon =)
Ohh. I think Luhan loves Sehun and that's why he's so protective over him. Jongin better be careful <3
Update soon. Good luck with your college entrance exams. I'll give you my special good luck <3
NickkyYApple #6
Chapter 1: YAYAYA KYAA Kiyomi i love it !!! carry on please i don't mind reading my eyes out.....if that made sense?
Chapter 1: Yeah i know. Thats very suit Kai, he is straightforward n seems cold n honest.. Thats Kai for you.. Im jus LOLing my self when Sehun gave Kai a quick hug.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ..
I hope they end up to check in in the same hotel,lol..
Cant wait the next update.. :)
I love sekai nowadays.. My biases are also kai n sehun but plus luhan.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.. Im glad n happy to read sekai fic.. I hope you update sooon!!
Ohkimsora #9
its sounds interesting!please update sooner