Second encounter

Being a star isn't everything


The sounds of ringing erupted in the silent hotel room. Jongin groaned and hid his face in the pillow but the ringing didn't stop.

" What?!" he groaned answering.

" Kim Jongin where are you?!"  his manager yelled through the phone.

" I'm taking a vacation. Why?" he asked entering the bathroom.

" This isn't the time for jokes. You have a busy schedul!"

" Cancel them." he said hanging up. Jongin got ready and went down to ask the staff for some place to eat.  He thanked the man and made hiis way to a nearby cafe.He entered and sat in a booth. He sat there tapping his hands on the table when a familliar voice interupted.

" Welcome to Exo cafe. How may I help you?"

" Sehun?"

" Oh hyung." Sehun smiled.

": What can I get you?"

" Just some buble tea please." Sehun nodded and walked off. Another waitor came over and smiled.

" Welcome. May I help you?"

" Oh no thanks." Jongin smiled.

:" Here you go." Sehun said returning.

" Oh hyung. This is Jongin. I met him on the plane. Jongin this is Luhan my best friend." Sehun introduced and they shook hands.

" Nice to meet you. I'm the cafe owner Luhan."

" Same. I'm Kim Jongin."

" Omg! Can I have your atograph?" another male asked running over.

" What are you talking about?" Luhan asked confuse.

" He's Kim Jongin. The famous model, actor and singer that me and Baekhyun fan over." Chanyeol confessed.

" Really?" Sehun asked looking over at Jongin. He nodded and smiled signing the notebook.


They all groaned except for Jongin. Baekhyun ran over and smiled.

" Can I have your autograph?" he asked sweetly.

" Sure." Jongin smiled and Baekhyun fell backwards into Chanyeol's arms. They all bursted out laughing and Jongin managed to slightly  chuckle. Eventually they went back to work and Jongin had to leave. He was walking back when someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around and saw Luhan looking at him with a very serious expresion.

" Yes?"

"  I just want to tell you that Sehun is very important to me. If you hurt him then I won't leave you alone. Do you understand?"

Jongin nodded feeling a bit imitated by the other male.

" But why are you telling me this?" Jongin asked confused.

" It's because I can tell by looking that you might like Sehun and the same for him. He's a verry important marknae to all of us so I won't be the only one giving you a lesson if you hurt him. Baekhyun own't care weather you're a star or not either so if you have a problem just leave now."

" I don't have a problem and I'm not afraid of you. Good night." Joongin smirked walking away. He laid on the bed and turned contiously thinking about what just happened. He couldn't deny the fact that he felt a spark from Sehun but he was just a ignorant hopeless star. There's no way Sehun would like him. He thought falling asleep waiting the day he would face Luhan and the others to tell them his decision.


Yay! Exo has appeared <3 But Lulu doesn't really like Jongin. I wonder what happened that they are so protective over Sehun. Anyway thanks for the comments and suscibes. I really ennjoyed it and I'm sorry for the long wait but I'm freaking out with collegen entrance exams and everything so sorry but I will try to update every month. Until next time. I love you my beautiful readers <3


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Very good story!
Chapter 5: Aww! Take ur time and good luck :) Oppa fighting!
Chapter 4: Omona you updated >\\\\< Yayy!~
Ur story is very nice and I really like it <3
But well... I actually want to give u some of my opinion...
Maybe this can help you a bit to make ur story better (or not ;) idk)
First, I like how u used those pics to give us readers the idea of how Sehun and Kai's outfit look like but then... those guys look nothing similar to our babies ><
I actually felt a bit awkward when I saw those pics (idk why... Maybe becuz I'm too weird >~<)
I think maybe the next time you will like to use their picture, I mean the picture of themself for those describe, like Sehun picture for Sehun's outfit... (I hope u understand me T^T)
Second and also the last one Cx~ I dont get why Exo hyungs hate Kai so much... They were A LITTLE BIT (maybe not just a little) but tooo protective over Sehun... Is there a reason, like something happened to Sehun in the past that cause them being like this!?!? (Lol Idk just taking a guess xD)
But still I hope the hyungs wont hate Kai anymore, maybe they should give him a chance to be with their baby Sehun >\\\<
To be honest I actually love how they careeee sooo much for baby Sehun ^-^ (everybody love the maknae huh!!!!) but at the same time I also feel bad for Kai ><
Anyway sorry for this long/boring/weird comment T^T *bow*
Update ASAP and fighting Author-nim!!!!!~~~~
Chapter 4: lol I thought Jongin was bad. Update soon =)
Ohh. I think Luhan loves Sehun and that's why he's so protective over him. Jongin better be careful <3
Update soon. Good luck with your college entrance exams. I'll give you my special good luck <3
NickkyYApple #6
Chapter 1: YAYAYA KYAA Kiyomi i love it !!! carry on please i don't mind reading my eyes out.....if that made sense?
Chapter 1: Yeah i know. Thats very suit Kai, he is straightforward n seems cold n honest.. Thats Kai for you.. Im jus LOLing my self when Sehun gave Kai a quick hug.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ..
I hope they end up to check in in the same hotel,lol..
Cant wait the next update.. :)
I love sekai nowadays.. My biases are also kai n sehun but plus luhan.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.. Im glad n happy to read sekai fic.. I hope you update sooon!!
Ohkimsora #9
its sounds interesting!please update sooner