First encounter

Being a star isn't everything

The sounds of murmurs and screams echooed through the room. Kai already had a headache and the screams weren't really helping. The same old cheers were also getting boring to him.

" Oppa! Omo! Oppa, you're so cute! Oppa I love you! Oppa, will you accept my gift!"

Kai doesn't wanna hear another oppa come from another person accept for his special girl.

" Now. Let's all please welcome Kai!" the m.c announced and the screams got louder as Kai stepped on stage.

" Please introduce yourself" the m.c said and Kai secretly scoffed. Don't they already know who I am?

" Anneyogaseyo. Kai imnida" Kai fake smiled.

" Great. Have a seat please."

Kai nodded and sat down to his Super Junior hyung's.

" Kai shi, how does it feel to be the first solo artist in S.M?"  the m.c asked.

" It feels different. Super Junior hyung's and Girl Generation noonas all look like they have fun with each other but I feel better alone." That way no one will slow my career down. 

" How is Kai?" the m.c asked.

" He's a very good dongsae." Ryeowook said and they all nodded.

" He's also very hardworking especially in his dancing." Donghae confessed.

" He doesn't really talk to us." Yoona confessed and they all chuckled.

" I guess he's shy around his noonas" Tiffany joked.

" Hey Kai, don't be shy, okay? We won't bite" Sooyoung said and Kai nodded.

" De"

It continued with the m.c asking random questions and Kai answered them fine. Everything was going and everyone was smiling until the m.c decided to ruin the mood.

" Have you heard about the girl who cut herself?" 

Kai's fake smile fell and turned towards his manager.confused his manager shrugged his shoulders. Why the hell didn't this put the question in the practice script? 

" Yes. I did." 

" How do you feel?" 

How would you feel bastard?! 

" It's disappointing that someone would do that but I'm not her legal guardian so it doesn't concern me" Kai confessed and everyone's jaw dropped. The m.c nodded and continued still shocked. 

" We have finished. Thank you all for coming." 

" Thank you for inviting me." Kai faked a smile as he bowed. He scoffed and changed his expression as he got off the stage. 

" What the hell was that?" his manager growled. 

" I was just honest. " 

" Well don't me next time, you ing !" 

Kai scoffed and walked out of the studio startling the manager. 

" Where are you going? We have a schedule!" 

" Didn't I tell you? I'm taking a vacation and my ticket is already booked. Bye"  

Kai got in the car and his driver drove away. He packed and headed towards the airport not before giving his special girl a call. He got out of the care and placed his disguise on. Smirking that nobody noticed him, he got on the plane. He walked towards his seat and found a male sleeping with his head against the window. The sun shinned on his flawless white face. Kai sat down and buckled his seat belt. The males eyes were so beautiful and lips so kissable. He was really cute. Aish! What are you thinking Kim Jongin? 

Kai shook his head. Why was he thinking this way about a guy? Is there love at first sight? No! You are straight Kai!

S. T. R. A. I. G. H. T. 

But maybe that might change right? I mean look at how cute he is. Stop! Jongin stop! He started shaking and slapping his face not knowing that the male had awaken and was starring at him with a small confused yet amused smile. Kai gasped and clutched his heart noticing the other male starring at him so intensely. 

" Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." the male apologized rubbing his neck awkwardly. So cute! Shut up Kai! 

" No! I'm... sorry for looking like...... a pabo." 

Wait! What? Why was Kai stuttering and apologizing to a lower class person like him? 

" I guess we are both sorry, huh?" the other male chuckled. Kai got goosebumps. 

" Yeah." 

" I'm Oh Sehun." 

" Nice to meet you. I'm Kim Jongin." Kai introduced replying to the handshake feeling every electron in his body move. Sehun smiled and they talked about random things for the rest of the ride. Not one of the, felt tired at all except for the last night. Kai woke up and rubd his eyes trying to adjust to the bright light. He looked over and saw Sehun listening to music and playing a game on his phone. He looked up and smiled. 

" Your awake?" 

" Yeah."

Kai smiled back which shocked him because he hasn't genially smiled for real to anyone except for his special girl. But Sehun was different and he liked that. He could tell that Sehun would slowly change him without acknowledge. 


" Please fasten your set belts. We have arrived. Thank you for flying our airline." 

The two males slightly and sadly smiled at each other upset that they would have to separate. 

" It was nice meeting you." 

"You too. Maybe, we'll see each other around." 


They looked at each other and it felt as If time had frozen. A simple honk snapped them back into reality. Sehun looked over and was greeted by a smiling happy face and a irritated upset expression. He chuchkled and turned back towards Jongin upset. 

" That's my ride. Bye" 

" Bye." 

Sehun gave Jongin a quick hug before running off towards the car leaving Kai dumbfounded a but at the sudden skin ship. He snapped back in reality and saw Sehun was waving at him with his head out of the car. Kai chuckled and waved back before Sehun was pulled back in by the irritated man. Kai got in a taxi and asked for the nearest hotel.  Kai smiled in the back seat thinking maybe the vacation wasn't a bad idea after all. 


Yay! First chapter! I know it was short but don't worry it will get longer. Sorry if it was a bad beginning and if you hate Kai's character. I just made him like that because i like bad biys. Anyways, thanks to the people who suscribed before the first chapter was updated. Love you and look foward to the next update. Peace out =)


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Very good story!
Chapter 5: Aww! Take ur time and good luck :) Oppa fighting!
Chapter 4: Omona you updated >\\\\< Yayy!~
Ur story is very nice and I really like it <3
But well... I actually want to give u some of my opinion...
Maybe this can help you a bit to make ur story better (or not ;) idk)
First, I like how u used those pics to give us readers the idea of how Sehun and Kai's outfit look like but then... those guys look nothing similar to our babies ><
I actually felt a bit awkward when I saw those pics (idk why... Maybe becuz I'm too weird >~<)
I think maybe the next time you will like to use their picture, I mean the picture of themself for those describe, like Sehun picture for Sehun's outfit... (I hope u understand me T^T)
Second and also the last one Cx~ I dont get why Exo hyungs hate Kai so much... They were A LITTLE BIT (maybe not just a little) but tooo protective over Sehun... Is there a reason, like something happened to Sehun in the past that cause them being like this!?!? (Lol Idk just taking a guess xD)
But still I hope the hyungs wont hate Kai anymore, maybe they should give him a chance to be with their baby Sehun >\\\<
To be honest I actually love how they careeee sooo much for baby Sehun ^-^ (everybody love the maknae huh!!!!) but at the same time I also feel bad for Kai ><
Anyway sorry for this long/boring/weird comment T^T *bow*
Update ASAP and fighting Author-nim!!!!!~~~~
Chapter 4: lol I thought Jongin was bad. Update soon =)
Ohh. I think Luhan loves Sehun and that's why he's so protective over him. Jongin better be careful <3
Update soon. Good luck with your college entrance exams. I'll give you my special good luck <3
NickkyYApple #6
Chapter 1: YAYAYA KYAA Kiyomi i love it !!! carry on please i don't mind reading my eyes out.....if that made sense?
Chapter 1: Yeah i know. Thats very suit Kai, he is straightforward n seems cold n honest.. Thats Kai for you.. Im jus LOLing my self when Sehun gave Kai a quick hug.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ..
I hope they end up to check in in the same hotel,lol..
Cant wait the next update.. :)
I love sekai nowadays.. My biases are also kai n sehun but plus luhan.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.. Im glad n happy to read sekai fic.. I hope you update sooon!!
Ohkimsora #9
its sounds interesting!please update sooner