

You felt the sun rays shinning through the balcony window, coming into contact with your skin. You reached out your arms and stretched, slowly opening your eyes at the same time. You looked around, taking a while to realise that you weren't in your room. "You're awake?" A voice jolted you awake. You turned to the left and Kris was supporting his head on his plam, smiling at you. There was nothing else you could ask for besides seeing his mesmerising smile first thing in the morning.

"Mmm. Good morning." You greeted. "My day just got better seeing you first thing in the morning." Kris' smile got even brighter after hearing what you said.

"And you just made my day as well." He said, pulling you close, letting you rest your head on his arms. "Thank you, for staying with me."

"Of course I will, silly." You replied, snuggling closer into his embrace. "What time is it? Don't we need to prepare for class?"

"That can wait. I want to lie here with you." He said, making your face turn slightly red.

"It's not like you don't see me everyday. My room is just next door, which you enter like it's your room anyways."

"Maybe we should just share one room." Kris joked. "Then we can spend more time together."

"Won't you get sick of me?" You laughed.

"Of course not. I can't get enough of you. Besides, I imprinted on you so I guess we're stuck with each other for the rest of our lives." Kris said, placing a light peck on your forehead.

"Imprinted on me? When? How.. Why me?" You looked up at the blonde, confused.

"Well.. Imprinting only happens when you meet the right one, your soulmate. It's like marking you as mine. It was a while back when I imprinted, but it doesn't matter. You're stuck with me."

"Well that ." You pouted, which earned you a tickle session from Kris.

"Kris we're going to be late for.... class..." Luhan paused in between his sentence when he saw you lying next to Kris. "No wonder you didn't answer the door when I knocked. Anyways, like I said, we're going to be late so it would be nice if you two can prepare and... continue some other time." Luhan laughed.

"We'll be down soon." Kris replied. You headed back to your room to wash up before heading down to meet the few who were having morning classes. 

"It's about time." Sehun said as you and Kris came down from the stairs. "I'm gonna kill you guys if I'm late for my class."

"But you're always late for morning classes." Kris replied.

"But you guys are a good excuse to use for today." Sehun said, grabbing his bag next to him. "Let's go. If not we are all gonna be late."


"I don't think I understood a single thing the lecturer was saying." Kai said as he placed his bag down on the chair opposite you.

"Dude, you were texting almost all the way. Exams are around the corner you need to buck up." Sehun said as he sat down next to you. "Chaekyung why are you all alone? Where's Kris and Luhan?"

"I had my elective so I'm not with them. They are most probably still having lessons I guess. Henry needed to go for his next class so I thought I could just come over and study by myself." You replied. You last class of the day was film, your elective module and since you needed to wait for Kris, you went to the school's cafeteria and revised for the up coming exams. As the boys ended their classes, everyone met up at the cafeteria before heading back home.

"Are we having dinner at home?" Kai asked.

"Yes. It's full moon tonight." Luhan answered.

"Oh right..."

'Full moon...' You thought. You never really liked full moon because you knew you would need to shift into your wolf form which you were never comfortable in. Throughout the 20 years of your life, you never really shifted except the full moon night. You didn't know how to embrace your wolf form and you never knew the things you are able to do when you shifted. However, there was one dying question that was on your mind. Why is it that the boys didn't have to shift during full moon when you needed to every time.

"What are you thinking about?" Kris gently squeezed your hand.

"Um nothing. Just... full moon..."

"What about it?"

"I don't like it when I have to shift every single full moon. You've seen it the previous time. It's like I can't control the urge to shift. How come you guys can shift as and when you like?" You asked.

"Wolves don't necessary shift during full moon. We can control when we shift. It's a misconception most people have about us."

"Then why I will need to every full moon?" You asked again.

"That's because of your genes. Because you have both human and wolf DNA, there is this reaction in your blood system every full moon causing you to need to shift." Said Yixing who happened to hear your conversation.

"Oh... So there's nothing I can do about it?"

"Actually there i-"

"No." Yixing got cut off by Kris. "It's part of you Chaekyung, embrace it. Maybe it's not so bad once you start to get used to your wolf form." Kris said, on the other hand, using his glare to tell Yixing to not say what he intended to.

"Really?" You questioned. You could tell that Kris was trying to hide something from you.

"Yes. It's really not as bad as you think it is, right Yixing?"

"Uh.. yeah!" Kris' question caught Yixing by surprise. "You just need to adjust to your wolf form."

"I'll help you if you need." Kris said. Even though you wanted to know what Yixing was trying to tell you initially, you decide to give embracing your wolf form a shot. After all, it is part of you.


"What were you thinking trying to tell her about the vaccine?" Kris asked as he pulled Yixing to a quiet corner of the house.

"I was just letting her know about it. It's an alternative to her problem."

"You know how the vaccine almost killed the test subject. It's still unstable for anyone to use it."

"I was going to say that too." Yixing replied. "That was a long while back Kris, they have been reworking on the formulas to make the vaccine right and the recent test showed that the subject's body didn't reject it."

"But I still don't want her to know about it. I know she will want to give it a shot and I can't risk that. What if her body rejects it? I don't want anything to happen to her, Yixing."

"I got it. I won't tell her anything." Yixing sighed. "I'm hungry." He looked at Kris and walked off. Kris sighed and followed behind.


You didn't have much for dinner because you had no appetite. You headed back up to your room and took out your notes to study but you can't concentrate. You can already feel the reactions in your body as the night gets later You walked out to the balcony for a breather, hoping some fresh air would calm you and make you feel better. You shut your eyes to enjoy the cooling night breeze against your skin, freeing your mind from any unnecessary thoughts. Just as you were enjoying your time alone, you felt a pair of hands snaking around your waist from the back. His scent was too familiar for you to not know who it was. You slowly placed your weight to the back so you could leaning against his body, feeling his presence. He had the ability to make you feel relaxed whenever he's around.

"Still worried about the full moon?" He asked.

"It's amazing how you always know what's bothering me." You replied. 

"I'm your soulmate remember?" He said, placing a gentle peck on your temple. "You didn't eat much just now. I've brought you some snacks." 

"I'm not hungry." You shook your head. "I just feel... uncomfortable?" 

"Don't worry. I'll go with you later alright?" Kris assured. You heard howlings coming from the forest behind which sent chills down your spine. You sighed and nodded, heading back into your room along with Kris.


Kris brought you into the woods sightly before midnight, allowing you to familiarise with the place. He stopped at a place which made you wow in awe. There was a  small waterfall leading to a stream and the water seemed to be glistening under the moon's reflection. "It's even prettier it the day." Kris said, looking at your amazed expression. You walked closer and found a cave behind the waterfall. "This is my secret hideout." Kris said. " You're the first one that I brought here."

"First one?" You raised an eyebrow. "As in first girlfriend?"

"I've never brought anyone here before." Kris laughed. "Not even the boys know about this place."

"You're not answering my question..." You mumbled as you slowly walked in. Kris grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him.

"Yes, first girlfriend, and the last." Kris said, making your heart swell in happiness but you tried to keep your poker face on. "Now, stop being so jealous on how many girlfriends I had."

"I'm not!" You pouted. "I was just... curious."

"Really?" Kris pulled you closer with his arms around your shoulder. "I can tell you if you are curious you know." He laughed.

"Whatever." You rolled your eyes. The cave was dark since it was night time, and you couldn't see anything but Kris still lead you inside. The deeper you went, you realise sometime that you never knew you had before. Night vision. Everything around you suddenly seemed clear and you could see the smallest piece of rock that was on the floor. "I never I knew I had this..." You mumbled to yourself.

"You just never had the chance to use it." Kris said. "Every wolf have night vision ability so we can move around dark places easily."

"Kris..." You called, stopping your tracks. You felt the terrible sensation running through your body and you knew it was about time. "I'm going to shift... anytime." You felt embarassed and uncomfortable shifting in front of another person, even Kris. You turned your back and ran towards the enterance. Kris followed behind but by the time he reached the enterance, you were no where to be seen.

"Chaekyung?" He called out for you but there was no response. "Chaekyung?" As he walked around, he found your braclet that you always wore on the ground which dropped while you were running through the trees. Sensing that you were near, he looked around. There were rustling in the leaves behind him, making him turn around. "Chaekyung ah, is that you?" He asked, slowly walking towards the sound. As he got closer, he finally saw you in your wolf form, standing behind the tree. He smiled and walked towards you, gently running his hands through your white fur as he approached. 

"You're beautiful." He said. "I realise I didn't look at your wolf form properly the previous times. You look like you're glowing under the moonlight." You took a step closer and snuggled yourself against Kris, responding to what he said. You walked back to where their house was after shifting back to your human form and you spotted a white wolf amongst the bushes. You and Kris decided to walk closer to check out and as you got closer, you see that something is not right. One of its legs were covered in blood.

"Henry?" You called. It was the only possibility that a white wolf could appear there other than you. The wolf turned its head towards you, limping while shifting it's position. When it saw the both of you, it shifted back to its human form and you were right, it was Henry. He fell onto the ground with a painful expression and his left leg was badly injuried.

"We need to get him out of here." Kris said. He walked over to Henry and helped him up. "Can you still walk?" Kris asked. Henry tried to take a step but the pain in his leg make him fall along with Kris who was holding on to him. You ran back to the house to get a few other boys to help carry Henry back.


"What happened? Quickly bring him in!" Suho exclaimed. 

"Can you fix it?" Xiumin looked at Yixing, who was examining his injuries. 

"I think we need to get him to the hospital. It's broken." Yixing replied. The boys carried Henry into the car after Yixing wrapped his wound up and drove off quickly to the hospital. You hopped on to Kris' car along with Sehun and Tao and headed for the hospital as well.

"He's gonna be fine." Kris said looking at your worried face. "Yixing's dad will handle it."

"Yixing's dad?" 

"Yeah. They own a hospital in our area and they have a special department just for us." Sehun said.

"More like secret department." Tao added.

'So that's why there's the vaccine...'


"He got a fracture on his left leg and some bruises. Was he attacked?" Yixing's father asked.

"He was already injuried when we found him." You answered. "But we can't rule out that possibility since there are people after us..." 

"He's fine now. He'll need to stay the night for observation though." Yixing's father said.

"Thank you ahjussi."


"Dude, what happened?" Chanyeol asked. "Do it still hurt?"

"You can try breaking your leg." Henry joked.

"This jerk... Looks like you're fine since you can joke around already. What happened man?"

"I got attacked. They know that we need to shift every full moon and they know where we are staying." Henry said. "I don't think they'll give up until they get their hands on us."

"This is getting way out of hand." Xiumin said. "Don't worry, we'll find out who is behind this as soon as possible."


You headed to school with a heavy heart after yesterday's incident. It was a long day for you today and you had consultations after your lessons as well. It was 7pm when your consultation finally ended and you were really tired from a full day worth of lessons. You packed your things and headed to the foyer where Kris was waiting for you. 

"Hey you!" Someone yelled but you didn't respond, thinking that you weren't the one they were calling out for. You continued walking but the person called out again. "Yah half-blood!" You stopped. 'So now it's my turn?

"Heading back home?" The guy said, walking up to you. "Maybe you would like some company."

"No thanks. I've got someone waiting." You replied coldly and walked pass him.

"You think you can just run away so easily?" He said, two more people appeared in front of you, blocking your way. "Your stubborness isn't gonna do you and the rest of the boys any good." 

"What do you want?"

"I realise I haven't introduce myself after so many meetings. I'm Alfred, the head of the assassin pack." He said. "You know exactly what I want and we can make things easier if you work with me."

"I must be honoured since the head of the pack is coming after me personally. This is not the best place to talk, let's go somewhere else." You said. You took out your phone and texted Kris, telling him that you needed to stay later and you would head back by yourself. You walked out of school by the side gate, avoiding the chances of meeting Kris. You led the way, walking to the park near your house. You had an escape plan in mind and you knew the park well enough to run out. The park was like a maze and one can get lost if you go too deep in. You picked up your pace slowly as you walked, trying to shake them off. Seeing that they are a little behind you, you started to run, using all the energy you have, trying to shake them off. Your plan seemed to have worked when you couldn't see any of them. Not letting your guard down, you quickly made your way to one of the exits.

"You really think you can shake me off so easily?" Someone said, making you turn around. "Maybe the other two, but not me." You took a few steps back, and ran but Alfred managed to grab on to you. "I thought you were tough, why are you running away now?"

"Let go!" You said, unknowingly using your leg to kick him. You both put up a little fight, you were amazed how you could actually match up to his strength. With one final kick, you knocked him down to the ground and ran with your remaining energy. Without looking at the traffic light, you dashed across the road but suddenly all you heard was the continuous honking of a car. You turned your head towards the direction of the sound and all you saw was the bright front lights of the vehicle that was coming towards your direction...


Update! :D I wanted to publish this chapter on Kris' birthday and I made it! :D Please continue to give this story your love and support alright? Really thankful for all of you. (: If any of you want to follow me on twitter or tumblr you can type in the same username as this one and you can find me! :D Hope to be able to make friends with yall~! ^^ Do tell me you're from aff if you do so! (:

HAPPY 23/24TH BIRTHDAY KRIS~! *throws confettii*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 16: Love it ^3^♥
kimnana27 #2
I found this story on the timeline since the description was so eye catching about the whole half blood wolf thing. I think it's something new. I finished reading your story in one sit and I could say it was a good story. Good luck with your another story. I upvoted! ^^
mieza_s #3
Chapter 15: Kyaaa..!!!author-nim..i hate you..!!!!i hate you so much..crying so hard right now...such a lovely story..i madly in love with this..but you owe me once..you make me cried..huhu
Chapter 15: Thank god the lovey dovey going together again<3 it was an amazing story authorrr^^ I never expected what will going next and be more and more curious each chap. Keep up the good work of yours okayy! Fighting for your next fanfic!!! Ily<3
AnimeKitty #5
Chapter 4: Omg, It's HENRY!!!!!! :D
twinkle_blossom #6
Chapter 15: Wah~ it was amazing! I loved it! >.<
great job author-nim! ^_^
kittyohno #7
Chapter 5: Awwww the hell I enjoyed the chapter! Authornimmm :P
BigBangTop17 #8
Chapter 15: That was amazing loved it
Wimz_EXOticBABYz #9
Chapter 15: OHEMGEE!! The last 3 chapters are so intense! Nice plot