

Your heart started beating faster, you body slowly heating up. You could feel your insides turning, your bones threatening to break free from the muscles surrounding it. You opened the back door of your house and ran out into the woods behind.


Howls of wolves could be heard through out. You looked up at the night sky from the cliff you were standing on, the bright moonlight shined through the forest.


Full moon.



"Oh my goodness. Class was so boring today." Sehun said as he sat down on the vacant seat next to you.

"When was it never for you?" Luhan teased.

Sehun rolled his eyes and rested his head on his palm. "It's accountings for goodness' sake... Where are the rest I'm hungry..."


You were a third year student at Korea University majoring in language along with Kris and Luhan. You got to know the other 10 boys through them and you were glad that you had this bunch of crazy boys around you. You were slightly introvert and liked being by yourself so you hardly have any close friends. It was Luhan who initiated to talk to you during your first day of school and from there, you got to know the tall, handsome looking Kris who was also your classmate. The only people you actually hung out with were Exo, that's what they call themselves and a two other girls, who were Suho and Kai's girlfriend. They were the people you were closest to, too close for most girls' liking. That's what you can expect when you hung out the 12 of the schools' best looking boys.


"What's for lunch?" Asked a cheerful Xiumin as he placed his stack of lecture notes on the table. You looked at the numerous formulas written all over and frowned. 

"Ramyun?" Sehun suggested. He turned his head to you and you nodded, so did the rest.

"Suho and Kai won't be joining us. They're booked." Kyungsoo said, point to the walkway. (A/N: Decided to use D.O's real name cause I find it weird to use his stage name.)

"Love birds..." Sehun said as the both of them walk pass with their girlfriends.


"What a waste of money." Chanyeol threw the ticket stub into the bin. 

"You should have listened to me." Baekhyun said. "I told you it wasn't nice and you insisited." The two started bickering.

"Keep your domestic arguements when you get home." Kris said, a little irritated at the noise those two were creating. That guy has always been a mystery even though you knew the guy, you felt like you didn't at the same time. Everytime you look at him, you felt comforted and safe. The way he looks at you was different too. You felt that his dark orbs were more gentle and loving. You convinced yourself that you were thinking too much after a while but you really like getting lost in his eyes.

The streets of Myeongdong was still crowded since it was a Friday. You looked at the time on your watch. 8pm. You lifted your head up, too look at them moon. 'Almost full.' You excused yourself from the boys to go to the ladies. You stood infront of the mirror to check yourself. '.' Your eyes were blue. Every waxing gibbous to the waning gibbous phase, your eyes would slowly turn blue after sunset, espcially obvious when it's nearing the full moon. It has been like this ever since you were born. Your friends thought you were a freak when you were in elementary school and when you learnt of that, you always made sure you were home before sunset.

"Sorry guys, I need to go." You said apologetically, trying to use your long fringe to cover your eyes at the same time.

"Already?" Sehun sounded rather disappointed. "Can't you just stay a while more?"

"Sorry, I have some errands to run."

"Anyways, are you free next Thursday?" He asked as he stuffed his hand into his pocket.

"Thursday? Should be fine. What's up?"

"We're having a Chuseok celebrate at our place and we're wondering if you are interested in coming over?" Chanyeol replied before Sehun could say anything. You hesitated a while and looked up, unintentionally locking gaze with Kris.

"Of course!" You chriped and quickly shifted your gaze away from Kris. "I'll be making a move first then."

"Do you want us to send you back?" Kris said all of a sudden, making the boys turn to look at him in shock.

"It's okay, I can manage on my own!" You turned back, making your fringe shift to it's parted side giving Kris a better view of your eyes. "See you guys on Monday!"


'Her eyes...'



You heard footsteps following behind as you walked up the deserted road. Your house was a little off the main road where most houses were because it was nearer to the woods, making it easier for you and your dad to go when you transform. It was a short 5 mins walk from the end of the housing estate to the simple two storey house that you were staying in.

You kept turning back to check but there was no one to be seen. You quicked your pace since you could already see your house from where you are. Just then, you were stopped by a man who jumped infront of you. "What do you want." You hissed.

"So you're the one huh?" He said. "The half-blood."

"I don't know what you're talking about." You replied as you pushed your way pass the guy.

"So this is how you want to do it." He said, making you stop in your tracks. You turned back and he walked up slowly to you. "I heard you live alone with your mum... How would you like it if I paid her a visit?" He said as he inched closer to your face.

"Don't you dare touch my mum." Your eyes turned into a brighter shade of blue, almost turquoise. He smirked. 

"So the rumor was right." He grabbed your chin with his hands, slowly studying your eyes. "You are the half-blooded one."

"Get your hands off me." You slapped his hands away.

He smirked. "You're as fierce as your mum." He paused. Your eyes widen. "She was so beautiful, her hair was like yours, smooth and silky and... she tasted so good."

You dashed your way to your house when you heard what he said. 'Umma please be alright.. please be alright...' You swung the door open and there was silence.


There was no response.

"UMMA?!" You raised your voice but there was still no response. You  made your way up to her bed room and opened the door to a sight you never wanted to see. Your mum laid motionlessly on the bed, with blood flowing from her neck. Her shirt torn, revealing her bare body and her pants and undergarements were pulled down to her knees. 

"Umma..." You said through your sobs. Going over and helped her cover up her bare body. "I'm so sorry..." You knees gave way and you fell on the ground, holding tightly to your mother's lifeless body. 'Bloody bastard.'

You headed back onto the streets to look for that man but he wasn't there anymore. Just when you were about to go back, you saw that familiar figure walking towards you soon after, he started running and in a short moment, he shifted into his wolf form and started running into the woods. 'So this is how you want to play huh.' Similarly, you transformed and followed quickly behind. Even though you were smaller in size, you could run really fast. You caught up with him in no time and knocked him with all your strength cause him to fall down a slope. The fight continued on for a long time but you ended being injured since he was much stronger.

Just when you thought he was going to end your life, you heard someone shouted 'that's enough'. You couldn't make out who it was but you could only see a shadow, most probably a male. The attacking wolf retreated and disappeared along with the male figure. You limped your way back to your house and treated the wounds on your left arm after changing back. You then went back up to help clean and change your mother before carrying her into the woods. You spent the night digging a hole next to where your father's body rested and gently placing your mother down and then covering it up. "You guys can finally be together again..." You said softly.

It was forbidden for wolves to fall in love with a human but your dad did. Your mum was a beautiful young lady who worked at a fashion boutique in the city and your dad was a regular white collar businessman. Despite being disapproved and condemned on by the elders in the pack, your father still went ahead and got married with your mum and he was ultimately kicked out from the pack. You never knew much about the history of the pack your father was in because he died while protecting you and your mum from wolves when you were only five.

You bowed before your parent's grave before making your way back to the house. You felt water droplets on your face and the frequency got faster. It then hit you that it was raining but it didn't matter to you. It was a good way to hide your tears that were falling as well.


Annyeong everyone! First chapter of the fanfic. Hope you guys like it! ^^ Please do comment and suuscribe if you like to know what's happening next! (: First attempt at fantasy-ish fanfic so do pardon me if it sounds ridiculous. I mean, everything is made up right? :D

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 16: Love it ^3^♥
kimnana27 #2
I found this story on the timeline since the description was so eye catching about the whole half blood wolf thing. I think it's something new. I finished reading your story in one sit and I could say it was a good story. Good luck with your another story. I upvoted! ^^
mieza_s #3
Chapter 15: Kyaaa..!!!author-nim..i hate you..!!!!i hate you so much..crying so hard right now...such a lovely story..i madly in love with this..but you owe me make me cried..huhu
Chapter 15: Thank god the lovey dovey going together again<3 it was an amazing story authorrr^^ I never expected what will going next and be more and more curious each chap. Keep up the good work of yours okayy! Fighting for your next fanfic!!! Ily<3
AnimeKitty #5
Chapter 4: Omg, It's HENRY!!!!!! :D
twinkle_blossom #6
Chapter 15: Wah~ it was amazing! I loved it! >.<
great job author-nim! ^_^
kittyohno #7
Chapter 5: Awwww the hell I enjoyed the chapter! Authornimmm :P
BigBangTop17 #8
Chapter 15: That was amazing loved it
Wimz_EXOticBABYz #9
Chapter 15: OHEMGEE!! The last 3 chapters are so intense! Nice plot