



"YAH! SHIM CHAEKYUNG!" Luhan ran and stopped infront of you, snapping you out of your own word. You stared at him with a surprise expression. "Goodness, I have been calling your name for the millionth time."

"Sorry. I was thinking about something." You replied coldly.

"What happened. We didn't see you in class this morning and you didn't pick up my calls." Kris asked, sounding worried.

"It's just..." You paused. "Something happened at home so..."

"Is everything alright?" 

Your lips pressed into a line and you kept your vision on the floor. "My mum... She..." Your voice started shaking and your tears fell.

"I'm sorry.." Kris said pulling you into a hug and Luhan gently patting your back. You shoke your head that was lying on Kris' chest, saying that it's alright.

"C'mon, let's get you something to eat. You don't look so good." Kris said as he grabbed your arm and you let out a whimper when his hands pressed on your wounds. He looked at you and tried to lift up your cardigen's sleeve that was covering your wounds but you pulled back. 

"Let me see." He commanded and he reached out for your left hand and rolled up your sleeve. Almost your whole arm was scarred and the wounds was still bright red. "Let's get this treated before anything else. Luhan tell the rest we'll join them in a while." He said as he brought you to the sick bay.


"How did you get all these?"

"I fell." You lied. You can't possibily tell him the truth because you think he wouldn't buy your story. No one would.

"Oh. That's careless." He replied but he knew you were lying. He has seen those scars before. Definitely not from falling. 


"Chaekyung ah are you okay?" Sehun got up from his chair and walked towards you.

"Yeah." You answered with a faint smile.

"Sit here I'll get you something." Kris said. "Sandwich?" You nodded. Kris pulled Xiumin along while going to get you food.


"What's the issue?" Xiumin asked.

"If I'm not wrong, wolves don't randomly attack human right?" Kris said. 

"Of course they don't. Unless they posses a threat to the pack and their existence." Xiumin replied. " Why? I thought you should know all these."

"Cause the scars on Chaekyung's arms... She said she fell but I could tell it wasn't. It was definitely caused by wolves; scratches and bites."

"That's strange. Unless she intruded their teritory by mistake but of the packs I know, they wouldn't just attack someone like that..." Xiumin hesitated. "Unless it's those stray wolves. They tend to hunt alone since they don't belong to any fixed pack and they don't accustom by our rules anyways.."

Kris nodded.


"Here." Kris placed the sandwich and a cup of hot chocolate infront of you. You gave him a faint smile and thanked him.

"Are you okay to manage all by yourself tonight?" Sehun asked. "It dangerous to live alone, plus you're a girl."

"It's fine." You said, taking a bite into the sandwich. 

"He has a point." Kris, who was seated opposite you said. "Do you want us to accompany you?" He looked straight into your eyes, as if he was looking for answers.

"I'm fine. Really. I need some time alone." 


"Hey guys read this." Chanyeol placed his ipad in the middle of the table. The headline of the article made your eyes widen in shock.

'Mystical white wolf seen in the woods near Seoul.'

The boys seem to be very into the article, reading every single word and making small talks among themselves, obviously trying not to make you hear what they were talking about. The picture was taken by someone that happened to be in the forest at night. Since it was from a distance, it wasn't really clear but you could make out the figures in the picture. One white wolf and another brown one, bigger in size. 

"From the witness account, it seem like the brown wolf belonged to an-" Sehun got interupted by Luhan who smacked him on the arm.

"Let's go, we're all gonna be late for our next class if we keep staying here." Xiumin said, as he gathered his things and waited for Suho to leave with him. The others did the same and you left with Kris and Luhan to your next class.


You rejected dinner with the boys cause it was already getting late and you are afraid that they might see your eyes. You could lie to them by saying that you are wearing coloured contacts but they saw you during the day and your eyes were dark brown so there was no way of lying.

You ordered takeaway from one of the nearby stalls and made your way back home for revision. You missed the warm home-cooked food that your mum would make just for the both of you. The random checks she does when you're in your room revising. She was your comfort, your shelter, everything that made your house seemed like a home but now, it's nothing but an empty house with memories too painful for you to remember.



Howling of wolves could be hear through the forest behind your house. 'Stupid creatures.' You cursed but you were one of them as well. You hated them, How they took both your parents away from you and you're secretly hoping that they would do the same to you too. You hated the fact that you were half-blood. You didn't belong to any packs because no one liked a half-blood. You had to reach home before sunset during the the waxing gibbon to waning gibbon phase because your eyes would turn blue, turquoise when it's full moon. You never knew the reason why. You felt like a freak that was sticking out in everyone's normal lives.

You grabbed your phone and wallet and went out, taking a break from what you are doing. You walked around the estate and got yourself a drink from the convenient store before heading back. You turned into the long walkway that lead you up to your house. As you walked, you heard rustling from the trees that were on both sides of the walkway. You increased volume of the music your were listening to and continued walking. 

Just then a person ran out from the sides and stopped infront of you. He was the same man that you saw yesterday. The guy that killed your mother. "Just what do you want." You asked coldly, removing your earphones.

"Looks like I under estimated you." He said, walking closer. "You are way strong than I thought."

"If you're here to kill me, make it quick." You said what your mind was telling you. 

"How could I let you off so easily?" He inched closer and traced his finger against your jaw, finally grabbing you by your cheeks. "You're a pure white wolf. I would like to see what would happen if your pack knows that they have a half-blood amongst them."

"I don't belong to any pack!" You yelled and pushed him away. "So what if I'm a pure white wolf?" You asked. You never knew anything about the pack your dad belonged to and the breed that you belonged to. You knew nothing.

He scoffed, walking closer to you again.

"Who are you?" You asked, taking a few steps back.

"You're scared uh. I never knew white wolves knew what scared was." He said grabbing you by your neck. "I really like your eyes..." He inched closer to your face. You could feel his breath against your skin and a low growl came from him.

"Get the away from her!" You heard someone shouted. He threw a punch and the man fell to the ground. "Are you okay?"

"Kris.. How did you.." 

"Looks like we've got company." Luhan, who appeared next to you said, pointing to the two wolves that were emerging from the trees. The man shifted himself and the three wolves were now surrounding the three of you.

"Stay back Chaekyung." Kris commanded and he shifted himself. You were shocked. His wolf form was a little larger than the three with grey and white fur covering his body. His eyes were amber and with the piercing gaze similar to his human form. Before you knew it, Luhan shifted to one with cream fur and brown eyes. Growls could be heard from each of them, ready to attack anytime.

Kris threw himself at the brown wolf that attacked you biting his abdomen area. The two wolves went for Luhan when they saw Kris initiate the attack. You were torn whether to shift because they were out numbered. Just then, two other wolves came and stopped the fight between them. The three retreated back into the forest, leaving the five wolves surrounding you.

"Looks like you can't be here alone anymore." Xiumin said after shifting back. "Come on, you'll stay at our place for the time being."

'OUR place?'


"No buts. I don't want you to get harassed by those things anymore." Kris said. You looked down at his hand and there was a open wound.

"Your hand.." You pointed.

"I'm fine. I'll treat it when I'm back." He paused. "And we will explain ourselves later."


The car drove through the main gates of their house and continued on before reaching their porch. You were amazed by the sight. Their place was huge compared to your small two storey house. It was a three storey mansion with a fountain infront of their porch. The interior was nicely designed with posh and chic furniture and the main colours were white, maroon and greys. 

"You can have this room." Kris said as he opened the door. The room was nicely furnished with almost everything you need. There was a bathroom attached, TV, study table, everything. 

"Wow. This is even better than my own room." You commented as you walked around.

"Well, you can stay here for as long as you like." Kris joked. Or you think he did, but he sounded a little too serious. You turned back and looked at him with a curious expression. "Um.. I mean it's safer if you stay with us. We'll go back and get your stuff tomorrow." He said, rubbing his neck.

You raised an eyebrow and nodded. You slide the door open and stood out at the balcony. The only thing that was similar to your place was that their house was also surrounded by the forest.

Kris brought you back down to the living room where all the other 11 boys were. Now you know why their house was so huge since it has to accomodate all of them.

"Welcome to the Exo house." Xiumin started. "As you have seen just now, we are wolves. All 12 of us here." He paused and waited for your reaction but all you did was nod. "We're not like those you saw just now. They are from another pack, most probably the stray wolves because we don't just attack humans for no reason."

'But I'm not human...'

"I'm the leader of the pack cause I'm the oldest but Suho helps to handle them as well. Oh, just for your information. Suho and Kai's girlfriend are wolves too cause we aren't allowed to mate with humans." Xiumin stopped. "Is there anything you want to know?"

You hesitated for a while, thinking of questions to ask them. There were too many things you wanted to know about your kind. No one ever told you anything. "You know the white wolf that was spotted? What's that?" You took the chance to ask more about yourself.

"We don't really know much about it. It's a rare breed and we hardly seen any in our territory." Luhan replied. "All i know is that they are a really powerful bunch."

"Oh..." You sounded a little disappointed. "About that not allowed to fall in love with human thing..."

"It's forbidden." Xiumin said, looking at Kris. "Each of us have a destined soulmate but we won't know who it is until we meet them."

"But what if your soulmate is a human?"

"It's hardly the case. If it is then they will need to leave the pack. It's dangerous because all connections will be cut and you will be a lone wolf and anyone can attack or kill you." It all made sense now. Why your father was killed by it's own kind. 

"What about their kids?" This was the question you were dying to ask.

"They'll be half-bloods. Most wolves wounldn't consider them as one of their kind because they are not pure but we found out that they posses even more power than the pure bloods themselves. They are also mostly lone wolves since nobody wants to take them in unless they find their own kind. Ultimately it's tougher for them to survive because they are always hunted down by different packs." 

You gluped. "How do you differentiate them?"

"Their eyes." Suho said. You froze and kept your gaze on the floor, trying to avoid any eye contact.

"Their eyes would change colour every sunset of waxing gibbon to waning gibbon phase. Usually it's not that obvious because most wolves eyes are light brown or amber but we would know if we see one." He stopped. You realise it was a bad idea staying with them because your eyes would change colour and it was blue, making it more obvious that you are a half-blood.

"Basically, we try not to associate ourselves with one." Tao added. You felt devastated to know that you are the lowest of your kind. 'What's wrong with being half blood.'


You went back up to rest since it was late. The information was too much for you to absorb in one day. You got the answers to the questions that has been in your head for the longest time but you were upset because you knew you will be outcasted once they know about your real identity.

"Can I come in?" Kris said, leaning by the door. "You can change into these first." He placed a set of clothings on your bed. "I don't think you want to wear that to sleep and again when you're awake right? Pass them to me after you change I'll get it cleaned for you."

You went into the bathroom and change, returning with Kris' oversized shirt covering up to your mid thigh. "Thanks." 

"My room's opposite you so if you need anything just knock." He said before closing your room door.



'But she's a human.'

'I know...'

'Do you know the consequence of it? I though i made myself clear just now?'

'Look Xiumin-'

'You haven't imprinted have you?'

'No... Not yet...'



Chapter 2! Hope it's going fine so far. It's a little lengthy here with all the explanation and all but I hope it'll make you understand the story more in the next few chapters. (: 


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 16: Love it ^3^♥
kimnana27 #2
I found this story on the timeline since the description was so eye catching about the whole half blood wolf thing. I think it's something new. I finished reading your story in one sit and I could say it was a good story. Good luck with your another story. I upvoted! ^^
mieza_s #3
Chapter 15: Kyaaa..!!!author-nim..i hate you..!!!!i hate you so much..crying so hard right now...such a lovely story..i madly in love with this..but you owe me make me cried..huhu
Chapter 15: Thank god the lovey dovey going together again<3 it was an amazing story authorrr^^ I never expected what will going next and be more and more curious each chap. Keep up the good work of yours okayy! Fighting for your next fanfic!!! Ily<3
AnimeKitty #5
Chapter 4: Omg, It's HENRY!!!!!! :D
twinkle_blossom #6
Chapter 15: Wah~ it was amazing! I loved it! >.<
great job author-nim! ^_^
kittyohno #7
Chapter 5: Awwww the hell I enjoyed the chapter! Authornimmm :P
BigBangTop17 #8
Chapter 15: That was amazing loved it
Wimz_EXOticBABYz #9
Chapter 15: OHEMGEE!! The last 3 chapters are so intense! Nice plot