

It was the familiar upslope that you haven’t passed ever since you moved into Exo’s house. Kris stopped his bike just outside your house gate. You removed your helmet and slowly scanned the surroundings. Everything was the same as before but the feeling was different. It was a home but now, it’s nothing more than just a house. You opened the front gate and walked in, with Kris and Luhan following behind. Henry, Tao and Sehun stayed outside the house, looking out for anyone from the assassin pack.

You slowly swung the front door open and you were greeted with the familiar sight that you have seen for the past 21 years. Everything was still in the same place, the photographs hung on the wall brought back the various memories you shared with your parents. You were over whelmed by the emotions that were inside of you, both sadness and anger. You felt yourself trembling with all the emotions and tears were forming. Kris grabbed your hand and gave it a little squeeze, asking if you were alright. You nodded and gave Kris an assuring smile. “Let’s start looking.” You said.

You started looking from the first level, looking through every drawer, every cupboard in the living room and in the kitchen, not wanting to miss out anywhere. 'Most probably on the second level.' You started off with your room but there was nothing. You proceeded to your parents room, closely opening the door, taking in the familiar sight. The scent of your parents room still lingered around, bringing back memories of your younger days where you spent in your parents room, cuddling in between your parents on the bed. Everything was still intact, where it orginally was. It made you even sadder because it seem like they were still living in the house. You combed through every part of you parent's room but you failed to find anything. You stood infront of your parent's safe. That was the only thing you haven't searched. 'Could it possibily be in there?' You punched in the number and pressed enter, waiting for it to unlock. Your mum gave you the safe code in case of emergency. 'Was this the emergency she was talking about? So they knew they'll come after me one day...'

There was a click and the it unlocked. Something caught your eye immediately the moment you saw it. It was a maroon colored box with rusted gold edges. From the looks of it, it seems to be really old. 'Could this be it?' You slowly opened the box and there was a piece of paper folded. 


By the time to find this box and the letter, I would have been gone, to a faraway place to meet your appa. Sorry we didn't tell you much about your past because we wanted to protect you from the hurt and danger you will encounter but I guess, you will have to know now. Your dad was the decendant of the royal family from the white wolf pack, you have the royal blood in you. That was the reason why your dad was sent away from home when he married me. Since centuries ago, people have been wanting to get hold of the white crystal because of the things it could do when one wears it. You dad, even though he was sent away from home, was still the rightful own of the white crystal because he was the eldest of the family and it was meant to be passed down to you. 

We have been try to fend off all kinds of external forces who have been eyeing the crystal ever since they located us. This is the box that held the white crystal but I've decided to place it somewhere else after your dad passed. I know it has been hard on you, because if you were to read this letter, it means that you needed to find the crystal. I'm sorry, my child. We have failed to protected you but we know, someone will be your knight and watch over you for us.

Stay strong my dear Chaekyung. Find the crystal and keep it with you because only when you wear it, the crystal will work. I've hidden it somewhere where close to your dad and I guess, it'll be close to me now as well. Sorry we kept everything from you, you must have been really shocked. Don't worry, mum and dad are your guardian angels now, we'll be watching over you from where we are. We love you Chaekyung, never forget that.



You found yourself trembling while you read the letter with tears streaming down unknowingly. Kris came in and wrapped you in his embrace, as if he could sense your pain, gently rocking you, hoping you would feel better.

"Guys, we need to leave." Luhan said. "Now."

"What's wrong?" Kris asked.

"They're here. The boys outside picked up their scent. We don't have much time." You grabbed the box and ran down the stairs along with the boys. You hopped onto Kris' bike and everyone sped off before the assassin pack could catch you. You were thinking about the letter your mum left. 'Where could it be...' It was drizzling when you reached the house.


"How did it go?" Xiumin asked as you entered the house.

"She found the box." Kris replied.

"But the crystal's not there." You added.

"That's expected." Xiumin said. "Your parents won't keep it somewhere that's easy for them to find. It must be some place only you know. Take your time."

"But we don't have much time..." You mumbled.

"It's getting late. You all should rest." Suho said. "We'll talk about it tomorrow." He placed a gentle pat on your shoulder and signalled Kris to bring you back to your room.

Kris brought you to his room you and sat you down onto his lap, wrapping his arms around you and rested his chin your shoulders. It took you a while to realise the boy was very into skinship. Maybe because he was a wolf or maybe he just likes it but you too, enjoyed very contact you had with him. It just sends a tingling sensation through your body. He started rocking gently, placing soft kisses on your shoulder and neck. It was his was of comforting you and there was no words between you two. For the first time, you could actually feel what he was trying to say to you.

"Feeling better?" He asked.

"Of course." You answered as you pinched the bridge of his nose. "How can I not when you are with me?" Placing a kiss on is forehead after that.

"Looks like someone is being more proactive now." He teased. He lifted you up swiftly and placed you down on the bed. "All you need to do now is sleep and not think about anything." Kris laid himself next to you, pulling the sheets over the both of you and gave you a peck on the forehead. "Goodnight."


“No.. No.. NO!!” You jolted awake from your sleep. You sat yourself up and ran your hand through your hair while trying to calm yourself down.

"NIghtmare?" Kris asked as he pushed himself up. 

"Mmm." You hummed. Kris placed his hand over your shoulder and gently pushing your head making you lean onto his. "It's always the same dream..." Kris rubbed his palm on your shoulder.

"It's just a dream, everything is alright." He said. The nightmare would always be about your parents being brought away, tortured and killed infront of your very eyes. You shut your eyes and regulated your breathing. 'I've hidden it somewhere close to your dad...' you recalled what your mum wrote in the letter 'and it'll be close to me now as well...'

'Somewhere close to them? Could it be...' There was only one possible place where the crystal could be close to your parents. You lifted your head up and turned to your boyfriend.

"Something wrong?" Kris asked, looking at the expression you had on your face,

"We need to go back to my place." You said.


"The crystal." You answered. "I think I know where it's hidden."

"Are you sure?"Suho asked. "It's risky for you to go back since they already know you have been there. I'm sure they have people on the watch in that area especially when your place is surrounded by the woods."

"I think it's safer for me to go back than letting them have the crystal. Just give me two hours." You replied. "I'll be back before the sunsets."

Suho turned to look at Xiumin was let out a loud sigh and was deep in thoughts. "We can't let you go alone." Xiumin said. "Kris, Luhan and Tao will keep a look out for you. Two hours, make sure you come back before sunset."

"You ready?" Kris knocked on your door.

"Yeah." You replied as you tied your hair up into a sleek ponytail. "Let's go."

"Take this." Kris handed you two knives.

"What's this?"

"Boot knives. It might come in handy." He replied. "Sometimes it's better to have a weapon with you. Tao taught you how to use these right?"

"Yeah." You replied as you tucked them inside your boots. "Let's hope we can leave without having to use it." The both of you proceeded to the living room to meet up with the rest of the boys. 

"You got to be careful. They've got people around your area after knowing you've been there to look for the crystal." Henry said.

"You sure?" Luhan asked.

"Absolutely. My friend tipped me off." He replied.

"It funny how you're still in contact with them..." Tao murmured. He wasn't sure if Henry heard it but Kris smacked his arm asking him to stop.

"Kris, you'll follow closely with Chaekyung wherever she goes. Tao and Luhan, I need to you be within sight of the two of them." Xiumin said. "Kai, Sehun and Chanyeol, you three will keep a look out around the house. It seems that we need more people since they are already there. The rest of us will be here. Call us if anything happens and we'll be right over."

"Stay safe guys." Suho said with a serious expression. 

You grabbed an extra leather jacket before heading out since it was raining. You hopped onto Kris' bike and set off. Kai, Sehun and Chanyeol left first to comb the area, making sure that there wasn't anyone hiding in your place.


"The area's clear." Sehun said. "But still be on alert. You know how they like to attack out of no where." He patted your shoulder.

"We need to know where they crystal's hidden." Luhan said.

"It's in my parent's grave." You replied. 

"Are you sure?" Tao asked, sounding a little shocked.

"Yes. My mum mentioned it's somewhere close to the both of them and that's the only place." You said. 

"Where are your parent's grave?" Luhan asked.

"The woods behind my house." You answered. The expresion on the boy's face became serious. "What's wrong?" You asked as you saw their expression.

"It's gonna be more tricky for us to look out for you when it's in the woods, especially when we're not familiar with the area." Luhan said.

"But don't worry, we'll do our best and you too." Kris assured. Without wasting anymore time, you lead the boys to the woods, familiarising them with the different areas and the ways to get out before you and Kris head over to you parent's grave.

Your parents were rested below the treehouse that your father built when you were younger. It has always been your favourite place but it has been years since you went into the tree house. The treehouse oversees the waterfall and lake in the forest. It was a beautiful sight. The prettiest during spring. You reached out and pulled down the retratable ladder and climbed up with Kris following behind. "It's beautiful isn't it?" You said. "It was a birthday present from my dad. He bulit it himself." Everything was still the same like you remembered, except for the spider webs that was seen around the corners of the treehouse. "You're the first one to know about this place. It's my favourite hideout, just like your cave."

"First one? As in first boyfriend?" Kris asked.

"That sounded familiar." You chuckled. It was the same thing you said when right brought you to his secret hideout. "Yes, first boyfriend and first of everyone I know besides my parents." 

As much as you wanted to spend time with Kris alone in the treehouse, you needed to do what was more important. You climbed back down and walked to the front of your parent's grave. You stared at their pictures as though you were trying to communicate with them. The rain got heavier and the two of you were getting drenched. You didn't know why but you saw a glow around your parent's tombstone. 'Is that a sign?' You walked closer and examined the tombstone. You knocked against it and it sounded hollow.

"It's in here." You said.

With the help of a rock and your boot knife, you manage to break the tombstone and all was left was a small box, similar to to one you found at your place. You twisted the knob and opened the lid. Inside laid the rock people have been looking for for centuries. The white crystal. You could start to understand why people were looking for it. Looking at only it's appearance, it was simply stunning. The crystal was snow white, the same colour as your wolf fur. The crystal had little gold sparkles in it as well. Kris gave a signal to Luhan and Tao that you found the crystal and they came towards your direction.

"This is it." Luhan said, looking at the crystal. "It's even more stunning in real life. Let's go before we get attacked." 

You placed the necklace on yourself and you felt something. There was a warm sensation travelling throughout your body. Could this be the work of the force field reacting? You weren't sure but that's something you are sure of, you felt different.

"Let's go." Luhan said as he walked in front with Kris and Tao following behind you. Luhan stopped all of a sudden, making you worried.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"Shh." He hushed. You could hear rustling among the leaves and it got louder and more frequent. "Let's move, fast." The four of you picked up your pace and ran towards the main road. As you ran, you could sense the enemy coming from different direction and one of them was heading straight for Luhan.

"Luhan stop!" You yelled. Before he could react, he was being pushed down by one of the members from the assassin pack.

"Well it seems like the crystal does have an effect on the person wearing it." Someone said. It wasn't Alfred's voice because you could recognise his already. This voice sounded lower, with more power, coming from someone definitely older and more superior than Alfred. "It has been a while since I saw your kind, Chaekyung."

The way he said your name sent chills down your spine. 'How does he know my name?' You looked around and you saw a tall middle-aged man, approximately in his 40s with shoulder length brown hair all combed back. He had on a long trench coat and was walking towards you. "Your parents did a good job in hiding you. It took us so long to find you." He said. 

"Stay behind me." Kris said as he pulled you back.

"Let's do this the easy way." Aska said. "Hand over the necklace and no one gets hurt."

"Don't even think about it." Kris answered.

"Well if that's the case," Aska said. He raised his right hand and snapped his fingers. More of his men appeared from the woods, surrounding the four of you.

"When I say run, you run as fast as you can to Sehun and the rest. Understand?" Kris whispered.

"But you-"

"Don't worry about us, we can stall time. ." Kris said. "Run to get the boys and call the rest for back up."

"Got it."

The two packs were staring at each other, all waiting for someone to start moving. "Let's get this done and overwith." Alfred said as cracked his knuckles and ran towards Kris. Seeing Alfred making the first move, the rest of them started coming towards the four of you. The boys surrounded you, trying to fend off the assassin pack. 

'Chaekyung, now!' You hear a voice ring by your ear. It was Kris' voice but it seems that you were to only one that hear it. You turned your head to him and he nodded while fighting with the other pack. The boys seem to have cleared out a path for you and without any delay, you started running towards where the other three members were.

"OH SEHUN!" You yelled from a distance. The boys turned and ran towards you.

"What happened?" Kai asked. "Why are you alone?"

"They are outnumbered." You said between your breath. "Go quick. I'll call Xiumin." 

"You can't be alone. You two go first. We'll be over shortly." Chanyeol said, asking the younger two to leave.

"Hello? Xiumin? It's me. We need help. We're-"

"WATCH OUT!" Chanyeol yelled and pushed you away, making you fall. Someone was trailing after you.

"Chaekyung? Are you alright? We're on our way." Xiumin said over the phone.

"Sorry 'bout that. Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked. 

"I'm fine. I think we should head back and help them." You said. The both of you took off back to where they were. The five of them were doing a good job fending the other pack off. You realised how strong the Exo boys were and they could easily defeat the one from another pack. However, you could see that their energy is running up. 

"KRIS!" You yelled and you saw Alfred charging towards him. But it was too late. When Kris reacted, he was already on the ground, with Alfred on top, throwing punches at him. You ran towards the two without thinking about the consequences. You locked your arms around Alfred's neck with your strength and pulled him back. He was choking, using his hands trying to pry yours away from his neck. You locked your arms tighter and flung him onto the ground. Not even taking a look at him, you ran towards Kris.

"You alright?" You helped him up, wiping off the trail of blood from his mouth.

"I'm fine." He said between breathes, it was obvious he was in pain but he was hiding it. "What were you thinking? How could you just attack him?" Kris reprimanded.

"You were getting beaten up, so all I thought of was to get him off you..."

"Well, it seems like Tao's training is of use to you." Kris laughed. 

You sensed something all of a sudden. Someone was coming over to the two of you. You eyes widened all of a sudden a turned around the same time you heard someone shouting your name. In defense, you lifted your right arm to shield yourself in defense and you felt something hard hit against it. Alfred was grinning. You wanted to charge at him but Xiumin did before you could.

"Get her out of here." Suho said. 

"Go with Sehun, quick." Kris said. "I'll be right behind."

You and headed fought your way out. It seems that you all were still out numbered even though Xiumin and the rest came. There were too many of them. You stopped all of a sudden, making Sehun turn back. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Someone's following us." You answered. There was rustling from the bush and you walked over to check it out. Slowly and carefully, you shifted the branches and took a step closer but there was nothing. "There's nothing here." You said.

"Then we better get going." Someone said, sending chills down your spine. It was that voice. Aska. You turned around and see Sehun being carried by two of Aska's men, unconscious.

"SEHUN!" You yelled. "What did you do to him?" You fumed.

"I'm merely giving him the rest he needs." Aska answered and chuckled. "Looks like I'm getting old. I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Aska, the head of the assassin pack." He gave you a smile which obviously had a hidden meaning to it. "If you had listened to me earlier, this wouldn't have happened but your boyfriend had to budge in."

"He's right. I'm not going to give it to you." You reply which made Aska laugh even louder.

"You're just like your dad, so stubborn. It's not going to get you anywhere you know, just look at your dad."

"Shut up! Piss off when I'm still in the right state of mind." You said and pointed to Sehun. "And let him go."

"We'll see about that." Aska smirked and turned around, walking away along with the two who were carrying Sehun. You ran after them but you were stopped by two other people, one male and one female. The girl was not your match and you knocked her out easily. While you were stll catching your breath, the male locked his arms around your neck, just like how you did to Alfred. You were hitting his arms frantically, trying to gasp for breath. All of a sudden, you stopped struggling. He loosened his grip upon feeling your whole body relaxed. Scizing the opportunity, you grabbed his arm and his collar with your other hand and flipped him onto the group. Making sure he didn't have time to react, you knelt above him and place your hands around his hand tightly, making sure he couldn't breathe. You placed your other hand at the top of his head and snapped his neck, making sure he wasn't breathing before you left.

You tried to pick up Sehun's scent but you couldn't. You walked around the woods, trying to find the possible places they could be at. "Look at how strong you are. the power of the white crystal." You turned around and spotted Aska right behind you. He probably saw you killing the two. He stepped closer, and you took a step back everytime he did but there was so much you could go. You felt your back coming into contact with the tree. There was nowhere to run now. You tried to bend down slowly to grab the knife in your boots but Aska saw it. He pinned you against the tree, holding you by your neck. You felt your legs leave the group and you realise he was lifting you up with his hand, making your back scratch against the bark of the tree. Like a helpless child, you were kicking your legs in the air, hoping that your movement would make him let go but he was too strong.

"Let me... go...." 

"You have what I want..." He said as he stared down at the white crystal you were wearing. "Give it to me and I'll let you go."

"Let Sehun go and I'll give it to you." You said as you gripped the white crystal. It felt warm.

"There's no room for bargaining." He bellowed and tightened his grip, making you tilt your head higer.

"Then... too... bad..." You said. You could see the rage in his eyes as though he was going to kill you anytime. Before you knew it, he threw you to the ground and pulled out a dagger, placing it's tip against your neck. You flinched a little when the cold metal came into contact with your skin.

"I told you, being stubborn will make you end up like that father of yours, dead."

"Don't you dare talk about my dad!" You yelled and slapped the knife out of him hand, with your strength, you kicked him in the stomach, making him retreat a few steps while you got onto your feet. You pulled out the knife you had in your boots and threw it at him and it landed on his left arm. He laughed and pulled out the knife with blood flowing out of his wound but he doesn't seem to be affected by it. 'What is he...' Just when you wanted to pull out your other knife, you saw him pulling out a gun and pointed it at you.

You felt an intense pain on your right shoulder and you fell onto the ground. He fired a warning shot at your shoulder. It was bleeding profusely and you used your left hand to press onto the wound. Aska raised the gun at you again this time, he was determined to kill you. You smirked and close your eyes, waiting for everything to be over. 'Appa, Umma, I'm coming....'

'BANG!' A shot was fired but you didn't feel anything. 'Is this the end?' You thought to yourself and slowly opened your eyes but to your horror someone was standing in front of you and he took the shot for you. He was slowly falling and you got a shock when you saw his face.

"Henry?" You said. "No! Henry! Why did you take the shot?" You said as you crawled towards him with tears slowly filling up your eyes. 

"I'm sorry... Chaekyung..." Henry said. He was shot in the chest area and the blood just kept flowing. Bearing the pain of your shout wound, you took off your jacket, trying to stop the blood. 

'Why did you shoot him?" You glared at Aska.

"I was meant for you but he blocked it." Aska said. "I guess he was trying to make up for his mistakes."

"Mistakes? What mistakes?"

"Chaekyung... I..." Henry tried his best to make himself heard. You calmed him down, asking him to speak slowly. "I was an under cover for the assassin pack. They asked me to get close to you so Aska could get hold of the white crystal."

"What..." You said in astonishment.

"That was my original task... But i stopped after I realise how you all have been treating me. I wanted to leave the pack and be with you guys." Henry said. He was getting breathless, his grip on your hand tightened.

"So that time at the forest..."

"It was my 'ceremony' for leaving the pack." Henry said. " Chaekyung I'm sorry..." Henry coughed and there was blood coming from his mouth.

"No... No! Don't be sorry. I'm sorry. Why did you take the bullet for me you idiot." Your tears fell, landing on your hand and Henry.

"Because... I'm your brother. It's my duty to protect you." Henry said as he stretched his other hand out and cupped your right cheek, it gently. You felt your heart break into pieces at his sentence. So what if he wanted to use you? In the end, he treated you as his family when both of you needed support from someone from the same family line.

You looked up at Aska, one of his men whisphered something to him and he nodded. "We'll see each other again, soon." He said and walked off, leaving you and Henry there.

"No wait! Where did you take Sehun! Come back you bastard!" You yelled but there was no response.

Henry kept coughing and his breathing started to get slower. "Open your eyes Henry. Look at me. OPPA LOOK AT ME!" You yelled.

"Wh.. What did you call me?" He asked.

"Oppa. You're my brother right? Oppa you can't leave me alone, you need to take care of me." You said. Henry smiled. Once again, he reached out his hand and wiped your tears from your eyes.

"Don't cry. You'll be fine. You have Kris. He'll protect you and he's doing a great job."


The eleven boys sat on the ground with their tired and injuried bodies, panting hard, trying to take in as much oxygen as they could. They were totally worn out from the fight and finally, everyone of them was down. "We should head to find Sehun and Chaekyung." Suho suggested. 

'BANG!' A gunshot was heard, making the boys stop in their tracks.

"What was that?" Kai asked.

"I don't know. Maybe someone's hunting." Chanyeol replied. Not making a big fuss out of it, they continued walking. Kris felt uneasy, he couldn't breathe properly as though something was choking him.

"Kris are you okay? You don't look so good." Yixing asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Maybe cause I haven't be-" 

'BANG!' Another gunshot was heard. Kris stopped all of a sudden and his expression changed. He furrowed his brows and his gaze intensified.

"Kris, what's wrong. You're not acting yourself." Xiumin asked.

"Chaekyung..." Kris muttered.

"What?" Xiumin asked, trying to figure out what he said.

"It's not hunting. It's Chaekyung." Kris said. "I need to find her. NOW." Kris said and ran off with the boys following closely behind.


"Please stay with me Henry..." You begged, pressing harder onto his wound. You couldn't feel the pain in your arms anymore.

"Chaekyung ah... Oppa needs to go. I'll take care of your parents for you and tell them how wonderful their daughter has become..." Henry said, his smile never left his face. "Don't cry..."

"NO. I'll tell them myself. How can you be so irresponsible, telling me so much about myself and then now throwing me alone again? I was so happy that I found a new family member and now... Oppa..."

"I'm sorry Chaekyung... Forgive... me...." Henry said. His lids slowly closed and his hands on your cheek fell down. Henry was gone. Your brother, your only family member was gone.

"Oppa? Oppa? Henry?" You said. "No... oppa..." You cried, your tears keep falling and you held Henry's lifeless body close to yours. 

"Chaekyung ah!" Kris called from a distances but you didn't answered. You were too devastated by Henry's death because you were to blame for it. "Chaekyung..." Kris' voice softened as he and the boys stood in front of you.

"Henry... What happened?" Suho asked.

"He... He took a shot for me and now..." You couldn't continue. You took sometime to calm yourself down before speaking again. "He was suppose to get close to me for the white crystal but he didn't and he left the assassin pack." You said. The boys were shocked except for Xiumin and Suho who apperently knew about it. "He was like a brother, a family and now... I'm all alone again..."

"You still have the twelve of us." Luhan said. "We're your family."

'Sehun!' You remembered. "Sehun." You said. " Aska got him."

"What?!" The boys said.

"How are we going to find him then?" Tao asked.

"Don't worry, he'll be looking for me soon. I have something he wants badly." You said as you gripped the crystal.

"We need to get you and Henry's body out of here before anything else happens." XIumin said. You nodded and tried to get up while Chanyeol picked up Henry's body. "We'll bury him in the forest behind our place." Xiumin suggested.

"Ah..." You let out a cry. The pain in your shoulder reminded you of your shot wound as you tried to push yourself up from the ground.

"What's wr-" Kris stopped as he realised your wound. "Oh my gosh Chaekyung!" He rushed and tried to help you up.

"Wait!" Yixing shouted. He took off his shirt and walked towards you, tying it around your wound, making sure your wound wasn't exposed. You made your way back out and headed back home. You leaned against Kris' back while he rode back on his bike. You recalled what happened and your tears just fell unknowingly. The bike came to a stop at a traffic light and the boys stopped. Chanyeol's bike was next to yours with a lifeless Henry behind him. Your looked at the dead boy. He was your reflection. His skin, his hair, even his eyes that changed with the lunar cycle just like yours. Your vision become blur from the amount of tears that were falling out. You bit your lips together, not wanting Kris to know that you were crying.

The image of Henry being shot, of him lying breathlessly on your lap and the look on his face when he died kept replaying in your head. Aska was out to get you and nothing was going to stop him.


'Don't worry oppa, I'll avenge on behalf of you and my parents'


UPDATED! Sorry guys this chapter took exceptionally long. It took me a while to brainstorm about the confrontation scene and who should be the one taken away and whether Henry should die. I'm sorry to all Henry fans out there for killing him off in the story. ): Work has been crazy and I have rehearsals and dance pracs after work so it took me a while to update as well. >.< BUT, I hope you liked this chapter since there's more action and all. 

Comment on what you think about the story so far and feel free to share your thoughts on it and how you think it will continue. (: If you like the story, please up vote and subscribe. Of course, comments are most appreciated. (: Thank you all so much and I hope you all are excited for Christmas! :P  xoxo.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 16: Love it ^3^♥
kimnana27 #2
I found this story on the timeline since the description was so eye catching about the whole half blood wolf thing. I think it's something new. I finished reading your story in one sit and I could say it was a good story. Good luck with your another story. I upvoted! ^^
mieza_s #3
Chapter 15: Kyaaa..!!!author-nim..i hate you..!!!!i hate you so much..crying so hard right now...such a lovely story..i madly in love with this..but you owe me once..you make me cried..huhu
Chapter 15: Thank god the lovey dovey going together again<3 it was an amazing story authorrr^^ I never expected what will going next and be more and more curious each chap. Keep up the good work of yours okayy! Fighting for your next fanfic!!! Ily<3
AnimeKitty #5
Chapter 4: Omg, It's HENRY!!!!!! :D
twinkle_blossom #6
Chapter 15: Wah~ it was amazing! I loved it! >.<
great job author-nim! ^_^
kittyohno #7
Chapter 5: Awwww the hell I enjoyed the chapter! Authornimmm :P
BigBangTop17 #8
Chapter 15: That was amazing loved it
Wimz_EXOticBABYz #9
Chapter 15: OHEMGEE!! The last 3 chapters are so intense! Nice plot