Chapter 6

It Started With A Bet
Taemin POV
I woke up with a neck pain. I had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for Sungjong who did not come back at all. He did not show up for dancing classes either which is really surprising. 
I heard a sound coming from the front door. Rustling from keys. I instantly stood up and went to the door. It was Sungjong who looked like he was trying to make the least noise possible, carefully closing the door. 
"Where have you been?"
" Taemin you scared the hell out of me!" 
"Where were you? Myungsoo?."
"Yeah. Why?"
"Lee Sungjong prepare yourself for the ultimate embarrassment."
He started laughing out of nowhere and I just stared at him with a puzzled expression.
"You think your little plan worked? Oh Taemin I knew what you were up to from the beginning."
"Wait. So you and Myungsoo are not back together again."
"Then what happened yesterday after you went chasing after him."
"Mhm.  Let me see there is so much to tell but I need my sleep first."
He left to his room and I panicked. No it can't be. They were supposed to be back together. I needed another plan and fast. I need to contact my crime buddy. I grabbed my phone and searched through my contacts. I stopped at Kim Jongin.
To: Jongin 
From: Taemin
I need you to make tomorrow's date memorable. Okay?
I patiently waited for his text. He should be awake by now.
To: Taemin 
From: Jongin
I can't tell him my plan. He will for sure not help me if I told him my true intentions so I lied.
To: Jongin 
From: Taemin
Well lately Sungjong has been depressed because of the break up and a nice date will help him out. Please Jongin. If you really love him then help him out.
From: Jongin
I'm a genius. Call me evil, mean, selfish, desperate I don't care, I want to go back to my Minho.
Sungjong POV
I slept for five hours and it was already 10:00 AM.I only have two classes today and they start at 1:00 PM but I want to make up the dancing I didn't do yesterday. I changed into some comfortable clothes and grabbed my duffle bag to put some clean clothes in. I guess I will be taking a shower in the school.
"Taemin! I'm going to school early to practice on my dancing!"
"Wait! I want to go too!"
"Seriously? Then hurry up because I want to go now."
I waited for ten minutes and then Taemin came out.
"We will take a shower over there right?"
We arrived at the dance studio and there was nobody there. Perfect. I plugged in my iPod to the stereo and put it on shuffle. 
We danced to a few songs before we both lied on the floor, tired. It took us a few minutes to steady our breathing. I then stood up to grab a bottle of water for me and Taemin. I drank some water and then offered some to Taemin. We just sat there for a few minutes.
"So. Are you going to tell me what happened yesterday?"
"Well we didn't get back together"
"I know that already but what did you guys talk about."
I hesitated, I shouldn't really tell him everything right?
"Not much happened Taemin. I found him crying and I comforted him. Then we went to the coffee shop. I didn't come back home because I went to his apartment, I was tired and I fell asleep. That's all."
"Yeah right."
"I'm serious."
"Whatever. Don't tell your best friend." He faked being hurt and did a fake cry. I rolled my eyes and stood up.
"I'm going to take a shower."
"Sungjong you are so mean. You don't even care that I'm sad."
"Yes Minnie I care. I just don't show it. Now are you coming?."
"Go. I want to sleep a bit."
"Do whatever you want."
I went out and headed to the showers. When I entered the showers I bumped into someone.
I saw the person I bumped into and it was Kai. His chest was exposed and had a towel wrapped around his waist, I felt my face flush.
"Yah Kai! Put on a shirt!"
He just laughed.
"Why? Haven't you seen me plenty of times like this already? Have your forgotten  those few months that we lived together?"
"Shut up and put on a shirt."
"Okay. Sheesh. I just got out of the shower don't over exaggerate" he mumbled and left to change. I just went inside the showers and took a quick shower. 
When I finished everything I saw Kai.
"What are still doing here?"
"I was waiting for you. Do you want to eat something at the cafeteria?"
"Ummm sure. Wait though, I have to wake Taemin up"
We went to the dancing room that me and Taemin were in.
"Taemin wake up!" 
Of coarse he did not wake up. I don't have time for this. I grabbed the water bottle that was next to him, opened it and poured it all over his face. He stood up surprised.
Me and Kai were just laughing at him.
"Well you didn't wake up. Me and Kai are going to go eat something, want to come?"
"No thank you" he said rather coldly. I guess he is mad. He should be grateful because if it weren't for me, he would be late all the time.
"Okay. Bye then. Let's go Kai."
There wasn't much. I grabbed a plastic bowl of oatmeal and Kai went to get his own food. I sat down and waited for him.
He handed me some kind of bread. I looked at the label and it was banana and nut, my favorite.
"Thank you."
We sat there in silence, a little awkward for my liking so I decided to talk.
"So you still remember what my favorite things are?"
"I remember everything Sungjong. I remember that one night I was scared because of the lighting outside so I went to sleep on your bed. Who knew I was going to be wake up with a fist shoved at my face."
"I already said sorry for that!"
"It's okay but do you still have that sleeping habit? It's not safe you know"
"How many times do I have to tell you I was dreaming that I was punching that stupid kid that always teased me school. It isn't a sleeping habit!"
"Sure. So did the teddy help? Do you still have it?"
"Surprisingly I do."  I sleep with it every night.
We laughed and talked about the fun moments we used to have.
"I miss this."
"Are you seriously going to continue calling me that?"
"Sure why not? I need to go to class now. Bye Kai." I stood up and went to my next class.
"I miss it too Jongin."
The two boys were embracing each other, frightened. They were in the living room and Myungsoo was just holding his little brother tightly while their parents were screaming for an unknown reason. 
Silence filled the house for a few minutes. They then saw their dad heading towards them with luggages at his side.
He bent down on the carpet floor.
"Kids. Appa will be leaving for a long time. Myungsoo I need you to take care of your brother. Okay?"
Being the self composed person he is, he agreed to his fathers request without asking any questions.
"Appa. Please don't leave. Stay. Please"
He broke free from the arms of his older brother and went into the arms of his father. He sobbed on his dad's shoulder.
"Don't touch them and leave now!" Screamed his mother.
His father stood up.
"Be strong Jongin."
"No!" He grabbed him from the arm not letting him go.
"Jongin. Your father is a disgrace to this family and will only bring us humiliation. He not only cheated on me but he cheated on me with a man! He is a filthy creature that doesn't deserve us now let him go."
Out of shock he let him go. Both Myungsoo and Jongin were dumbfounded. Myungsoo didn't show it as much but he was affected by the news.
Satisfied with her kids reaction she smirked.
"You can leave now."
This was his last chance. If he stays here he will live in sadness and depression of not being accepted but if he goes with his father, maybe, his life would be happier.
"Wait! I want to go with you, Appa."
"WHAT! Jongin you can't be serious."
"I want to go with him umma because I'm...I'm...I'm gay"
He went to my dad's side and pulled on his arm. Everyone was still in state of shock so He took this opportunity to leave. FREEDOM, was all he could think about when he took a step out from the mansion.
"Jongin are you sure?" His father had recovered.
"Yeah, it's not like my mother would mind, Myungsoo was always her favorite." Fact.
He nodded and we went inside the car driving to who knows where.
Jongin had slept during the whole car ride and his dad woke him up.
"Where are we?"
"You'll see. He is a really nice person."
They knocked on the door and a man that was short and had the appearance of hamster opened the door.
"Gyu!" He greeted the man with a big hug.
Someone was coming down the stairs and Jongin just looked at him with amazement. Even though he did not see him completely, he knew he was beautiful.
"Uncle Gyu, who is it?"
"Sungjong! It's Jaejoong."
"JAEJOONG APPA!" He was now running towards them and hugged Jaejoong.
"I missed you."
Meanwhile Jongin was just staring at the boy in front of him hugging his dad....wait did he just say appa?
A/N. There some Kaijong to the people that have been requesting it ><
another peek in the past. 
I hope you don't mind using Jaejoong as the dad, he was the only person I could think of at the moment.
I will probably update tomorrow since there is no school. Remember comments/tips will help. I know my writing isn't good so don't be afraid to judge it.
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bohyemi #1
Chapter 6: No Yunjae?
infinity_dreamLOL #2
Chapter 5: What luv triangle?is it kaijong???if it is, then i want it:)
infinity_dreamLOL #3
Chapter 5: Need to wait to find out what happened with myungjong.
Chapter 3: Aigoo what gonna happen then... Kaijong interesting never thought they could pair up..
More and Kaijong... Oops sorry myungjong
bohyemi #5
Chapter 2: Woogyu, dongya ( I want dongwoo to top), jongkey, changnew (changmin+onew)
baekperle #6
update soon authornim pls give my baby jongie a happy ending :D
des2bfree #7
Chapter 2: i love chantae( taemin n chanyeol)n ontae hehehe taemin my bias
jennyloveinfinite #8
Chapter 2: Update soon author nim i want to see what happens next!