


“Hello, bay-naha and urauni (father and mother). Today is Monday the 14th of March. The weather is the same as last year’s, warmly cold. As you know, my Levrigin has come about, even though I’m only 24. I’m slipping in my grades. It seems like only a hand full of teachers really care about what you get, but it just might be this school. I’ll have to do more research about that.

How’s the weather in Cetghara? I dreamt about it the other night. Is it autumn? Is the Vethir festival happening yet? How’s Yenia? Is she still sick? Please send everyone my wishes. Especially Morenett, is her wedding this coming month?

Urauni, I know you’ve been asking, so I’m going to tell you. Yes, I have met a girl; her name is Park Jinam. We are not dating, but she is very interesting nonetheless. She believes in aliens and has set up a very small contraption to try and find aliens. I’m going to help her with her ‘research’ if you don’t mind. P.O’s flu has finally got down, thankfully and all of BlockB is doing fine. All of my research for this quarter is in this folder. I hope it can help.

Here on Planet Earth,

Your eldest son, Nor"


            I looked over my letter again. The computer screen was blaring in the dark, since my foster family doesn’t know I’m an alien, I have to do my work at night. My story is I’m an orphan and was adopted into this family here in Seoul. I came here to Earth when I was 12, or 4 in earth years. I still remember everything from Cetghara. The warm breezes, the Jutyabe we use to eat. I would wish some days, so badly, to go back, but sometimes I never want to leave Earth. It’s hard work to be in the field, but it has to be done.

            I put my letter into the research folder, and sent the information to Cetghara. My computer is Cetghara’s best electronic out there. For humans, it’s unfathomable to make something as sophisticated as this, but it can be done. If I were to explain how it worked, your brains would explode or not comprehend the details, so I won’t even try.

            My cell phone read “1.13.” I turned off the computer and crawled back into bed. As I laid, motionless, waiting for sleep to creep over me, I thought about if I should’ve left the part about Jinam out. Cetgharans get married around 14 to 20 years, so my urauni might get a bit over excited once she finds out about a girl. I sighed. It couldn’t be helped. So I rolled over and tried to get some sleep.


            “B-Bomb!” Jaehyo shouted angrily at me, as we walked to school. BlockB always walked to school together.

            “What?” I whined as I covered my ears.

            “How dare you get a girlfriend before me!” He screamed, pointing an accusing finger at me.

            I dropped my head into my hands and sighed, “I. Am. Not. Dating. Anyone.” I managed to say through my teeth.

            “AND~” Jaehyo continued as if he didn’t hear what I just said, “You’re girlfriend is Park Jinam! Do you know what kind of reputation she had at her old school?”

            “She has a reputation?” Zico asked intrigued with what kind of woman I have apparently fallen in love with.

            “Yeah, she’s a total alien fanatic…” Jaehyo said with a disgusted face, “She use to go on and on about aliens at SE high school.”

            “Wow, B-Bomb hyung!” P.O exclaimed, “You really know how to pick ‘em, don’t you?” He giggled.

            “I don’t pick anyone, I’m not dating! I don’t even like her like that!” I shouted. But they didn’t sway at all.

            Zico patted my back and said to me in a sly voice; “Don’t be doing anything nasty with her now. She’s only a freshman…” And he chuckled evilly at himself.

            I really wanted to punch Zico in the face, but just because he isn’t a gangster, don’t mean he can’t throw a good punch. I sighed again and stopped trying to correct them on my relationship status. As we were walking through the front doors, Jinam came up to me.

            “Minhyuk-sunbae, I need to talk to you…” She looked to BlockB, but they didn’t move, “A-alone…” She added, still looking at my weird friends.

            This comment got BlockB exclaiming and sending me messages with their faces. I sighed and pushed Jinam away.

            “What?” I asked angrily.

            Jinam looked away from the group of monkeys and said, “Okay, so we can’t do work here, because I still need to get the outlet extensions, but! I have my own machine at my house. You should come by tonight and work there.”


            “Why not?”

            I pointed to my group of idiots, “BlockB’s gonna go to a dance club, tonight.”

            “Where and for how long?” She asked as if she expected this.

            “Stardom, and I don’t know… Maybe 9, 10 o’clock…” I answered.

            “Stardom’s about a block away from my house. I’ll give you directions and you’ll walk to my house, okay?” She explained.

            I sighed, “Fine…”

            “Awesome.” Jinam took her notebook out and drew out a map for me to use.

            When she gave it to me, I crumpled it up and stuffed it into my pocket, “Great, is that all?”

            “Yeah… See you later!” She shouted as she walked away.

            I flinched when she said that. I turned around to face a very expecting BlockB. Their eyes were glued to me as I walked back to them. I glared at them and pouted a little.

            “’See you later?’” Taeil repeated with a smile, “Going on a date, I suppose?”

            “You’re not gonna ditch us tonight for your girlfriend, are you?” Zico said holding my neck in a lock.

            I pushed him off, “Of course not…  It’s just…” I tried to think of an excuse, “Sh-she needs help with something, and …I have to go to her house to…”

            “Her house!” Jaehyo screamed.

            My face turned red, “N-not so loud-“

            “You’re going to her house? Man, you move fast!” Jaehyo shouted even louder.

            I hid my face in my hands. I could feel people’s stares digging into my head, the faces they’re making. I just wanted to die; maybe joining Jinam in her little alien studies was a very bad idea.


- - -


            “Hey, Jinam!” Hyosonn shouted.

            Jinam was on her way to class, as Hyosonn stopped her. Hyosonn knows about Jinam’s alien madness, but she’s the only freshman that still talks to her.

            “Hi, Hyosonn.” Jinam greeted innocently, “What is it?”

            “Were you just talking to BlockB?” She asked astonished.

            Jinam looked confused, “Well, I was talking to Minhyuk…”

            Hyosonn’s face turned frightened, “Look, I know people don’t really care about you because of your alien-thingy, but I just want to tell you, BlockB are bad people.”

            “What?” Jinam asked.

            Hyosonn nodded her head, “Yeah, they do drugs, have every night and they… fight and kill people. You shouldn’t hang out with them, Jinam.” She looked down, “A-anyway, I have to go. Bye, Jinam…”

            Jinam was still very confused with this news, “Yeah… bye…” Minhyuk’s bad? Well, he wasn’t the most pleasant man alive, but killing people? Drugs? ? That can’t be… They seem like average guys… They can’t possibly… Jinam was stuck on this the rest of the day. She thought of yesterday, the way Minhyuk smiled at her. It was warm and funny, it wasn’t the smile of someone evil, it was the smile of a normal boy.

Hahaha, misunderstandings~ What forms the drama in a story...

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Please, update soon T____T
b1a4cnblueblockb #2
Update soon.^^
The dad is so funny! I don't know why they found him scary, lol.<br />
Minhyuk, I'd rather call you Minhyuk. B-Bomb is weird. :) <3<br />
^ I said that with love.<br />
Update soon! :D
@kakaibii: It's okay that you pull quotes. Thank you for writing something down for like every chapter! XD<br />
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ilovemuffins: ahaha~ thanks! XD I don't know, maybe it's a girl who wants to be a guy... o.O
HAHA. This chapter made me LOL.<br />
U-Bomb. <3 Why would a girl have 'B-Bomb' as a nickname? That's just... weird.
kakaibii #6
LOL RIGHT, the mom still believes B-Bomb is a girl. Update soon!
kakaibii #7
I feel like I'm always pulling quotes from the chapters. ;_____; BUT LMAO AT "but it’s hard when you’re as ugly as him." Trolling on Jaehyo.<br />
kakaibii #8
Man, BlockB's really into their relationship haha<br />
That last line was so ironic. "smile of a normal boy." I really like how Jinam isn't like the typical fictional character. Makes the story more interesting ^^ Update soon
@Crystalley: thanks~ Even though I know it's like a day late! DX<br />
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@kakaibii: Thanks^^ I know! "Alien, alien" XD I had to put that in the story! <br />
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@ahroomee: ahaha~ I HAVE to make Jaehyo like that! XD Oh thanks~ X)
Lol jaehyo's so funny. I love the idea of the story! And the story is nice too :D<br />
Update soon!