Expedition: Research Laboratory



            “What are we looking for exactly?” I rolled my eyes.

            Jinam looked back at me, “Something that is not ‘apparent,’ obviously.”

            “Like what?”

            Jinam groaned playfully, “You ask too many questions, sunbae… Maybe something-“

            “Wait! ‘Sunbae?’” I asked, astonished she would say something like that.

            Jinam seemed unaffected, “What? ‘Sunbae?’ Just because I believe in aliens doesn’t mean I don’t know my manners, sunbae….” She teasingly added, “Anyway, I was saying, maybe something that’s old and abandoned or something that’s average and that won’t catch a lot attention. Like…. I don’t know…”

            We walked around the school for another minute or two. Whenever a teacher was walking our way, we always hid or made us completely normal. Neither Jinam nor I could think of the perfect place to put our machine.

            “Why don’t we put it in into that old shed?” I asked, pointing to the shed that use to be for gym equipment.

            Jinam shook her head, “No, it’s too close to the ground. Plus, kids like to put their things in there.”

            “Why not the storage rooms?” I suggested.

            “People always go in there, and fish around as if it belongs to them. No, we need somewhere completely cut off from everyone else.” Jinam explained.

            I rolled my eyes; she was very specific about where her precious machine should go.

            “If you keep rolling your eyes, they’re going to fall out of your sockets.” Jinam sang as she searched around for somewhere special, “Hm… No…”

            “Yeah, well, I’ll tell you when that happens…” I joked.

            “Won’t be too long~” She warned, “Now, back to business!” She hummed as she looked around.


            We were in the junior section, making our 3rd time around the whole school. Jinam insisted that we check everything again, even though we knew nothing was going to change. Like how you check the refrigerator every time you’re hungry. As we were walking we heard footsteps come our way.

            “Yo! B-Bomb!” A man yelled.

            Jinam and I turned around, and she automatically shushed the man, for being so loud.

            “People are in class!” She hissed silently.

            “Sorry…” It was Kim U-Kwon, one of the BlockB guys, “Wait, what’s a freshman doing in the junior hallways…” He looked up at me with a devious smile, “with Minhyuk?” He giggled, “Oh wait, ‘till I tell Jaehyo! Heehee~ He’s gonna flip!”

            My face turned a little red and I defended myself, “W-What are you talking about!? M-me and Jinam are not dating!”

            U-Kwon didn’t buy it, “Whatever, B-Bomb~” He looked down at Jinam, “You know, I don’t think she’s your type… She too small…”

            “Are you calling me short?” She asked offended.

            U-Kwon shrugged, “In more places than just height…” He commented casually.

            Jinam widened her eyes and covered her chest, “Oh my gosh, I did not just hear that…”

            “Okay!” I chimed in, I pointed to U-Kwon, “You are going back to class, and we are going.” I pushed Jinam away.

            “I get it,” U-Kwon nodded, “The love birds want to be alone~ Okay~”

            “Don’t say that!” Jinam and I said at the same time.

            U-Kwon chuckled, “They’re already starting to act like each other.”

            I sighed aggravated, “Just go.” Then I pushed U-Kwon.

            U-Kwon rolled his eyes, “Fine, I understand.” He shook his head, “No interference, we’re cool.” Then he walked away.

            I sighed again and looked at Jinam, glaring intently at U-Kwon’s head, “Sorry, about that guy… Let’s go…” I put my arm around Jinam and pulled her the other way.

            Jinam didn’t say anything and just walked with me. I forgot that my hand was still on her shoulder and let go.

            There was something on her mind. She kept staring at me, then finally she said, “’B-Bomb?’”

            “What?” I asked, like it was a perfectly normal name.

            “’B-Bomb?’” She repeated with a look on her face, “That’s your nickname?” She asked dryly.

            I shrugged, “Yeah, ‘cause the English word ‘bomb’ is you know, an explosive. So I have a very ‘explosive’ influence…” I grinned at her proudly.

            She responded with the same face, “What’s the ‘B’ for?”

            I rolled my eyes, “It’s just there, okay? Quit thinking about it! We have to find the perfect secret lab, remember?”

            Jinam nodded and the two of us made another round through the school. We were in the partially abandoned part of the school, again. It use to be for after-school things and the like, but they changed that to another section; now it’s just used for storing really old stuff the school doesn’t want to throw away.

            “You know we’re not going to find anything new here…” I stated.

            Jinam looked my way, “Maybe we missed something….” She said hopefully.

            I leaned my hand on the wall, “I seriously doubt-ah!” I fell into a secret (or forgotten) room. Lifting my head, I rubbed the back of it. I looked over to the “wall” I was leaning on and saw that it was a metal door covered by some old cloth. The room was dusty and dark.

            “Are you okay?” She asked as she lifted me up from the ground and brushed some dust off my clothes.

            “Yeah, I’m fine.” I looked back into the room, “Man, I didn’t know BNS was old enough to have secret rooms…” Still rubbing the back of my head.

            Jinam grinned widely, “This is perfect…” She whispered as she walked around the room.

            “Don’t you think people are think it’s weird that we’d be slipping into some hidden room like this?”

            “Phhh~ Please!” Jinam scoffed, “No one’s going to think about a freshman and a junior sneaking off into some kind of hide-out alone…” Her face dropped into an “I-see-what-you-mean face”, but then bounced back up, “Well, no one’s going to notice if we’re really sly! Let’s go get the machine, and set her up!” She ran out of the room and started back to the junior sector.


            Jinam, somehow, easily got the heavy box into the new laboratory without a stir from anyone in the hallways. The hard part was setting it up…

            “Where’re the outlets?” Jinam, unknowingly, asked as she dumped the machine’s contents on the floor.

            I looked around, half-heartedly, but I couldn’t find anything in the barren room. Guess it wasn’t so “perfect” anymore. But, in the most inefficient place, behind the door, there was an outlet.

            Jinam ran to it and stared for a moment, “I’ll have to get an outlet extension…hmmm… Then I’ll have to buy some more if I want all my cords to have an outlet….”

            “One problem…” I interrupted, “Ummm… You do know that this room has no windows, right?”

            “Of course!” Jinam said proudly, “But my detector can read things through walls if it’s high enough off the ground, and luckily, we’re on the third floor.”

            As she was done talking, the bell rang. I looked back down to Jinam.

            “Are you going to skip this class, too?” I asked.

            Jinam shook her head, “Nope, what about you?”

            I shrugged, “I have Math right now, so it doesn’t matter…”

            Jinam got up and ushered me to the door, “You should go to class, you have absolutely nothing to do here until I get some dozen outlet extensions. C’mon, let’s go.”

            I jerked to a stop, before she could push me out the door, “Aren’t people gonna see us come out together?”

            “Oh yes, you’re right.” Jinam said mistakenly, “You go out first, then I’ll come out in like a minute.” With that she pushed me out the door.

            I rolled my eyes, what kind of mess was getting myself into? I don’t know if I should help this girl or not, but I am anyway. I sighed in defeat and started toward my math class.


            I looked back and saw a boy walk up to me, “Hey, Kyung.” I greeted him.

            Kyung just smiled dumbly at me, “B-Bomb… I just saw U-Kwon and he told me… You have a girlfriend! Is it true? He told me her name was Jinam, or something. Are you really dating her? For how long? Why didn’t you tell us, man?” His wide grin was getting closer with every question.

            I scrunched up my face at Kyung, “Look, I’m not dating her… U-Kwon’s just being a little crazy…”

             Kyung backed off, but his smile was still on his face, “Okay~ Well, bye B-Bomb.” And he walked away, “Wait…” He turned back to me, “Does your girlfriend call you ‘B-Bomb-oppa?’” He asked again with his sly smile.

            “She’s not my girlfriend!” I screamed. I couldn’t help it; I stormed off and didn’t hear anything Kyung was going to say. She’s not my girlfriend…

Ah, no one believes B-Bomb. Everyone thinks he's dating...

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Please, update soon T____T
b1a4cnblueblockb #2
Update soon.^^
The dad is so funny! I don't know why they found him scary, lol.<br />
Minhyuk, I'd rather call you Minhyuk. B-Bomb is weird. :) <3<br />
^ I said that with love.<br />
Update soon! :D
@kakaibii: It's okay that you pull quotes. Thank you for writing something down for like every chapter! XD<br />
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ilovemuffins: ahaha~ thanks! XD I don't know, maybe it's a girl who wants to be a guy... o.O
HAHA. This chapter made me LOL.<br />
U-Bomb. <3 Why would a girl have 'B-Bomb' as a nickname? That's just... weird.
kakaibii #6
LOL RIGHT, the mom still believes B-Bomb is a girl. Update soon!
kakaibii #7
I feel like I'm always pulling quotes from the chapters. ;_____; BUT LMAO AT "but it’s hard when you’re as ugly as him." Trolling on Jaehyo.<br />
kakaibii #8
Man, BlockB's really into their relationship haha<br />
That last line was so ironic. "smile of a normal boy." I really like how Jinam isn't like the typical fictional character. Makes the story more interesting ^^ Update soon
@Crystalley: thanks~ Even though I know it's like a day late! DX<br />
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@kakaibii: Thanks^^ I know! "Alien, alien" XD I had to put that in the story! <br />
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@ahroomee: ahaha~ I HAVE to make Jaehyo like that! XD Oh thanks~ X)
Lol jaehyo's so funny. I love the idea of the story! And the story is nice too :D<br />
Update soon!