When he is teased …

One Shots- Starring Gummy Smile and Game Addict



“Baby Kyu, where are you?” Kiara skipped into the room looking  for her boyfriend , a large pepperoni pizza  in hand. The sight that greeted her made her burst out in laughter. Kyuhyun was on the floor struggling to pull himself up in a sit up.


“ 13, uhhh 14! What . is. So. Funny? 15 ”  Kyuhyun huffed as he completed another sit up.


“Kyubear what are you doing? “ Kiara bit back the laughter. She knew exactly what he was doing and why he was doing it.


“I am doing sit ups, can’t you see?” he snapped , his eyes going pass her to the pizza on the table.


“why are you suddenly doing sit ups? “ Kiara prodded further making him pout.


“The pudgy tummy is going!” He answered resolvedly and had the wind knocked out of him .


“No!!!! not the pudgy tummy! No!!!!” Kiara threw herself against his tummy dramatically , clutching him tight. “You may not lose the pudgy tummy!”


“Why not ? you guys are always making fun of my pudgy tummy!” Kyuhyun retorted and received a smack on his arm .


“So ! I love the pudgy tummy! Its my pudgy tummy! My personal pillow.  If you lose the pudgy tummy I will break up with you seriously!” Kiara looked mighty pissed . Kyuhyun gulped, his girlfriend didn’t normally threaten him with break up over trivial stuff.


“Well , I will keep it if you love it so much.” He tried to sound nonchalant but there was laughter in his voice.


“Dumb Kyu ! you know we just like to tease you. Don’t loose the pudgy tummy ok . Pretty please!” Kiara unleashed a lethal dose of ageyo and hugged his tummy tighter.


“Ok Baby ! I am not going to lose it. Not when you ask so sweetly. “ Kyuhyun ruffled her hair , secretly contented that he wouldn’t have to suffer with sit ups anymore. “Do you think we can move to the couch and you continue hugging your personal pillow there? “


Kiara frowned not wanting to move from her comfortable position . She raised her eyebrows asking him why.


“The pizza is getting cold. “


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shivyn #1
Chapter 6: im seriously jealous here...and of a fictional character....i wanna be held like by hyuk!!!!
shivyn #2
Chapter 5: lol...once again i can imagine a kyuhyuk version of this...maybe one where hyuks abs is hot topic and jealous kyu is jealous again
shivyn #3
Chapter 4: to be honest....i kinda felt this way about hyukjae drinking...especially when i saw his on a recent Hello Counsellor episode...i mean i drink too and dont think about stopping but for some reason..it made me kinda sad...like his innocence was gone - what the hell am i saying...innocence was gone probably long ago
shivyn #4
Chapter 2: Puahahah...totally can imagine kyu doing that...
shivyn #5
Chapter 3: you know what i like about these...its realistic...me likey
shivyn #6
Chapter 2: Puahahah...totally can imagine kyu doing that...
shivyn #7
Chapter 1: awww...this is cute...n i can totally make this into a kyuhyuk!! lol....forgive my kyuhyuk bug...its resilient