When he pulls a prank ...

One Shots- Starring Gummy Smile and Game Addict

“Ya, Kim Jonghyun ! where is that hyung of yours? He didn’t pick up any of my calls. ” Kiara burst through the door. Her eyes scanned the music room where her boyfriend was suppose to be practicing .


““He received a call from this girl and got ready to go out. I think he went to the park. “ The short vocalist replied , still facing the wall and fine tuning his piano.


“Cho Kyuhyun , you are a dead man.” Kiara gnashed her teeth and left the room . Jonghyun fall of the stool laughing as the door slammed shut.


She entered the park lividly , her eyes searching for a certain , tall , curly haired, slightly sickly looking man. Kiara spotted him buying ice cream from their favourite vendor. She waved to him and called out trying to catch his attention. She swore he glanced her way . But strangely he walked away as if he didn’t see her.


“ Kyuhyun ah! Kyuhyunnie!” He  ignored her calls and walked away with the ice cream towards a bench. Their bench!


And on their bench sat another girl . A super skinny girl with long red curls. Kyuhyun sat next to her and passed one of the cones in her direction. Then his hands wrapped tightly around her little waist. Tears scalded Kiara’s eyes as betrayal and jealousy burned bright.


 “ Cho Kyuhyun!” she called out only to be ignored. 


“ Cho Kyuhyun!” she called again at the top her voice. “Ya, you bastard!”


She launched herself on the said man who continued ignoring her and started pummeling him across his back.


“Ouch , ouch ! Ara! Ara stop it!” He cried out in pain trying to grab hold of her flying fists.   


“How dare you look at another girl? Where is she ? where is that little vixen?” Kiara turned her attention from her boyfriend to the frightened girl .


“Ya , couldn’t you find another man ? You…” She launched herself at the girl and began pulling at her hair. Much to her dismay, the hair came off with the first hard tug.


“Lee Taemin!” Kiara yelled in surprise . The boy grinned, looking ridiculous in the female outfit without his wig.


“Noona!” The boy cooed in his usual ageyo tone. “Hyung made me do it. “


Eyes narrowed , Kiara turned to glare at the man laughing hysterically at her feet.



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shivyn #1
Chapter 6: im seriously jealous here...and of a fictional character....i wanna be held like by hyuk!!!!
shivyn #2
Chapter 5: lol...once again i can imagine a kyuhyuk version of this...maybe one where hyuks abs is hot topic and jealous kyu is jealous again
shivyn #3
Chapter 4: to be honest....i kinda felt this way about hyukjae drinking...especially when i saw his on a recent Hello Counsellor episode...i mean i drink too and dont think about stopping but for some reason..it made me kinda sad...like his innocence was gone - what the hell am i saying...innocence was gone probably long ago
shivyn #4
Chapter 2: Puahahah...totally can imagine kyu doing that...
shivyn #5
Chapter 3: you know what i like about these...its realistic...me likey
shivyn #6
Chapter 2: Puahahah...totally can imagine kyu doing that...
shivyn #7
Chapter 1: awww...this is cute...n i can totally make this into a kyuhyuk!! lol....forgive my kyuhyuk bug...its resilient