When he drinks …

One Shots- Starring Gummy Smile and Game Addict

The ride home had been noisy but Hyukjae had been the only one talking. Or rather the alcohol in his system had kept him talking. Dayoung had barely said a word, grunting a yeah or mmph in response to his raving commentary of the concert they had just attended.


He thought Dayoung was tired after the three hour long concert. So he had let it slip. But when she turned away from him in bed to face the wall, Hyukjae knew something was wrong. Dayoung always slept in his embrace.


“Baby, what’s wrong?” He hugged her shoulders and felt the slight tremors.”Are you crying? “


He turned her around forcefully and saw her cheeks wet with tears and her hasty attempt to clean them up.


“What happened? Come here.” He pulled her into a tight squeeze and rocked her gently.”Tell me. What happened? Did I do something wrong?”


The silence from Dayoung scared him. He quickly retraced his actions that night. They had gone out to a rock concert with Kangin hyung and Gyeoul. Kangin hyung had VIP tickets. They had enjoyed themselves thoroughly before Gyeoul had driven them home. Both he and Kangin hyung were in no state to drive after all the alcohol they consumed at the VIP lounge.


Then it struck him.


“Is it because I drank too much today?” he whispered to Dayoung who looked miserable. ”Did I say or do something wrong under the influence of alcohol baby?”


“No. Hyukkie. I...” the woman in his arms stumbled for words. “I just didn’t like it that you drank so much.”


Hyukjae raised an eyebrow, puzzled by her words and actions.


“I know it sounds hypocritical since I drink like a fish too but I just thought it was out of character for you to drink like that. It made me upset to think you are not so innocent anymore.” Dayoung mumbled out her dissatisfaction.


Little did she expect Hyukjae to burst out laughing, embarrassing her further.


“You silly girl. Must you over think the whole situation. I will watch my drinking in the future, if it disturbs you so much baby. Promise” he laid a kiss on her forehead and bit his lips to keep back the laughter. Dayoung nodded earnestly , promising to share her feelings in the future.


“So you like the innocent Hyukjae huh.” He couldn’t stop the giggles that erupted after that.


“You are laughing at me!” Dayoung’s whines joined the giggles devouring the silence that had eaten them up awhile back.

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shivyn #1
Chapter 6: im seriously jealous here...and of a fictional character....i wanna be held like by hyuk!!!!
shivyn #2
Chapter 5: lol...once again i can imagine a kyuhyuk version of this...maybe one where hyuks abs is hot topic and jealous kyu is jealous again
shivyn #3
Chapter 4: to be honest....i kinda felt this way about hyukjae drinking...especially when i saw his on a recent Hello Counsellor episode...i mean i drink too and dont think about stopping but for some reason..it made me kinda sad...like his innocence was gone - what the hell am i saying...innocence was gone probably long ago
shivyn #4
Chapter 2: Puahahah...totally can imagine kyu doing that...
shivyn #5
Chapter 3: you know what i like about these...its realistic...me likey
shivyn #6
Chapter 2: Puahahah...totally can imagine kyu doing that...
shivyn #7
Chapter 1: awww...this is cute...n i can totally make this into a kyuhyuk!! lol....forgive my kyuhyuk bug...its resilient