When he is taller…

One Shots- Starring Gummy Smile and Game Addict

He stopped at the hallway when he sighted her. As usual she was sprawled out on the couch watching television, waiting for him to come home. Her precious monkey plushie hugged tight to her chest.


He couldn’t stop the mischievous smile as he tiptoed towards her. She jumped up startled when he pulled the pulshie out of her hands.


“Stop hugging that monkey!” He pulled away the plushie, holding it out of reach.


“Give it back to me.” She reached for the plushie, jumping up and down in a bid to reach her favourite toy.


“Too bad, you are short.” He held the toy even further up.


“That’s because I am barefoot. “She sent him a glare that spelled trouble and attempted to reach her favourite pulshie again.


“Even when you wear heels , you are shorter than me , My Ara.” Kyuhyun grinned and pulled her into a  hug.


“Well, I like it that I am shorter than you. “ She snorted. 




“Because I can do this.”  She reached up on tip toe, catching his lips with hers. A quick preluding peck that left him  grinning .using his momentarily lapse of attention , She rescued her pulshie form his hold behind her back and ran to hide in their room .


“I like it that you are shorter than me too , My Ara.” Kyuhyun sighed and made his way towards to the room to  battle it out with the pulshie for her love.




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shivyn #1
Chapter 6: im seriously jealous here...and of a fictional character....i wanna be held like by hyuk!!!!
shivyn #2
Chapter 5: lol...once again i can imagine a kyuhyuk version of this...maybe one where hyuks abs is hot topic and jealous kyu is jealous again
shivyn #3
Chapter 4: to be honest....i kinda felt this way about hyukjae drinking...especially when i saw his on a recent Hello Counsellor episode...i mean i drink too and dont think about stopping but for some reason..it made me kinda sad...like his innocence was gone - what the hell am i saying...innocence was gone probably long ago
shivyn #4
Chapter 2: Puahahah...totally can imagine kyu doing that...
shivyn #5
Chapter 3: you know what i like about these...its realistic...me likey
shivyn #6
Chapter 2: Puahahah...totally can imagine kyu doing that...
shivyn #7
Chapter 1: awww...this is cute...n i can totally make this into a kyuhyuk!! lol....forgive my kyuhyuk bug...its resilient