Soohyun&Suzy; Young Heart

Please Don't Go


“Here your drinks.” Suzy handed two cups of drink to a girl with long brown hair, a regular customer.

It’s always the same drinks. A mango green tea and Oolong milk tea with extra bubble. The girl always come here for a drink with a friend. Or is it a boyfriend? Suzy, herself is not really sure about that. They are young, lovely and playful. Somehow, she envies of their youth.

 “Yah! It hurts!” said the blonde hair guy.

Suzy laugh silently. They are bickering at each other again. There is this weird feeling creeping into her heart called as jealousy. She thinks, if and only if she could stay young and had nothing to worry about.

Only if…She lets out a deep sigh. 


Soohyun takes a deep breath for the nth time already. He’s now officially a teacher but still he gets nervous. He takes another deep breath, exhales slowly as he fixes his tie. He enters the classroom, walking carefully yet full of confidence.

“Anneyonghaseyo, I am Kim Soo Hyun. I am your new class teacher and I’ll be teaching science subjects.” He introduces himself as he smiles.

The students are cheering as he finishes introducing himself. The girls were whispering to each other with smile on their face. They might feel lucky since a young and good looking teacher is their class teacher. He smiles awkwardly to this. He opens a file with list names of the class.

He clears his throat and continue saying, “So, there are 35 of you right?”

“YES!!” They answered in unison. Soohyun smiles to their good response.

“I’ll check for attendance and before that, do you have any questions for me?”

The students are looking at each other, whispering again.

“Nothing? Okay I’ll proceed with------“

“Saem, how old are you?” A girl with pony tail asks.

“I am 26.”

“So, do you have a girlfriend?” The other girl asks

He just smiles politely and says, “Okay let’s proceed with your attendance.”


A guy with school uniform was standing in front of his school’s gate. In his left hand, he was holding a scroll. He sometimes looked around to see there are several students, taking photos with their parents, holding a bouquet of flower, smiling happily. He’s been observing them for quite some time. He then looked at himself, alone. ‘It’s lucky to have a parent.’ He let out a sigh, glanced at his wrist watch.

“She’s late.” He monologue

Without him knowing, a girl with pony tail on both of her sides was approaching him from behind. She’s holding a bouquet of lilac flower. She tapped his back.

He turned around, smiling.

“Oppa~~congratulations on your high school graduate!” She said as she handed the bouquet.

He took the bouquet into his hand as he patted her head slightly. She was slightly blushing.

“You’re late.” He said, looking serious.

“Oh mian~ I went to buy this flower. Pretty right?” She apologized cutely.

“This? What is this? Lilacs? Are you kidding me?”

“It’s your favourite right?” She asked.

“Nope. It’s your favourite babo-yah.”

“Oh really? I got it wrong then. Hehe.” She giggles to her own mistake.

He then laughed it off. She’s really cute. He couldn’t even get mad at her for a long time. He suddenly bent down, putting both of the scroll and the flower at his sides.

“What are you doing oppa?” She asked, surprised by his action.

“Your shoelace got off. Just stand still for a while.” He said as he tied the shoelace nicely.

“I can just do it by my own.” She said, blushing.

“Well, that’s what a boyfriend should do right, Suzy-ah” he answered flashing a smile. He stood up, brushes off his pants slightly.

“Then, should I fix your tie too Soohyun oppa?” She asked, touched by his care.

“Of course, any time.” He answered, smiling brightly.

They exchanged smiles. They keep staring into each other’s eye. Back then, they were young, they were in love. Everything seems possible. It felt like forever and ever.

Kim Soohyun’s POV

“I am home.” I greet as I enter the home. A small, empty home.

 My greeting is left unanswered. I put the keys on a small round table. I loosen down the tie that keep strangling all day long, eyeing on stacks of unopened mails. That must be bills, letter from the bank. I let out a sigh as I massage my temple. This things never end, need of money. I just got a job and the only thing I am worried ever since is money.  

My dry throat brings myself to the refrigerator. Before I open it, I notice a note left on the refrigerator.

‘I cooked the rice already. I left a kimchi stew in the refrigerator. Heat it before eating and we ran out of chicken. So just fry an egg, it’ll be good. Also, I’ll be home late. Take care ^^”

My face fell as I read the few last words. ‘I’ll be home late’ She’s been late lately. Well, I guess that’s what a final year student is all about. I grab a cold drink, don’t feel like eating yet. I walk toward the small yet cozy bedroom. I lie down on my back, feeling all the tiredness from today’s work. I don’t know which makes me exhausted, teaching or making money? I stare blankly on the ceiling. What would she say to me when I am like this? That girl always has something good, comforting to say. I put the back of my right hand on my forehead, closing my eyes for a moment.

‘I miss you, Suzy-ah’

In no time, I dozed off.

Suzy’s POV

It’s almost midnight when I arrived home after my part time job. I open the door slowly, closing it back carefully.

“Oh you’re home.”

It surprised me even though I know whose voice it belongs to. I turn around to see Soohyun oppa is drying his wet hair with towel, he just got out of the bathroom.

“Yeah. You’re not sleeping yet?” I ask.

“Got work to be done. Have you eaten yet?” He asked.

“Yeah, had my dinner already.” I answered smiling as I change my gaze towards the mails on the table.

Soohyun oppa walks into the kitchen, he makes a cup of hot drinks. I guess it is coffee. His all-time favourite. I go through over the mails. Most of them are bills and fees. The electricity bill, water bill.

“You are home late lately.” He asks as he takes a sip from his mug.

“We got a group project and the deadline is nearer. So, you know how hectic it is right. ” I smile, lying. I can see he just nods his head as he listens to me.

“Oppa. The bills…”

“Yeah, I know. Just leave it there. I’ll pay by the end of this month.”

“But, we are already 3 months late. You know, perhaps..I..”

“No. Just let me. I am the man of this house. I am responsible for this.”

“But oppa---“

“That’s final. End of discussion.” He insists as he stares at me.

His voice sounds calm but I can sense tense in his voice. He’s being sensitive. Like I was hurting his pride. He looks down to his mug. He then walks into his room, leaving me questioning myself if I said anything wrong. I get up from my seat, walks slowly to his room.  I hesitate for a while whether to knock on the door or not. Finally, I give up my will to do so. He must be still mad at me.

I enter my room as I sit by the bedside, picking up a frame of picture on a small desk by my bed. It’s a picture of a happy couple. The guy was kissing the girl’s cheek while she just smiles brightly. It seems like forever and ever. Without I even realize, beads of tears fall down my cheeks.

'I miss you, Soohyun oppa.'



To be continued....

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Baeby_Kim #1
Chapter 10: finally!! omg suzy had a miscarriage no! please.. :(
sasasakiu24 #2
Chapter 10: Thank you for updating☆
I was waiting all the while><
I wanted you to help everyone. I'm also wishing for that now…… Nooooo!!!! You aren't supposed to die. OMG..
~Please grant a wish~
eighteens #3
New reader . Update soon hyunzy jjang lol
Baeby_Kim #4
Please update authornim.. I'm waiting for your update for so long because your such a good writer and your story its so beautiful :) ~ i hope the baby & suzy are ok and they're going back together hyunzy ftw! ^^ one more request i hope your going to tell the story why Suzy get pregnant lol hihi.. ^_*
Whdh09 #5
Update soon authorim ^_^
Chapter 9: I want my hyunzy back together..
potatonaaah #7
Chapter 9: I'm anticipating your story. update soon author-nim! :) I hope everyone is safe. can't wait my hyunzy to reunite. :)
Chapter 9: Oh dear... I really hope they're all safe. The message he left hee was heart breaking, this whole chapter was.
Chapter 9: uh-oh...
i hope the're all safe
Chapter 8: It's so bittersweet. Love isn't always about rainbows and butterflies and you're the best in finding a lovely place in between. Please keep going I really need more of them. This fic resembles the beanpole video that came out yesterday.