Chapter 11

Young Love

6:00 AM


"Wake up wake up!" Namjoon shouted while throwing pillows to the member's bodies. "Hyung it's so early." Taehyung muttered under his blanket. "No. It's already 6 AM." Namjoon said while shaking Taehyung up. "See! It's still early." Namjoon frowned at this stubborn boy. "We have to be out there at 8 AM!" He held Taehyung's ankle and pulled it towards him. "Ow! Hyung!" Taehyung said, sitting at the floor with a pillow on his lap. "This is fun. I'm gonna do this to everybody. Well, of course, except for you and Jin hyung." Namjoon told Minki then went around, pulling every person's ankles.  He laughed as he heard the member's complaining moans.  Jungkook stretched with matching alien sounds, which made Minki laugh. When he sat up and opened his eyes, he saw Minki looking at him while laughing. He suddenly remembered what he just did then hid under the pillows, which only made Minki laugh more. Namjoon saw it too of course. "You're such a turn off. Get up baby boy!" Namjoon said while laughing, then smashed a pillow in his back. Taehyung got up and went to the shower. "Does anybody want to shower with me?" Taehyung asked, peeping out from the bathroom door. "Nobody, Taehyung." Hoseok said which made Taehyung pout. He withrewed back inside then everybody moved on. Seokjin went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Minki got up to get her things and sat beside the bathroom, saying that she is going next.

Minutes passed and Taehyung is still inside the bathroom. "Sorry about Taehyung, he usually doesn't take up too much time inside but I don't know, maybe he's still putting on his make-up." Namjoon said then smiled. Minki smiled too. Just imagining it is just ridiculous. "Breakfast is ready!" Seokjin called, like an ordinary mother in the movies. Everybody went to the dining table and sat where they want. "Wait, aren't we going to wait for Taehyung?" Hoseok asked. "Nope. We don't have to. Right Minki?" Namjoon said then winked at her. "Hey! So mean hyung. Well! I'm here." Taehyung said happilly, hair a little wet. He sat beside Minki, of course, then ate the food. "Hyung, I love you." Taehyung said to Seokjin while feeling the flavour of their breakfast. "I love you too." Seokjin replied. "So sweet go date each other." Jungkook said. 


8:00 AM


They all went on the center, where the principal asked them to be. Everybody was noisy as usual. But when the principal came, they all fell silent. "Okay, everybody. There will be lots of activities starting today until our last day here. For now, we'll be boat racing. After the race is finished, if there is any free time, you can row freely as you want before lunch. And now, when we got there, just be careful. It's a little slippery on the way down but you'll be fine. When we get there, I'll explain the rules then we're ready to go. You can now go grab your things." Everybody cheered and excitedly went to their cabins to get their bags. Taehyung and Namjoon went to the cabins earlier than the others so it will be faster. "Help them." Seokjin told the others who unhesitatedly nodded. "Oppa." Minki smiled at Seokjin, about to laugh. Seokjin smiled back. "I know. They're afraid of me. I don't know why." Seokjin sighed and they both laughed on the way to the cabin. 

They all went down to the venue together with the principal and his assistant leading the way. When they got there, the view of mountains, the blue sky with birds flying on them, the beautiful colorful flowers surrounding the place and the crystal clear blue lake. Minki had open with a smile. "It's so beautiful.." She muttered. They all agreed with Minki. The view is just breath taking. "I would want my first date to be in a place like this." Minki said suddenly, thinking about it. 'Oh ok thank you for the info.' Jungkook thought as he heard. "I will surely take my date to a place like this. I bet she would love me." Namjoon saidm smiling. "Hyung stop." Taehyung said, almost laughing. "What? You jealous?" Namjoon said as he come closer to Taehyung in a funny mocking way. Taehyung moved closer to Namjoon too. "Yeah, so?" They both laughed at their ridiculousness. "I'm so excited!" Minki said, looking at the boats near the lake. "First time?" Namjoon asked and Minki nodded. "Well you better make her first time good." Namjoon told Jungkook, who just smiled shyly. Taehyung rolled his eyes for some reason which Namjoon saw. "Don't be jealous Tae. You can make her first enjoyable too." Taehyung looked at Namjoon with an annoyed face and big eyes. Namjoon just laughed at him.

"Okay everybody listen up! You will be allowed to have 2 to 3 partners for each boat. That means you have to be separated in any ways. If you have your partner already, line up here to get your PFDs. Then, go straight to your assigned boats and wait until everyone is on position. Then before we start, I will tell the rules." Everybody lined up excitedly, some slipping for rushing wanting to be first. Namjoon and Seokjin went together and lined up, not caring what the other members would do. Yoongi pulled Hoseok and Hoseok pulled Jimin with him. They left Minki with Jungkook and Taehyung, which is okay with her. They lined up too, so they could get into their boat faster.

When they're all inside their boats, they all looked at the principal who blowed the whistle. "Okay everyone. The rule is you have to cross that buoy. You see there? Yeah. You have to go around it and go back here 5 times. No cheating, of course. Whoever is seen cheating will be called out. And whoever wins gets tonight's luxurious spa." Everyone was a lot more encouraged to win this when they heard it, especially the sossy girls. "When I blow the whistle, you will all start. Starting, 3, 2.. 1!" *whistle blow*

Everyone paddled as soon as the whistle blowed. Jungkook and Taehyung paddled and Minki just sat there in the middle, giving encouraging words to her paddlers. Namjoon and Seokjin were leading, as usual. Yoongi and Hoseok were the ones paddling, and Jimin was in the middle, dancing while giving encouraging words to his hyungs. Everybody passed the 1st lap, but when they're on their second lap, a lot were disqualified. There's this group of girls who all fell into the water for no apparent reason, probably because they're pointing at each other on who's to paddle next. The other's were caught cheating by hitting the other group's boat with their paddle sticks, and some were stuck on the buoy. 

3rd lap and They saw Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin going for land, probably tired. Namjoon and Seokjin are still leading. Jungkook's group is second and there's another boy group behind. They were too close to Minki's boat that they almost won over them. But Minki thought of something. She went to face the boys and talk to them. Jungkook and Taehyung just looked at her, and knew what she was doing. So they just paddled. "Hi." Minki said, which made the other two paddlers look on her. "What?" The other said. "So mean." Minki pouted. "Sorry." The other apologized. "I just wanted to say nice job." Minki said cheerfully and smiled at them. She knew her plan was working, because the other team seemed to slow down a bit and soon they hit the buoy. It was hard to get away from it so they just gave up. Minki waved at them. "Thank you!" The other guy hissed and hit the other guy's head. 

4th lap and only two are remaining. Minki's and Namjoon's. Soon they were on the same level with Namjoon's. "Hi oppa!" Minki said. "Hello sunshine." Namjoon responded. "We're gonna win." Minki said confidently. "Oh no, you won't." Seokjin said. Namjoong took off his shirt with one hand paddling and the other doing the work. Seokjin did too, which made the girls on the land scream. 'RapMon oppa you can do it!' or 'Jin oppa you're so y!!'. Minki laughed at those comments. "Why are you doing this oppa?" Minki asked. "Because it's hot." Namjoon smiled at her. They both passed the buoy and now they're recing for the land. Whoever gets there first wins. This time Minki was splashing water to Namjoon and Seokjin. "Hey! Cheater." Seokjin said with a smile. This time Minki doesn't even care about winning. She was enjoying this and it's very nice to have her first time enjoyable. 


11:00 AM


They both hit the land at the same time, which made everyone scream names of the team they want to win. 'Namjoon and Jin oppa won!' or 'Jungkook and Taehyung were the real ones!'. Minki laughed at everyone who fought for their idols. "Enough!" The principal shouted and everyone fell silent. "It is seen that both of them hit the land at the same time, so it means they both won." A lot were cheering but there were also ones who complained that it is unfair. Of course Namjoon and Minki were happy about them both winning. "Enough! It is decided. They go to spa later. The end." The principal said then looked at his watch. "It's just 11 AM. You guys can have the 1 hour free time on boating. Go ahead and enjoy." Everyone seemed to forget the competition and went to their boats. Of course they're all scattered around the lake. And no, The BTS members and Minki didn't go back to the lake. They planned to just sit there and enjoy the view. And yes, Namjoon is still shirtless, well Seokjin isn't. He covered now. Girls passed by and they all winked at Namjoon and the other members, and then frowned at Minki. "Hey! Don't frown at her again." Namjoon scowled and the girls nodded and went away quickly. "I love you oppa." Minki said. "I love you too sunshine." Namjoon placed his arm around Minki. Jungkook and Taehyung both looked at them. 'Oh now they love each other.' Jungkook thought and frowned. "Stop it. Too sweet and you don't look good together!" Taehyung whined at them. "Oh, so you're telling me Minki looks good with you?" Minki suddenly blushed at what Namjoon just said. "! Never said that!" Taehyung said then quickly looked away. 'Awww' was all Minki could ever express in her mind with all the cuteness Taehyung is showing.


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Hello everyone! I have decided to update this story. Stay posted ✨


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12345678910 #1
Chapter 12: Update please.
Your story is very good.
lysleiC #2
Chapter 12: No more update? Only chapter 12? Ouch. TT I should've not read it at all. It breaks my heart~
Chapter 12: aigoo typo i mean Baby Boy xD mian.. Agagaga
Chapter 12: update Juseyo.. Ahaa.. I suggest when read this fiction, better we listen to Teen Top Changjo feat. Ljoe ''Jealousy'' XD.. It sound so good ahaa,because Jongkook and Taehyung showed a lots of jealousy ahaa..Hell Yes I really Love Rap Monster,because he so lovely ahaa.. He even called Jongkook ''Baby Girl'' so many cute moments.. I like it..!! Kyyaa.. Palli palli update..!! Author-nim ..!!
KThantO #5
Chapter 12: Hoping to b updated by the author ~~. ReAlly great and wish to write many!!!
Chapter 12: Whuh- why when what happened to kookie teehee
miparkland #7
Chapter 11: i’ll be so happy if minki falls for jungkook ><
i love this story! it's getting complicated so that i have no idea what will happen next.
keep the good work authornim!
i'll wait for next chapt.
update soon okay. hehehe
Chapter 11: Let Minki and Jungkook be tgthr ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 11: Tae like minki and minki like him too XD
actualy i want it endup with tae ^^
But it doesn't matter