
First Friend

Bekah's POV


It has been two years Sooyoung confessed to me, we are still strong as ever.

This was my first long-distance relationship and I was afraid that I couldn't make it work. Sooyoung assured me and made my doubts of our relationship go away. She would always Skype or Facetime me, when I knew she was clearly exhausted.

We had our fights from time to time and it was always Sooyoung that apologized to me first. She always reminded me, "Not to go to sleep angry..."

Sooyoungie told me her fears and her worries. She once told me that she would give up this idol life for me, she was tired. She was tired of being the useless member of SNSD.

When she told me this, I was beginning to feel furious. How can she think like this? 

It further lead to another argument.

I just wanted to her to know she was meant to be in SNSD. She didn't be trainee for seven years to go to waste. Without her in SNSD, they wouldn't have that charm and humor.

She had to see in that in herself.





Sooyoung wanted to Skype with me when she got back from her packed schedule. I made sure I was on my laptop waiting for her call. I was going through me and Sooyoung's Skype pictures. 

How our first date was so special. 

We made sure we both had pizza that night and how we cuddled to our laptops while watching a movie. She was so close yet so far apart.

I was beginning to doze off when I heard the Skype app ringing. Clicking "accept" right away, a smile spread seeing the love of my life.

"Hey baby."Sooyoung smiled tiredly. I can see the dark circles under the eyes and the weariness on her face.

"Hey baby, what time is it in Seoul?" I asked, concerned. 

"It's never to late to see you,"Sooyoung let out a small laugh. I felt a blush spread through my cheeks, even when this woman was across the world from me and yet, I still swoon over her words.

"Are you sure you aren't that exhausted?" I asked her again. She chuckled at me and looked down.

"Choi Sooyoung, you better answer me or I'm hanging up!" I played with her.

"Wait, wait, babe! I'm not that tired...

I wanted to see you and sing this song I wrote for you."Sooyoung admitted and I saw her pull out her guitar. She started to strum and began to sing:

(VIXX- I don't want to be an idol)


Because of the endless schedule
It’s not easy to see your face
Me inside the TV, you watching me on TV
That’s how we date

Should I quit?
When I think about you, I keep getting weak

Because I’m an idol, because I’m a celebrity
I can’t hold your hand when we walk but
When I become more famous, when I become more confident
I will give you all the love I couldn’t give you now

I want to go out and go to the movies
I want to stick close to you and walk all day
Things that everyone else does, things that are normal
Those things are difficult for us

I wondered if we should break up a few times but I love you too much

As much as I love you, music is so important to me too so I can’t help it
After some time passes, after I become a bit more famous
I will reveal you to the world – I love you

Because of all the cameras, because of my manager
I kept pushing back our dates
When my music succeeds, when everything goes well
I will give you all the love I couldn’t give you now

I’ll do everything for you, I’ll give you everything

This song is for you – I love you



After she sang, tears stained my cheeks.

This is how she really felt about being an idol.

No, I can't let her give up her dreams for me. 

Sooyoung still has me and her group.

I love her too much to let her do that.






The End.






A/N: I love Sooyoung and Bekah's friendship. I only wanted it this to be two parts and please enjoy!




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Chapter 1: oh my god.can't believe i just found out this bekahxyuri sure do on fire
Chapter 1: this is Like the sweetest and cutest thing on earth >.<
Chapter 1: Awwww.. Sooo sweet :">
love it!!
Chapter 1: I am in love....With your stories~ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
10151996-ji #5
Chapter 1: Omo. This is so refreshing aaaaaaand idk what to say anymore bcos I want moreee. Soo x Afterschool pairing is daebak! Hggnnn.
ashmizuichi99 #6
Chapter 1: LOL the jealousy XD I like this, a new pair and its so refreshing. also suprised me that they are friends in real life