two / four


I just got back to our dorm after a day of endless schedule. I texted Aeri a while ago and she said she's in her apartment right now. I threw my bag on my bed and went straight out to the end of the hallway where her room was. I rang the bell once and she opened the door.

"Seungho, you're here. How's your day?"

"Tiring.. how's yours?" I asked her as we walked inside to her living room. I realized that she's not alone in here.

"Ah I forgot to tell you. He's my friend from college, we just finished doing our report. I told you the other day that I have a team project with one of my friend, right? This is Insoo, Insoo this is boyfriend." She introduced me to her friend. 

"I'm Seungho, nice to meet you." I looked at him and reached out my hand for a handshake. Unlike what I expected, he was just sat there on the couch and scoffed.

"Yeah yeah I know who you are.. I'm Insoo. Aeri-ah, you're dating an idol? Woaah.." He said sarcastically. I knew I just met him, but I don't like him..

"Yah! Insoo!" She hissed.

"What? Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry Seungho-ssi, I just thought she could do better." He smirked. I looked at him in disbelief and stepped forward but Aeri pulled my hand and pleaded me with her eyes. Instead, she approached him and pulled him up.

"We're finished right? Can you go home now?"

"Fine, fine." He grabbed his bag and walked to the front door, "Nice to meet you, Seungho-ssi."

I glared at him, I just couldn't belief how rude he was. I know, Aeri was a smart and beautiful girl, she could do much better than me. But what does it has to do with him?

"I'm sorry Seungho, it's not like him to be that rude." 

"What's wrong with him?!" I shouted unknowingly.

"I'm really sorry, I'll give him a piece of my mind tomorrow."

"I don't like him, Aeri-ah."

"Don't take his words too seriously, I don't know what's gotten into him."

I sat on the couch in silence, trying not to be bothered but I couldn't help to think about what he said.

"Aeri, do you think so too? That I'm not good enough for you?"

"What?? NO. Seungho, I told you not to think about it. Aish, that Insoo."

"But still.."

"Yah! What happened with Yang Seungho I knew? Did you left him at the broadcast station?" She teased me. Yeah it's not like me. I was proud of who I am. I was proud of what I do.

I tried to forget about it and spent the night away with her. But since then, everytime I'm with Aeri, I never stop to be bothered about it. 


♦ ♦ ♦


Kang Insoo.

I guess he works in the same place as her now.  They went out from the building and walked to her car. Aeri gave him her car keys and he sat on the driver seat. They went to a nearest restaurant and I followed them. I sat on a table not too far away from them with my back facing them. I hope they wouldn't see me. 

When the waitress came and served me my order, I took the chance to glanced at my back in their direction. I saw Insoo pulled out a wrapped small box and gave it to her. She opened it and smiled. Are they dating now? I couldn't help but thinking so because then she pulled out a silver bracelet from inside the box and Insoo helped her to put it on her wrist. She gave him a warm smile and a thank you.

I turned my head back to my front, feeling hurt inside. That smile used to be mine only.

I couldn't finish my food because I lost my appetite all of a sudden. I sighed and sipped my drink when I saw someone suddenly took the seat in front of me.

"I knew it was you.." Insoo said with a serious face. My eyes widen and immediately turned around to see whether Aeri also found me out. I sighed in relieved when I saw that she's not around. "Aeri's at the bathroom." He answered my curiousity.

"What are you doing here?" I shooted.

"I should be the one asking that. What are you doing here?" He asked back.

"Having lunch, can't you see?" I said with a sharp tone.

"Still the same prideful Yang Seungho, huh? Let's cut it short, I know you're following Aeri."

"What if I am, you're saying that I can't?" I said defensively.

"What do you want? After what you did to her, what's more that you want?" He asked sternly.

"I just.." Yeah what do I want? I just want to see how she's doing.. but that's not really a reason. Suddenly, I saw a change in his expression as he looked towards my back.

"Aeri's here. I'm going.. and you better go too." He tapped my shoulder and left.


I watched them as Insoo paid for the bill and glared at me while opening the door for Aeri. I sighed and stood up from my table to pay the food. Whatever he said, I would still do what I intended to do today. I walked to my car and followed them. I thought they're going back to their office but when I realized that we're heading to the highway, I knew that they went straight to Ilsan for that seminar. 

Driving in the highway always takes me back to the past, and today was no different. One by one, my life three years ago was playing back in my mind..

Our first meeting.

Our first kiss.

Our first argument.

and.. the first time I saw hurt in her eyes. The hurt that was caused by me.


♦ ♦ ♦


"Guys! Don't forget that we have fanmeeting session after this, it's going to be on the west parking lot." My manager shouted in the room. We were just finished our last stage on Inkigayo and as a thank you we're going to hold a small fanmeeting outside the building. 

"Aeri would come right?" Joon asked me.

"She texted me earlier, she's outside already." I answered. It's been more than a week since the last time I met her. I was busy with my schedule and she was busy with school, eventhough we live in the same apartment, our timing was never in our favor. She seemed to have a free time today so she said she'd come to the fanmeeting and have lunch with us afterwards.

We walked to the fanmeeting place and welcomed by screaming fans. We stood at the front and greeted them, my eyes scanned through the area and found her in the back. We did our thing and played some games with the fans, and now the event finally over. 

We stayed for a while to clear things up and she approached us.

"I saw the stage, it was great!" She smiled at us.

"'re coming with us after this right?" I asked.

"Yes, but your manager will drop me at school on your way to the next schedule. Tired?" She gave me a bottle of water.

"I was, but you're here so not anymore." I grinned and she laughed, "Come on, let's get into the van first."

"How about the other?"

"They'll coming later." I leaded the way to our van and when I saw no one around I took her hand into mine.

"Yah, what if someone saw us?"

"I don't care..let them know that you're my girl." I said confidently. A confidence that was forgotten seconds later.

Some fans managed to find us and ran to us the moment they spotted me. Instinctively, I let go of her arms and then I was surrounded by fans asking for autograph and pictures.  A fan came to my side and grabbed my wrist to take a picture. Aeri was taken aback when she was suddenly pushed hard from my side and shoved to the ground. 

No one noticed her, but I did. I saw her fall down and did nothing about it.

Instead, I smiled to the camera with a fan holding my wrist. Like an idiot.

Aeri got up and looked at me. She gave me an understanding smile but there's no way I could miss the hurt that flashed in her eyes. She walked away and I found her later sitting near our van.

"Gwenchana?" I asked and sat besides her. I touched her wounded knee and she flinched.

"Uhm." She nodded and stood up, "Seungho-ah, I think I'll go first, I forgot that I have something to do. Say hi to the guys, tell them I'm sorry I couldn't have lunch together." She walked away, leaving me alone to realize that I hurt her feeling today.


♦ ♦ ♦


I slowed down my car when I reached the highway gate. Because I didn't really know where we're going, I tried hard not to lose their car until we reached a white building. I parked the car about ten meters away from them and wait for them to come out. Insoo got out first and he opened the door for Aeri. You bastard..

I sighed as I remembered that I was never a gentleman for her. It was always her who tried to understand my temper and pride. I always made her wait. I never apologized for my mistakes. I always demand her to understand when I'm busy with my work. I always the one who get angry when she couldn't meet me due to her school. 

I was selfish but she never complained. Not even once.

She'd rush to me everytime I needed her, but during times when she needed me the most, I didn't even consider her feelings. It was always about me. 

Even the grave mistake I did, happened because of my pride.






Yes, it's Insoo from MYNAME :)


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Chapter 4: oh crap ...ithought there' ll be a happy ending,,,but oh well...
ohhzuii56 #2
Chapter 4: Omgggg. This is so ;-; but its still a good story!
Chapter 3: aaaaaaaaaaaaw...stupid seungho :P hope you could update soon... :)
ohhzuii56 #4
Chapter 2: Thats so mean of seungho to make aeri letting him in all ways >:( update soon!