


Cheongdam-dong, 8 PM, a week later


A woman in her mid 20s were walking inside a small yet cozy restaurant. It was her favorite place to eat along with her current boyfriend, and today was no difference.

She scanned through the area and found the man she was looking for sat at their usual table. He was sitting there looking somehow anxious, of what she didn't know. He wasn't even realized she was walking closer.

She decided to play a prank on him as she tiptoed on her heels and stood still behind him. He still didn't realize. She leaned forward and blowed on his right ear, making him jumped and turned around in shocked.

"God, you're scaring me!"

"Hahahahaha what are you thinking so seriously, Insoo? You should've seen your face!" She hold her now painful stomach due to laughter.

"Aish.." He cursed at himself and pulled out a chair for Aeri to sit.

"So, how's your day?" She asked him once she sit.

"Just like usual, nothing special." He answered and handed her the menu.

"How about that offer about a position in US, you decided yet?" She asked him while she scanned through the menu, trying to decide which one to order because everything's just look delicious. She knew that in the end she'll order what she always eats, but she just loves to see what's in the menu for today.

"Actually, that's why I'm asking you out today. I want to talk to you about it.." He said, and she looked up from the menu. Their conversation was cut by a waiter who came to take their orders. The waiter left after they ordered what they want for today, leaving both of them to continue their talks.

"What is it?" She asked, now her attention totally on him and the topic.

"I took the offer. I'm going to US in a month.." He said carefully. He checked her face for any expression she might show him about the fact that he would left to the other side of the world in just a month time, possibly leaving her here for God-knows-how-long.

He was disappointed when he saw her face was filled with excitement.

"Really? That's great!" She exclaimed.

"You sure? I mean.."

"It's a really rare opportunity you know, I'm glad you take it."

"But how about you?" He shooted what has been in his mind all along. She noticed his disappointed expression. She realized that he expected her to object about him leaving. She smiled and reached out for his hands on the table.

"Insoo, we're not childs anymore. I'm sure we can work it out. Many people survived long distance relationship, why can't we become one of them?"

"I don't know how long I'll be gone, Aeri. Are you still fine about it?"

This time, the waiter came again with their foods. He bowed at the two of them and left them to enjoy their foods. Aeri was going to continue the talk when Insoo smiled and said, "How about we eat first? Let's continue the conversation after we're both full."

Aeri smiled and nodded. They enjoyed their date night with delicious foods and small talks about what happened in each others life. For the third time that night, the waiter came again, this time with deserts. Aeri's eyes were lit with excitement as she took her blueberry cheesecake. Insoo smiled at the sight of his girlfriend's cute expression.


"Nae?" She looked up from her desert.

"I want you to come with me." He said, full with determination

"Where?" She was still didn't catch what he meant by that.

"To US.."

"What?" Her eyes widen, "Insoo, I know you're worried about us, but.. my life is here. I can't just follow you to US, you have your own life, I can't burden you there.."

"Marry me, then. We'll build our life together there.."

"What did you say?" Her eyes widen upon hearing what Insoo said. She never thought their conversation would lead to this. He then reached to his pocket and pulled out a small box. When he opened the box and put it on the table, Aeri could feel her heart started beating so fast. Even more when she looked at his eyes.

"Shin Aeri, would you marry me?"

She should say yes.

She should cry in happiness and let him put the ring on her finger.


"I..I can't..Insoo, I can't.." She stuttered and closed her eyes tight. She didn't dare to see how Insoo took her answer just now, she didn't want to admit that she just said no to her boyfriend's proposal.

Unlike her expectation, Insoo just sighed and rub his face with his hands, "I knew it.."

"It's Seungho, isn't it?" For the first time in a week, he finally mentioned that name. The name that has been bothering him all week, because he knew that no matter how Aeri tried to act like usual, she just couldn't hide the fact that she was affected by the little reunion she had with the guy.

A guy she used to love, and also the one she never stopped loving.

Aeri couldn't answer. She stared down and noticed her heels. She's been wearing it everyday since that day. She wore it so that the shoes would do what they suppposed to do, take her steps away from Seungho and lead her to new places where her memories with Seungho aren't there. That was what the present supposed to mean, that was what she supposed to do.

She found new happiness with Insoo, he was a great guy and a great friend.

But to marry him.. she just can't. 

She couldn't lie anymore, not to him and not to herself.

"I'm sorry.." was only what she could say to him.

"Aeri, look at me.." He reached out for her hand and squeezed it lightly, "It's him, isn't it?"

Despite trying to hold her emotion, she couldn't help but let tears slowly fall from her eyes. She nodded cautiously and looked up to Insoo, "I'm sorry, Insoo-ah..I'm really sorry.."

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He didn't know whether he should be angry or hurt or just be relieved that Aeri finally admited her feelings.

At least, now he don't have to lie to himself anymore about Aeri. He had hoped and hoped that he would be able to have her heart fully, but of course he knew better. Even when Aeri with him, he knew she didn't love him as much as she loves Seungho.

He took care of her, just like he promised.

But now, it's time for him to let go..


"I'm sorry too, Aeri-ah.."





Incheon, 9 AM, a month later

"It's time.." Insoo stood up from the table and grabbed his luggage. He was having his breakfast along with Aeri at the airport. They walked out from the fast food restaurant and headed to the international departure terminal. After checking in his luggages, they sat at the waiting lounge.

"Take care, okay?" Aeri smiled at him.

"I think that's my line, hahaha. " He laughed and patted her head. She just smiled at her bestfriend's warm gestures.

"Aigoo..what am I going to do without you.." She sighed.

"Who told you to reject my proposal, huh? Huh?!" He poked her sides playfully several times.

"Yah! Insoo, yah! Stop it!"

"Just let me torture you this time, okay, because I don't know when I'll be able to do this again." He said, tickling her sides while she squirmed trying to hold her laugh.


Fifteen minutes later, they could hear the announcement for boarding. They looked at each other one last time before finally do their last hug.

"Don't you dare ignore my calls, girl.." He flicked her forehead.

"We'll see.." She smiled playfully and they broke the hug.

"Take care, don't hesitate to call me if something happen okay?" He said and she nodded thankfully. He turned his back to walk to the boarding gate when he heard a voice calling his name.


"Kang Insoo!"

Aeri and Insoo turned around at the same time to see the source of it. Insoo's smile widen when he realized who was it, but on the other side, Aeri's eyes couldn't be more wider in surprise upon seeing a familiar person running towards them.


"Insoo, what th–" She asked in confusion.

"I called him." He answered lightly, "He's here. I'm really going, then." He tapped her still frozen shoulder and walked towards the gate. Totally ignoring the fact that Seungho was there because of his call the night before, as if he wasn't the one responsible for what's going to unfold between his ex–no, his bestfriend– and Seungho the moment he left the two alone.

Insoo could see the panic expression on Aeri's face when he walked in and waved at her from across the glass door. Aeri was even more panic when she saw Insoo mouthed something at her.

"Good luck!"


"Yah! Kang Insoo! You can't go until you explain what you meant last night!" Seungho shouted when he finally reached the gate but Insoo just shrugged at him and left, gone from Aeri and Seungho's eyes as he board the plane.

Aeri froze in the presence of Seungho besides her and turned her back to left the area, but then she felt Seungho's hand on her left shoulder. 

Seungho realized Aeri's presence besides him, and the things that Insoo said last night rang in his head while he watched her back turned at him and he instinctively grabbed her shoulder before she could go any further.



She looked at him and met the eyes of a guy whom she thought she could never meet again. The one who was the reason why Insoo left the country all alone without her.

"Yes?" She said in confusion. 

"Erm..." He let his hand fell to his side and hesitated.

"What is it, Seungho?" 


Seungho realized what Insoo's intention was for calling him here. Seungho stepped forward and promised to himself; that this time, he won't mess it up.



"Would you mind if I take you home?"





AN: Okay it's completed for real now :)

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Chapter 4: oh crap ...ithought there' ll be a happy ending,,,but oh well...
ohhzuii56 #2
Chapter 4: Omgggg. This is so ;-; but its still a good story!
Chapter 3: aaaaaaaaaaaaw...stupid seungho :P hope you could update soon... :)
ohhzuii56 #4
Chapter 2: Thats so mean of seungho to make aeri letting him in all ways >:( update soon!