Who You?
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It was Sunday but there were so many things to be settled. And because of that, Jiyong was willing to sacrifice his day off and his precious sleep and went to Jay’s apartment and discuss about their project plans. New clients can be really fussy but they decided to take up the challenge and face everything together. They started brainstorming just moments after Jiyong arrived at Jay’s place and time passed until they heard one of their tummies growled.


Jiyong was left alone when Jay decided to order for pizzas and he only went out from the office room when he heard noise coming from the hallway.


“Hey Jay is the pizza here already…..?”


Jiyong froze on his spot. His eyes widen upon seeing what was before him- Dara was on Jay’s back as he piggybacked her. Jiyong’s gaze shifted to Dara’s smiling face and he hated to admit that he missed seeing her smile like that.


Dara on the other hand, let go of her grip on Jay’s neck and put herself down. She then cleared before fixing herself. “Oh, I didn’t know you have a guest,” she whispered lowly to Jay.


Jay smiled and held her shoulder, hugging her from the side. “Jiyong’s been here since this afternoon but you were too oblivious to your surrounding once you had your eyes on your lover.”


Dara knew who he was referring to, it was none other than her beloved book. “Tsk. Shut up. Let’s eat, I feel like dying already,” she whined, avoiding meeting Jiyong’s eyes and ignoring his stare by looking at Jay.


“Oh right. Come on, let’s eat. Jiyong, let’s go.”


Jiyong let them both walk side by side as he observed them from behind. An unexplainable feeling came gushing in upon seeing them two so close like that. His brows furrowed even more when he saw Dara linked her arm with Jay. His reflex was so fast that he almost broke their linked arms when his conscience stopped him. ‘You have no right, you let her go in the first place.’


Their dinner surprisingly went natural, of course with the effort put in by both Dara and Jiyong. The two of them acted like they were total strangers and they could’ve fooled anyone with their acting. Time passed as they fill their stomachs, not forgetting to discuss about work every now and then while Dara let her eyes fixed on the TV when they were busy discussing.


Jiyong’s eyes landed on her every now and then, making sure he wasn’t caught everytime doing so. Being in the same place with Dara and Jay, he couldn’t just gather his courage and speak to his ex girlfriend naturally. Maybe exes aren’t meant to meet with each other in any way in the first place, he thought.


“Oh , we ran out of drink,” Jay commented.


Dara cleaned her hands and stood up immediately. “Let me go buy some,” she said, not waiting for his reply. She was about to reach for her purse beside the table when Jay’s hand stopped her.


“It’s okay, let me go. Besides it’s dark already.”


Being stubborn as she was, she tried to insist on going. “Exactly. It’s not far so just let me go.”


Dara reached for her purse and headed to the door already but before she could even open the knob, Jay turned her around and left her speechless when he suddenly pecked her forehead. “Stay. I’ll go.”


Still in daze, all she could do was watch him walk towards the door, leaving her with Jiyong. Dara knew Jiyong’s eyes were on her but she tried to act cool. Turning herself to him, she slowly walked closer and sat on the couch. She didn’t even bother looking at him as she grabbed a huge slice of pizza, not failing to choose the one which had the most cheese on top of it.


Jiyong on the other hand, just watched her closely. He noticed her cold and unwelcoming aura and he knew he had to do something about it. Taking a deep breath, he started the first move. “So.. hey.”


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Chapter 5: This story is (kind of) bittersweet for me. Though I want daragon back together, I'm a bit upset with Jiyong. I low-key hope Sandara still ended up with Jay. Hahahaha
But I like this story. I hope there are more chapters. Thank you for writing this. ^^
Chapter 5: End already?? Wahhhh.. i was hoping for more though..but i love it..kkkkk Thank you.
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 5: Argh! I wish there’s a sequel! I love this story ❤️
Chapter 5: Short story yet it's good to read..
Chapter 4: Damn.. Why can't they just talk it out and be done with.. They are just hurting their self more..
Chapter 3: Oh.. Talk about being awkward..
Chapter 5: Aaaawe...happy endings...for both parties...
raxelle #8
Chapter 5: Aigoo..i was shocked it ended so soon! Haha..i was still imagining the next things thatcould happen to Jiyong and Dara..but suddenly i saw "end"..haha..anyway, thanks for such a short but interesting story authornim :)
pinkblue #9
Chapter 5: thank you so much.. it's beautiful story..
pinkblue #10
Chapter 2: omg!!! i love this story~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~