Who You?
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She felt her world stopped spinning for a moment upon facing a situation that had never crossed her mind. Two guys who were standing before her knew each other… talk about fate.


“Uh?” Due to utter shock, that was all Dara could say.


“Oh, hun you’re here,” Jay greeted her, smiling as he failed to notice the change of expression on Dara’s face. “I’d like to meet my business partner, Jiyong,” he introduced them both, still oblivious to the situation. “Dude, this is my girl, Dara.”


It was really awkward getting introduced that way but somehow Jiyong managed to salvage the situation. “Hey, nice meeting you.”


Dara’s eyes diverted to Jiyong and her head immediately nodded in response. “Hi.”


“Ahm. I’ll leave you two guys then?” She tried to sound natural, covering her nervousness.


“Ah, no. The client’s coming pretty soon so go on,” Jiyong told Jay, understanding the whole complicated situation.


“Alright bro, see you tomorrow. And one more thing… don’t overwork yourself. You deserve some rest too.”


Jiyong just simply nodded, showing him his sincere smile. “Be safe on your way back.”


Left alone at the diner’s entrance, Jiyong watched the couple’s retreating back. An indescribable feeling came gushing in but he just couldn’t help to do anything about it. “It’s okay. As long as she’s happy.”



It was a silent road back to Dara’s home. The only noise accompanying them was the radio. Dara looked at the window, focusing nothing in particular. She still hasn’t recovered from her shock and her mind was so messed up that she couldn’t even think of anything. Their unexpected encounter earlier was still haunting her.


Noticing her frowning expression, Jay softly held Dara’s hand. “Hun, you’re alright?”


She didn’t even notice he was calling for her until he repeated for the second time. “Uh? Yes?”


“What’s wrong? Something’s bugging you?”


Dara bit her lower lip, not knowing the best answer to give him. “Nothing.”


And Jay knew his limit. It wasn’t his type to force someone to tell something if they didn’t want to. He let his eyes focused on the road once again, not saying anything. But because of his sudden silence, guilt came gushing to her, making her feel like she had hurt his feelings.






“How did you know your friend? You’ve never told me about him.”


Jay knew who she was referring to. Her sudden interest about Jiyong somehow made him feel relieved. At least she was curious about the people around him, he thought.


“Jiyong’s my childhood friend actually… we were from the same neighborhood but we lost contact when I moved to the States. And since last year we started to keep in touch again after we met each other in a business occasion. He was having quite a hard time for the past six or seven months because lack of project offers and since we’re in the same field, I offered to partner with him when he earned a new one.”


Dara listened to Jay carefully, letting herself absorb everything that her boyfriend was saying. She was lost in deep thoughts as her mind processed everything. Counting in her head, she knew they broke up at that time around. Jiyong wasn’t the type to get affected in work because of personal reasons. But maybe their break

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Chapter 5: This story is (kind of) bittersweet for me. Though I want daragon back together, I'm a bit upset with Jiyong. I low-key hope Sandara still ended up with Jay. Hahahaha
But I like this story. I hope there are more chapters. Thank you for writing this. ^^
Chapter 5: End already?? Wahhhh.. i was hoping for more though..but i love it..kkkkk Thank you.
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 5: Argh! I wish there’s a sequel! I love this story ❤️
Chapter 5: Short story yet it's good to read..
Chapter 4: Damn.. Why can't they just talk it out and be done with.. They are just hurting their self more..
Chapter 3: Oh.. Talk about being awkward..
Chapter 5: Aaaawe...happy endings...for both parties...
raxelle #8
Chapter 5: Aigoo..i was shocked it ended so soon! Haha..i was still imagining the next things thatcould happen to Jiyong and Dara..but suddenly i saw "end"..haha..anyway, thanks for such a short but interesting story authornim :)
pinkblue #9
Chapter 5: thank you so much.. it's beautiful story..
pinkblue #10
Chapter 2: omg!!! i love this story~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~