EXO : Chapter 7

The Promise
*Kai POV* 
I can't believe that she is here . She is just breaking Soyeon's heart . Luhan , is this your true personality ? 
Suddenly someone said , " Wahhh ... Luhannn ... Recover already ? Hahahahah !! "
It was the gang . They came to the house . Luhan shouted , " WHAT YOU WANT ! " while he cover Xin Xing by pulling her at the back . 
" Is that a new girl ?! Hi .. Whats your name ? " The leader went nearer to her . He almost want to touch her but Luhan took his hand and pulled it away from him touching Xin Xing . " Don't you dare touch her .. "
The leader smirks , " Hah ..  So protective .. Where is your old girlfriend ? What is her name ? Kim Soyeon ? "
The leader went to look for her when he saw her at the Garden crying , I went there and stopped him . 
" Stop before i tear you into pieces .." 
" You think so you can ? " The leader said . 
Luhan suddenly came , " Step away from my friends . You want me don't you ? You want me to be in your group right ? Come on . I will show you that you can't force me . "
Luhan began to transform into a wolf . They began to fight . Suddenly Soyeon came in and i heard a scream .
" AHHH ! " It was a girl voice , when i look to my left . It was Soyeon . She got held on by a gang member . I quickly transform . I don't care if i got hit . I just want So Yeon to be safe . Suddenly everyone began to fight . Left only Xin Xing . 
Another shout was heard . It was Xin Xing's . " LUHAN ! HELP ME ! " She said in Chinese .
Luhan turned to Xin Xing wanted to save her when suddenly i saw a man wanting to hit Luhan . Then i was furious and quickly went to the man and stopped him . I was confused . How could i go there so quickly .. When i saw my arm , i saw my sign power . I got my powers ! ^^.. 
So i teleport everywhere to save my members . I can't believe that i got my powers . After all of them got beaten up by EXO , they went away .
Everyone went up to me , seeing that i already got my powers . I was so excited but then Luhan looks a bit sad . I went to him and gave him a bro hug saying that it will be okay and his powers will come back soon . I went to Soyeon and ask her if she is okay .
She nodded . 
*Luhan POV*
I went to Xin Xing to see if she is okay . She suddenly hugged me . Then said in Chinese . "鲁汉,我很害怕。他们是谁?" with her trembling voice .
( Luhan . I'm scared . Who are they ? )
I said back , "不要担心。我得到了你,现在让我们把你的包在我的房间。"
( Don't worry . I got you . Now , let's put your bag at my room . )
She nodded and i said to fellow friends that i am going back to my room .
- At my room -
She was pretty amazed since it's been a long time she haven't come here yet . Actually i have been living this house for a long time . Since the time where the Old Wolves Group were there . That house is basically their hideout place . So whatever memories related to the Wolves , i can still remember each and every one of them . Xin Xing knows about those memories since she is quite close with the old members .
So i put her bag on the floor . She walk around and took the frame near my bed . It was Kris and me together . She said that she miss the whole old members . I said to her that i miss them too . 
* Soyeon POV *
I heard that Xin Xing is going to Luhan's room . *sighs* I don't know what to say . I just feel sad . Suddenly i felt a hand on my shoulder . I turned , it was Kai .
He said , " Soyeon , are you okay ? " 
I nodded but then i felt tears dropping down to my cheeks . Then Kai rubbed those tears off with both of his thumbs and he hugged me . Suddenly i heard , " 鲁汉,什么是错的?为什么你看起来如此震惊?"
( Luhan , what's wrong ? Why you look so shocked ? )
It was Luhan . Kai and me broke the hug and i look at Luhan . His tears were about to fall and looked at me like he is asking me to go away from Kai .
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