New School

Look, saranghae..


Inside, the brunette groaned, totally felt irritated with Jessica's annoying high-pitched voice in the very early morning. Without saying anything, she quickly combed her hair and grabbed her backpack which placed next to her medium-sized bed.

"God.." she uttered under her breath while bent down in front of the doorway to put into her shoes, "It's just half past six! What am i going to do this early in school though.."


Krystal's eyes widened, surprised that actually her sister could hear her 'whisper'. Didn't want to causing Jessica let out another high-pitched scream and shout, the youngest Jung hurriedly fix her shoes, took a last look of herself in the mirror then dashed out from her room, straight to the dining room.


"Good morning, Krys~" Jessica chuckled softly as her eyes caught that her little sister was walked toward the dining table. It had been long time since the last time they had breakfast together and this simple thing somehow could make her happy. Krystal was being uncontrollable kid lately and she really didn't know what to do to handle those little bundle of energy. Meh, she was no longer her 'little bundle of energy', though.

"Good morning, Soojung-ah!"

Jessica was about to drink her milk when she could heard Jinri who sat beside her greeted her sister and smiled sweetly before take a little bite of her chocolate sandwich, "Do you sleep well?"


Krystal pulled one chair, across to Jessica and flopped her there. She sighed once then grabbed a slice of strawberry jammed sandwich before answered Jinri's question casually.

"Yeah," the brunette shrugged while bit the delicious bread with her eyes glued to the wooden table, avoided any eye-contact with her 'new family'. "Kinda of."

"It's a little bit hot here in Seoul though.." the black haired girl giggled softly, "Very different from Busan."

Krystal knew that Jinri just wanted to have any conversation with her for melt the ice between them. Thus, she opened , half-hoping that she could give a proper response, but...

"Oh really? That's why there's an air-con in your room, Jinri."

That was never planned before and she never wanted those kind of sentences would slip out from , but she just couldn't stop blurt out, "Or are you just simply way too stupid and don't understand how to turn the aircon on?"

Krystal lifted up her face a little and greeted by Jessica's sharp glare. She took a glance toward Jinri and found that those girl was bit her lower lip, obvious that she tried hard to not cry.

'ing mouth..' she cursed silently, 'I should just silent if i couldn't say something good!'

Krystal was felt really guilty, but her face remained flat as always and took down her strawberry milk by one big gulp. She got up from her seat and walking toward the front door direction while clung her backpack on her right shoulder.

"Come on, you don't want to be late in your first day here, right?"

The brunette didn't even mention a name but they all knew that she talked to Jinri. Thus, the slightly older girl quickly emptied her chocolate milk and dashed to catch up with Krystal who already out from the house.

Jessica left alone in the dining table, amazed with what happened earlier between her two lovely little sister.

"Well," she chuckled. "Nothing really changed actually.."


Krystal was always being the pain in the ,

But Jinri still always follow her everywhere.




"Soojung-ah," Jinri called as she struggled to follow Krystal's steps. "Walk a little slowly, please.."

The latter smirked and stopped walking. She turned her body then looked at the black haired girl with a mocking gaze, "Why? People walk slower in Busan?"

"At least we in Busan are never needs an aircon and your electricity bills are bigger than us!"

Krystal just rolled her eyes when heard what Jinri just said. Once the girl already stood by her side, she quickly walked again but with much slower pace.



"Do you think they will like me?"

The slightly shorter girl raised her one brow, "Who?"

"Your friends."

"I don't know," she shrugged nonchalantly. "You will find out about that later."




Krystal knew that she know already about her schoolmates reaction for this newcomer. Heck, the stupid boys there must be directly try to flirting with her. Who didn't want to get this smiling-angel's attention?

She took a glance toward Jinri who gulped nervously once they stepped into the school's gate. Krystal didn't know why, but she felt this urge to keep Jinri by her side. Thus, unconsciously she glared at every boy who drooled over the girl beside her along the way to their class.



"A-annyeonghaseyo," the young woman bowed deeply before beamed her eye-smile and gasps could be heard in the whole room as the impact. "My name is Choi Jinri, i come from Busan.. Hope you guys want to be friend with me.."

Suddenly a boy raised his hand and asked, "Where do you live, Jinri-ssi?"

"I- I don't know the exact address yet, but.." she looked at Krystal who sat up straight with crossed arms in her seat, "I'm an orphan and i live with Soojung now."


All heads were turned to Krystal. The brunette still remained the same, completely flat and un-interested.

"Okay class," finally, the teacher decided that the introduction time was over and he cut it out, "Let's continue our lesson, class. And Miss Choi, where do you want to sit?"

The girl bit her lower lip and thought, 'Wherever around Soojung, please..'

She realized that her childhood friend had changed much and they were almost become strangers. But.. In this new place, with new people and new surrounding, she didn't want to be with anyone except her Soojung.

"Well?" the teacher threw his gaze around the wide class, "There's a vacant seat next to the window there, behind Miss Kim. Miss Kim, please raise your hand so our new friend can see your place."

Then, Jinri saw a girl with long blonde hair raised her hand as she smiled widely. After bowed to the teacher once more, she walked toward her seat direction.

"Hello," the blonde whispered as Jinri had flopped her on the wooden chair. "I'm Kim Sunyoung, but please call me Luna! Nice too meet you, Jinri-ssi!!"

"N-nice to meet you too, Luna-ssi.."

She giggled softly, "Let's talk again after this class."

Jinri nodded eagerly, felt happy that she already made a friend in her very first day of school.


Yes Krystal might be almost expressionless and looked all un-interested, but she kept her eyes glued at Jinri secretly. She eyed the girl when she walked toward her seat and how she sat on the wooden chair. Krystal noticed too that Luna had greeted Jinri first and she couldn't help but felt this weird happy feeling inside her chest. After a heavy sigh escaped from , Krystal shook her head and forced herself to pay full attention for the lecture.




Class was dismissed just around five minutes ago for 30 minutes lunch break.

"So," the girl named Luna glanced at the certain brunette in another side of the room who had her head laid down on the table, sleeping. "You live with THAT Krystal Jung?"

Jinri nodded while stuffing her things into her baby blue colored backpack, "There's something wrong with her?"

The blonde girl chuckled softly, "Well, who didn't know about her in this school, Jinri-yah.."

"What?" Jinri stopped her movement and turned her head to staring at the sleeping brunette, "What did she do?"

"Krystal Jung. She is troublemaker and often have a fight with a group of queenkas here.. Look, those caramel haired girl is her best friend!"

Luna pointed at a cute girl with long caramel colored hair who suddenly appeared and stepped into their class happily then walked straight to Krystal's direction.

"She's Kang Jiyoung from 3-3, i heard they had been friends since junior high school.." she explained after saw Jinri's confused look, "Don't believe her cute face and aegyo, she's strong, just like Krystal!"

The black haired girl chuckled and commented in her head, 'Of course Jjung is strong, she was often climbing on a tree and fall to the ground like hundred times already..'

"Thus, i've been wondering, how could you be friend with such girl like her?"

She beamed her eye-smile at her new friend and answered, "I'm her childhood friend, Luna-yah.. Now, let's go to library?"

"Let's go!"



The earlier caramel haired girl gazed at the two girls who walked out from the classroom.

"They're going to the dangerous place, Krys.." she whispered while shook her friend's body, tried to waking her up.

The brunette groaned and rubbed her eyes, "What now, Jiyoung-ah?"

"Did everyone now that she lives with you?"

"Yeah," Krystal fixed her uniform. "She was dumbly told about that in front of the class this morning."

Horror was written all over Jiyoung's face after heard her best friend's answer. She grabbed Krystal's cold hand and squeezed it tightly, "She's in danger, Krys!"

"I don't care.." the brunette yawned widely before slammed her head on the table again, "Those ing Jiyeon and her es won't pay any attention to her.."

"... What if they do?"

"I still don't care."




Jinri wondered around the big library. She was amuse, this new school was almost five times bigger than her school in Busan and had so many modern technology like automatic glass door in this library which placed behind the school's building. She strolled along the biology sections, looking for the book about botany. Luna had disappeared in another section, but they made a promise to meet up by the front door after ten minutes.

"Hmm.." her fingers trailed on the various books hard cover which placed neatly in the racks, "They're so complete here.."

Suddenly, a husky cold strange voice echoed from her left side.

"Of course, you are in Seoul anyway.."

The black haired girl jumped in surprise and turned her head for facing the intruder. There, she found a lean girl with light-brown hair and scary facial expression was standing next to her. Not too far behind her, Jinri noted that there were a few girls with same expression were watching.

"You are Choi Jinri, huh?" the girl stepped forward, made the poor new student gulped and took a step back, "Are you the one who live with that ?"


The scary girl didn't say anything but kept walking closer to her until Jinri's back hit the book's rack.

"Tell me," she repeated her question. "Are you live with that ?!"

The latter squished her eyes, tried to recall what Luna had said to her before. These girls must be Soojung's enemy, the queenkas who often gotten into fight with her Jjung.

"Yeah," she nodded. "It's m-me."

"Well then," devilish smirk crossed on the girl's face as she grabbed Jinri's collar and almost choke her to death. "Welcome to Seoul, Orphan girl~"

The poor girl was suffocated, but couldn't do anything.

"You must be close to that Jung, huh? You guys live under the same roof, right?" an evil laughter escaped from , "Then my greeting before was wrong. Welcome to the hell, Miss Choi~"



Luna took another glance at her wristwatch. Her new friend was late almost five minutes, where is she could be? She threw her gaze around the room, but still no sight of Jinri. Thus, she decided to look after her. The blonde quickly dashed to the biology section which placed in the very back side and right before she arrive there, her ears caught a scary deep laughter not far from her spot.

"Hell," she cursed. That laugh was familiar, who didn't know how Jiyeon, the leader of queenkas, laughter sounds like? Luna tiptoed closer and peeked through between the books. God, she gulped. There was not only her, but also her fellow members.

"Well then, welcome to Seoul, Orphan girl~"

She could heard Jiyeon's cold voice and she didn't think twice to dash back to the class.



Krystal was about to eat Jiyoung's bread when suddenly a panic blonde rushed into the class and approach her spot like she has been chased by a monster.

"Krystal!!" she shouted, "Come on, you must come with me!!"

The two girls glanced at each other, what's wrong with this blonde?

"Relax," Jiyoung voiced out. "What happened?"

Luna inhaled deeply, "Jiyeon. She's bullying Jinri now in the biology section."

Jiyoung's eyes widened when Krystal frozen on her seat. Her heart felt like stopped beating and cold sweat started rolling in her palms. Those es, how could they attack someone innocent like her?

"Krystal, what should we do?"

The brunette was debating with herself. If she helping Jinri, Jiyeon would be really happy for find a new target for her and her friends because that action was proving that Jinri really had such a relation with her. But if she didn't, god knows what would be happen with Jinri.

Almost in flash, Krystal stood up from her seat and ran out from the class, leaving Jiyoung and Luna behind.



"P-please le-leave me alone.." Jinri hardly breathed out, "P-please.."

Jiyeon smirked, "Aww, this is really great. Just if those Jung look at this scene, she might be so fluster to see her little girlfriend like this~"

Although she struggled to catch her breath, her mind couldn't stop screaming, silently calling her Soojung to help her. She didn't have anything in her mind, except Soojung.

Suddenly, an angry voice roared from the other corner of those book sections. They both immediately looked at the new intruder and found that a familiar brunette was running toward their place.


Surprised, Jiyeon relinquished Jinri from her grip and taken a back. Once Jiyeon strong grip left her neck, Jinri fell down on the floor, coughing endlessly while rubbed her sore throat.

"How dare you touch her!!" Krystal stormed closer and slap Jiyeon's cheek right away, "I didn't bother if you hate me, but don't you dare put your anger toward me on her again!!"

The light-brown haired girl chuckled while rubbed her cheek, "And why do you think i will obey you, stupid ?" she chuckled once more as she walked back to her friends, "I got what i want anyway, a prove that this Choi girl is really precious for you, kekeke~ You will get your later, Jung."

With that, she left the library with her group trailed behind. Krystal sighed heavily before turned her body toward the girl who knelt down on the floor with head hung low.

"You okay?" she asked softly while knelt down as well and rubbed the latter's shoulder. Got no answer, she lifted Jinri's face and found that the girl was crying. Krystal felt her heart stabbed when she saw those warm waters rolled on Jinri's pale cheeks. Unconsciously, she wiped them with her thumbs gently.

"Ssh, it's okay now.." she whispered, "They're gone.."

Without word, Jinri threw herself into Krystal's body and hugged the slightly shorter girl tightly, sobbed hard on her shoulder.


"I'm so afraid.." her voice sounded crack, "Why are they hate you, Jjung? What if they hurt you someday? I don't want they hurt you.."

At first, Krystal was stunned when heard the question; this girl was crying for her, not for herself. But a small smile formed on her thin lips no long after. Slowly, her hands raised up and wrapped around Jinri's shaking body, embraced her gently.

"... I'll be okay, trust me.."



Her chest wasn't thumping crazily.

It felt so right, so warm for having this girl in her arms like this.






Okay, forgive my everything and do comment ._.

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okay guys, actually i feel disappointed.


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Exokai1478 #1
Chapter 5: It is a great fanfic . Please update soon!!!
vousmevoyeznini #2
Chapter 5: update this please? :D
Pannyang_ss #3
Chapter 5: thanks for the update author-ssii. :)) Update soon, if you have time. :)) You know what your stories, can remove my loneliness. :)) Thanks yaa.
Chapter 5: Sica really did have a lot of friends here . Maybe she can also adopt Jiyeon :D
Chapter 5: Woah. Sooyeon and jiyeon are friends?
And who's the caramel hair girl? Could it be vic?
Chapter 4: sultoria sultoria sultoria
avrilkristen #7
Chapter 4: update soon pls :))
Chapter 4: Update Soon !!
Chapter 4: I think krystal still cared.
Krystal need to loosen up her pride.

I kinda like the idea of jiyoung n jjung as bff