
My Mysterious Girl


I walked through the door of the dorm and everything was quiet. Just as I thought no one even missed me… I took off my wet jacket and shoes and tiptoed to my room

“Hyung” my brother called from somewhere in the living room.

“What?” I called back not even bothering to stop

“Come here let’s talk”

“No thanks I’m tired…”

“Yah! Kwangmin! It wasn’t a suggestion!” He quietly yelled at me. I sighed and went back to the living room and sat on the couch across from where he was at

“Did you have fun today?” he asked me

“Yeah actually I spent today in a park being stared at by a little girl… I don’t think she blinked... “I said sarcastically

“Show respect for your elders…” He said flatly

“You don’t even count! A few minutes! We are the same age! “I yelled in frustration. Why does he always bring up age!?

“It does matter. And I meant did you have fun making everyone worried? Is that the attention you wanted? Huh?”

“Oh I’m sorry, did they stop thinking about you for two seconds to actually wonder where I was?”

“What is your problem!?” he finally raised his voice

“What’s my problem? Ha… Youcan’tseeit?” I huffed getting off the couch and walked away. Why should I explain it to him? Has the hair dye gone to his head? Can he not see how he has changed? I’m too tired for this… I ignored him every time he called me and went straight to bed.


He just ignored all of my calls! I’m his big brother! Why would he suddenly start not listen and rebel against me? I promised mom and dad I’d take care of him… I went to bed with a heavy mind… I couldn’t believe he talked back to me!... Must sleep….

I woke in the morning and we did our regular music show for the day. Kwangmin ignored me all day unless he had to talk to me… After the show I found myself at the bench I sat on the day before. Will she be here? Does she know who I am? I looked towards the door she had come from yesterday I just sat and stared. Will she come?

“You know just staring at it, isn’t going to make it move.” A voice said behind me. I quickly turned around and there she was. Shining just as she was yesterday… Apparently my shock showed on my face.

“I saw you sitting out here when I was restocking the sodas” she said pointing to the soda machine on the other side of the glass

“Oh” ‘Oh’?? Was that all I could say??? She sat down beside me again

“Did you think it over?” she asked

“Think what over?” I returned

“The flower.”

“No… sorry I was trying to get some stuff straightened out with my family… I actually don’t know what you mean by the color…”

“Okay so how about I make it easy for you? How many blue daisy’s do you see everyday”

I thought about it… “Yesterday was my first time seeing one ever…”

“Right. Meaning?”

“It’s special?”

“You are a very simple minded person, you over looked the obvious though…” she mumbled, and she got up talking to herself and staring off in space… Should I be scared? I grabbed her wrist gently before she could walk out of sight

“Wait! Um… Go out with me? I mean not like a date but um… friendly hang out?” I struggled to get out. She turned her head sideways


“Because I want to know you better?”

She laughed first then replied “Youngmin you just don’t understand” her face softened and she looked at me with sad eyes before walking away.

“Did she just call me Youngmin?”


Every day after our schedule I would walk to the street where she jumped in my cab. I stood there waiting sometimes till dark. “Will I ever see her again?”



True feelings time: I don't think I know where I'm going with this.... I know how I want it to end it's the filling that confuses my mind... Haha I'm pretty sure I'll come up with something good for you guys be patient please ^_^ - DaisyChick

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Mitchie1209 #1
Channie xDD
Lol Gongchan xD<br />
It's a pretty cute story keke :3<br />
<br />
Update soon! :D
'“Oh really? Did anyone ever tell you that you guys look alike?” Gongchan asked pointing to the twins and Jonghyun and Taemin joined in when it came to giving Gongchan stupid looks.'<br />
<br />
*facepalms* Gongchannie~~~~ you're so cute and adorable in reality but in this story...idk how to describe you. xD<br />
<br />
anyway~update soooon~~^^<br />
ooo what's the surprise?
Gongchan is so innocent!! I LOVE HIM!!<br />
and the others couldnt stop arguing with each other<br />
surprise??????? what is it???<br />
come on!! 20 subscribers already!!
i feel bad for the<br />
way they treated my<br />
Gongchannie! he's<br />
not actually that<br />
gullible! oh and i'm<br />
loving Key here! XD<br />
Waffles #6
Haha Gongchan is too funny I love his down to earth personality like nothing is going on
Omo! they all met at once!<br />
ekk!! i want to know what will happen next!
Waffles #8
haha all of her celeb stalkers all meet at once
Waffles #9
Haha way to go Key umma and I wonder when and if they will realize they are talking about the same girl
dam key!!!!! make dino sleep on the welcome mat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!