Departure Forever.

Who Do You Love? (Sequel to Temporary Lover)
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먼데이키즈(Monday Kiz) - 가지마


The fateful day of the surgery came.

You stared at yourself in the mirror once more.

Lee Su-bin. Disappeared from the world December 14th.

Cause: Leukemia and being someone who ditched other guys' hearts.

You then took out the letter.

Now, was the time to give it. Without hesitation.

Then you walked out of the bathroom.

To see G-Dragon and Taeyang, both staring at you emptily.

And then, all confidence within you crashed down.

How can I bare to hurt them anymore? Lee Su-bin, tell them something. you scolded youself.

But all that came out of your mouth was, "Hey."

Great job, Lee Su-bin. a voice inside you said sarcastically.

"Taeyang." You blurted the name that finally came out of your stubborn mouth.

"Neh?" He looked up, full intent on you.

"Could me deliver this message to T.O.P.?" you said handing him the envelope.

Taeyang hesitated then nodded.

He kissed your cheek softly. "I'll try to be back as fast as I can."

Then he got up and left.

"G-D." You called, causing him to snap out of his daze.

His expression softened. "Neh?"

"Here." You handed him two envelopes. His eyes widened.

"It's nothing really. I snuck two envelopes. One to you and one to Taeyang. Because you're one of the person I can trust, I give it to you. Please help me deliver it to Taeyang when he gets back." You say, handing him the envelopes.

"But won't accepting the letters mean I assent your decision?" G-Dragon replied quietly.

"G-D, please. My last death wish." You pleaded.

"But I can't. It's just...." He grabbed bundles of his hair."...too much of a responsibility to carry. How can I even face them ever?"

"Please." You say, planting a light kiss to his forehead.

G-Dragon stared emptily into space for a while. Then he turned to you and took the letters. "Alright." You heard a small crack of pain in his voice.

"Thank you." You say.



"T.O.P.! T.O.P.! T.O.P.! T.O.P.! Where are you?!" Taeyang called, panicked by the time ticking by and by. The more it tick, the less time he could spend with you.

"What?!" Taeyang turned to see an annoyed T.O.P. standing there with his bags packed.

"You're......leaving....already?" Taeyang said, stepping back a little.

T.O.P. shrugged. "I came to earn Su-bin's heart. But, she pushed me farther. I might as well go find someone else."

Then as he turned, Taeyang pulled him back and threw a punch at him.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" T.O.P. said getting up, and wiping the blood that slightly trickled from his mouth.

"Su-bin....she's not what you think.....!" Taeyang said, trembling in clenched fists.

T.O.P. raised an eyebrow. "You only say that because she cheated on me with YOU. You have---!"

"NO!" Taeyang hollered at T.O.P., surprising him. "Su-bin's going to die today! How the hell do YOU know anything?!"

Then, just like that, T.O.P.'s expression changed. "What? Lee Su-bin, the girl I always loved is going to die?! That's impossible! She's such a tough girl, she wouldn't die!"

"She has leukemia, you idiot!" Taeyang shouted into T.O.P.'s face. "If you don't hurry, you won't be able to meet her!"

T.O.P. threw down his bag and raced toward the direction of the hospital. No are you going to die without me, Lee Su-bin!


Back at the hospital, you were already being rushed to the surgeric operation room.

So, this is how it's like to die? you thought.

"Keep it going Su-bin! Don't give up yet!" G-Dragon called.

You gave him a reassuring squeeze. "I'm prepared." But inside, you were already worrying the possibilites.

What will happen to me after I die? Will Taeyang and T.O.P. make it in time?

Then you and G-Dragon arrived at the surgery room. "Say goodbye." The doctor ordered.

"G-Dragon, thank you." You hugged him.

"Su-bin......" G-Dragon said, then his bottom lip trembled and you noticed him crying.

"G-D, don't. Remember what you promised me?" You say.

"Time's up." The doctor says, while you're pulled away.

"Goodbye, G-D." You smile and that was the last he saw of you.


Outside, G-Dragon stared in helplessness as he watched you get pulled away from him. FOREVER.

The thing that he was ordered to take care of you was n

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Chapter 7: T_T really great!!! I loved the dramatic flare and of course all the men crying in the end, lol! Sigh.... I know it's supposed to be about Top but I still feel bad for my Taeyangie. Used... Again, lol! Stop it people! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ great job on this!
Taeyangwaifu #2
Chapter 7: What a sad story :(.
MexicanLove #3
Chapter 7: That was so sad about T.O.P. im crying:'(
Chapter 7: It's not bad at all.. I even wet my shirt... Ouhh my tears.. See you soon!!
Chapter 6: So,, the day's here huh?? It's so sad.... Please update soon!! Hwaiting!!~~
Chapter 5: Is She really going to die??? Well,,, i'll just see wht u do,,, can't wait for ur next update!!! Update soon pleasee~~ Hwaiting!!
Chapter 3: Yah T.O.P!!! Leave her alone!! Grrrrr... Thanks for the update!!~~ Update soon please~~!! Hwaiting!!~~
Chapter 2: Please understand Tae... She has too... Heheheh.. I'm really curious... Is GD an angel or something!?? LOL.. MY brain is crazy!!~~ Update soon please~~!!
Chapter 1: GD in da housee~~!!! Update soon please and thanks for making this sequel...!!~~ Hwaiting!!~~