Lotte World

24 Hours Adventure In Seoul !


Another cab stopped in front of me. Where should I go first? I looked at my small note: Place I should visit in Seoul. “Uhm Lotte World please.” I said. After couple of minutes, I finally arrived at the amusement park. “Uwaah! So big!” I jumped like 5 years old kid. I bought the ticket first and entered the main gate. I my handycam, “YAY! I’m finally here! Scary rides first!” I said to the camera. I ran to the roller coaster. The line was not so long since it wasn’t weekend. I felt nervous yet happy. When the ride started I screamed and also laughing. “Whoo! That was fun!” I exclaimed. “Chair-O-Planes is next.” Again I had a lot of fun. I rode many things like drop tower, pirates ship, and other breath-taking rides. I took some pictures and video with my handycam. The last ride is Ferris wheel. “Aish! Who’ll sit with me then?” Guy in front of me whined to his friends. “Sorry, but there’re 5 of us and the maximum capacity is 4 so, be good maknae and yield to the older. Bye!” The guy in front of me grunted. Weird. All of them wearing hoodies and shades. Maybe it just Korean trends. “Uhm, excuse me? Are you riding this alone?” Asked the officer to the guy. “Yes? What’s wrong?” He asked. “It should be occupied at least by 2 people. You can go with that young lady.” She pointed at me. I have no idea what they are talking about. “Aish! Fine!” He sighed. “You may in miss.” The officer allowed me. “Excuse me, but I want to go alone.” I told her in English but she seemed didn’t understand what I am talking about. People behind me started to yelled so I hesitantly got in. The guy looked away to the window. The ride slowly went up. I cleared my throat. “Nice view, huh?” I said in English. “Yeah.” He replied. Whoa! He understood English. “It seems like you didn’t want to go with me.” I said to him. “It just feels awkward to go with a stranger. Well, don’t get it wrong. I didn’t mean to-“ “Haha. Don’t worry I get it.” And then we back to silent. “So, may I know what your name is?” He raised his eyebrows. Stupid! Why I had to ask him that? We just met. “Uhm, promise me you won’t be surprised or yelled or idk, me.” He muttered the last part. What a weirdo. “If you’re not going to tell me then it’s okay.” I replied. Slowly, he took off his hoodie and shade. “YOU’RE SEUNGRI FROM BIG BANG?!” I yelled. “Ssssh! Lower ur voice. He put his index finger to his lips. Oh my GOSH! I just met THE MAKNAE from BIG BANG! “I-I just s-shocked. Are you really Seungri from Big Bang?” I still disbelief. “Want prove?” He started to sing. My jaw dropped. I pinched my cheek. “Ouch!” I yelped. He chuckled. “So by the way, where’re you come from?” He asked and smiled warmly at me. I blushed. “Japan.” I replied. “And my I know ur name?” He asked. “I’m ______ .” I smiled. “Beautiful.” Seungri complimented. I bit my lip and blushed madly. Lalalalala~ Seungri called me beautiful! Mwahahahah, if Yuriko hear this, I bet she would scream and go insane. The rides slowly stopped. Seungri wore his shade and hoodie back. “I got something for you.” Seungri took off his bracelet and clasped it around my hand. He gently kissed my hand. I just froze. “Bye beautiful!” He lowered his shade and winked at me.

I just waved at him and watched him disappeared. “Miss? Miss? If you want to take another round you should back to the line.” Said the officer. I went back to the reality and bowed to the officer. “It’s too good to be true.” I shook my head smiling. I glanced at my watch. “Shoot! Already 10.30?! I better go to my next destination.” I rushed to the exit gate.



“Did you enjoy your ride, alone?” GD teased Seungri. “I really enjoyed it. In fact I want to thank you guys. Because of you, I got a chance to sit with beautiful girl, ALONE.” Seungri smiled as he thought about you. “YOU WHAT?!” They screamed. Seungri just chuckled and walk passed his hyungs.


Don't mess with the MAKNAE!!! Gyahahaha... Do you like this chappie? Oh my gosh Seungri's wink is too adorable!! Any suggestion for next chappie?? Place? Members?? Comment! ^^ 

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Chapter 4: Keep going
please post more soon !!
woooaaahhh~ I love this! first was seungri next is yoseob.. o.0 "I'm" so lucky! hehe! i wonder who would be the next one :D can it be shinee? XD hehe!
Omo! Thank you ^^
I. Love. This. =)