Chapter 12


My shoulders slumped. Saem was absent for the next few days and therefore the test was moved to Monday. Ew, when have I ever been excited for a test?


"Nervous?" Yoona suddenly asked me as she unlocked her door and let me in. She had a huge smile on her face when she saw that is was. As if she was actually excited to see me. I hope she was...
I shrugged. "A little.." 
"I hope we do well," She said stepping in and taking her shoes off. I followed after her.  I scoffed. "We? Of course you'll do well." Yoona always got perfect grades. She didn't have to tell me to know...Taemin always bragged about her.
"Aw, you'll do well too Kai! All that studying has to pay off," She turned to me and smiled hopefully. My heart skipped a beat. Yeah, it better. I worked hard to get a date with you!
"Why don't you start the review sheet while I make a snack for us?" She suggested putting an apron on. I nodded obediently and made myself at home in her living room. 
I couldn't help but steal glances at her while she was in the kitchen. The back view of her leaning over the sink was beautiful. She'd make a great housewife.  I flushed and vanished the thought from my head. What was I thinking?
I propped my elbows on the table and leaned against them as I watched her. She looks pretty doing anything. I sighed content with myself. 
"How's the review sheet going?" She asked turning around with a big knife in her hand. I scrambled to pull my paper out. "Uh, it's goin good." I said flustered. Damn she caught me! Maybe I should just get started. 
I began working on the first few problems. I wasn't a pro-yet- at Calc but I definitely  got better. I can handle most of the questions. And by most I mean half the page. Usually Yoona finds errors in the rest of the page. I sighed, I can't afford a 50 on this Test. 
"Kai?" Yoona out of the blue said my name. I lifted my head up from the table. "What should I wear tomorrow?" I blinked at her. I never thought she would ask me a question like this. She was so innocently asking me as if she had no clue what to wear. It was like any other day. She could wear whatever she wants...besides she looks beautiful in anything. 
"You can wear anything, Yoona. Everything looks good on you." I blurted out. I blushed after I said that. "Hmm?" Yoona said although she was smiling. She heard me the first time... "Nothing~" I said to her going back to the problem. 
Yoona finished and came back with cut up pineapples and strawberries. I pushed my books away and leaned back against the sofa floor. It was a small snack it wasn't extravagant. But because Yoona prepared it, the fruits tasted more sweeter. I smiled at her lovingly as I ate a strawberry. 
She laughed at my appearance. "Kai, your teeth." She gave me a napkin. 
I regretfully cleaned my teeth so no more strawberry seeds were stuck in my teeth. Being romantic is just not my thing. I give up.
We finished eating and I went back to the problem after I ruined the mood. Yoona didn't seem to notice. Of course not. She doesn't feel the way I feel towards her. 
"Did you finish the problem?" She asked scooting closer to me. "No, n-not yet." I murmured. How am I going to focus with how close she is to me? I made a sour face at the review sheet. I'm in the house of the girl I love and I'm doing Calculus when we could be doing other thing.
Ya nastie~
I picked up my pen with a sigh and began working again. I need that 100. Maybe then I can finally confess to Yoona. I slightly turned to sneak a peak at her. Her head was turned away from me and she was working on the review sheet as well. Her hair cascaded perfectly over her shoulders and down to her waist. 
I grunted and actually started to work on the problem. Like really. 
I can't believe I finished the whole page though. Before Yoona came along, I couldn't finish one question. 
"Thank you," I said next to her. I was hoping she'd turn and look at me but she didn't. She didn't even respond to what I said. I looked at her closely and she was still in the same position as before. She hadn't moved at all. 
I scratched the back of my head. Was it really that late? I looked at the clock. It was only 5 p.m....hmm maybe she was just exhausted. 
I pushed my books away and folded my arms. I was gazing at her. Not in a creepy way but just wondering. Was she comfortable leaning like that? Her back would probably ache in that positon. I just think she'll be more comfortable leaning on something soft. I carefully put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her towards me. Lightly her head fell on my shoulder. I let out a breathe thankful that she didn't wake up. 
I decided not to get back at my Calc review sheet. I couldn't focus with Yoona's head touching me. I decided I would enjoy these few moments with Yoona. I leaned back and rested my head against hers. I closed my eyes for a bit. I could get used to this...
If I ask her out...
No one POV:
After school ended, Yoona rushed to her house to change. Kai offered to drive her and wait for her but Yoona turned him down. She wasn't feeling well throughout the whole day and  didn't want him to notice. It started with a headache and it increased as the day went on.  She really wanted to go to the amusement park. She wasn't gonna let some small headache ruin it.
"Yoona I laid out lunch for you~" Her mother chimed from the kitchen when she stepped in. "Ah, I'm not really hungry." Yoona told her moving to the cabinet and finding some advil. "Not hungry?" She asked turning. Uh, oh if Umma finds out I'm sick she won't let me go! 
"Yeah, I ate a big lunch in school so," She took a water bottle and marched up the stairs to her room. 
She held the pill tightly in her hand so mom wouldn't see. She threw it in and gulped the water down. I actually ate little for lunch but I wasn't feeling hungry. 
She chose something simple to wear.  And since she hasn't worn her hair in a ponytail in a while...
Yoona grabbed her purse and put some money in it before running down the stairs. 
"Yah, you're gonna go looking like that?" My mom pointed her spatula at her. She looked down at her outfit. "What's wrong with it?" Yoona's mother put her hand on her hip. "At least put your hair down, Yoona." Yoona scrunched her lips up. "I'm sure Kai likes it when you let your hair open." Umma added. Yoona turned red at the mention of his name. It was obvious she had feelings for him. Even her mother knew. The only problem was that she was oblivious to Kai's feelings. 
She pulled the hair tie out of her hair and shook it out. "There you look better" Her mom commented. Yoona  contemplated going back into her room and putting makeup on...but I've never worn it before. What if I mess up and look stupid? Yoona decided against it and stuck with chapstick. 
The phone vibrated in her pocket. We're outside :)-Kai
"Umma I'm leaving~" She told her hurriedly slipping her shoes on. She closed the door behind her and there was a truck. In her driveway. 
And Kai and his friends were in the back. She gulped nervously walking towards the truck. I guess I should first greet the driver. A boy with really big eyes and a very cute face. "Hey, Yoona!" He greeted happily sticking his head out the window. "Oh, hi." She stopping and stepping back from him because he was a little too close. He's cheerful
Yoona walked to the back and was surprised to see Aiman! "Aiman?" She said surprised not believing her eyes. What was she doing here?
She smiled embarrassingly. "Hi~" Aiman waved at her. Kai stood up from his spot and reached his hand out for her. Yoona smiled at him and gripped his hand as she climbed into the truck. "Thanks," she mumbled shyly as he pulled her in. 
"Yoona meet my friends," He said sitting back down. She  bowed at everyone before sitting down next to Aiman. "Hi," She greeted everyone timidly. 
"Guys, this is Yoona." Kai introduced her. "HI YOONA!" The four boys screamed. "I'm Baekhyun!" A boy with lined eyes stuck his hand out towards her. The truck started and Yoona was pushed into accepting Baekhyun's hand. Kai eyes Baekhyun carefully. Baekhyun was known for being 'friendly' but he knew his ulterior motives. And Kai knew that Baekhyun just wanted to get Kai jealous. 
It's going to be a long day.
"I'm Suho, Aiman's brother." A very angelic boy greeted Yoona. Yoona's eyes widened. "He's your brother?" She exclaimed surprised. Aiman nodded. "Sorry, I didn't tell you." 
"My brother's kinda popular and I don't wanna deal with the annoying girls," She whispered to Yoona.  
"Kai was worried you'd feel awkward with all boys, so we invited Aimann," Sehun chimed who was sitting on the other side of Aiman. She scoffed. "You dragged me here." 
Yoona looked at Kai who was avoiding her gaze. He felt shy that stupid Sehun had to say that. 
Sehun and Aiman were arguing back and forth at each other and Yoona couldn't tell if they were joking or for real. "Don't worry they always do that," The boy next to Kai said. "I'm D.O." He smiled. Yoona smiled back at him. "I'm-" She started to say but he cut her off. "I know, Yoona. Kai always talks about you." 
Kai blushed and turned away his face facing the streets. Can't believe he said that! Yoona couldn't help but smile at D.O.'s words. So, he talks about me? I wonder...does he feel the same way as I do?
"Won't Yuri be mad when she finds out?" Yoona whispered. Yuri would be in hysterics when she realizes the girls spent their days with the boys. Probably wouldn't even speak to them. Aiman's face paled. She was scared of what would happen if she found out. If
"If she finds out..." She whispered back slyly. As long as both the girls kept their mouth shut they'd be fine. Aiman relaxed but Yoona still felt guilty for her friend. Maybe one day we can tell her..
Aiman noticed something throughout the ride. Kai would keep glancing back and forth over at Yoona. Well she would assume it was Yoona cause Kai never paid attention to her. 
Aiman pulled Yoona by the arm close to her so she could whisper in her ear. "Why does Kai keep looking over here?" Instinctively Yoona turned her head towards Kai who indeed was looking at her. But when their eyes met he quickly looked away blushing. He overheard them. Dammit, Kai stop staring! 
Yoona pulled a strand of hair back behind her ears and smiled. Was he really? She stole a glance at him but he wasn't looking now.
"Oh, Yoona your cheeks are turning red," Baekhyun noted teasing her. Her eyes widened. Was she really? She covered her cheeks so no one could see."N-no I'm not," She stuttered. Baekhyun laughed at her cuteness. His eyes met with Kai and he winked at him. Baekhyun was just messing with Kai. He knew Kai had feelings for this girl. But it was the first time Kai took interest in a girl so he wanted to test Kai. How much did he really like her? 
Baekhyun was a huge flirt and Kai was itching to get Baekhyun away from her. 
The truck finally stopped moving which means they reached the carnival. "We're here!" D.O. cried happily the first to jump off. One by one everyone else jumped off. "Here-" Baekhyun pushed everyone aside and helped Yoona off. She hesitantly placed her hand in his palm and let him pull her off. "Thank you," She bowed her hair falling to cover her face. 
"No one offered me their hand," Aiman grumbled folding her arms. "That's because no one likes a pouty girl," Sehun bumped her shoulder. She rolled her eyes and walked to her brother. "Go away." 
"Don't worry, she loves me." Sehun winked at Yoona who was watching. Yoona laughed. Sehun was the quite the flirt especially with Sehun. On the truck ride she noticed how close they were. 
"YOONA!" The boy from before cried. Chanyeol came running over with his mouth open. "I'm so happy you came!" He pulled his arm up so he could high-five her. His happiness was infectious she couldn't help but melt at his cheerfulness. 
Kai was silently watching s. It was as if they teamed together to make him jealous today. He didn't even like the skinship going on with Yoona. Especially Baekhyun. 
Yoona turned and saw Kai scowling silently. Everyone else was walking into the carnival except for him. "Kai?" She tilted her head walking towards him. She had managed to snap him out of his hatred glare at Baekhyun. It was like the sun was walking towards him. She radidate briallently at him. 
"You wanna go inside?" She asked. Kai looked around and noticed they were the only two outside. Everyone else had already went in. "Oh...yeah lets go in." He mumbled embarrassed. He put his hands in his pockets as they walked inside. Yoona shifted awkwardly on her feet. Kai was strangely quiet towards her. Was he mad at her? 
She turned her head at him and he was smiling at her. It was that rare smile he always gave to her and she loved it. It was her favorite. It was almost as if he was saying: Thank you. 
"Ok now that everyone is here lets split up!" Suho said making everyone form a circle around him. "I call Yoona!"Chanyeol and Baekhyun raised their arms and rushed to her side. Kai's eyes widened. NO WAY! they're not stealing her away from me! 
"I'm going with her." Kai pushed the boys away from her. "Besides she likes me better," He said to Baekhyun smirking right at him. "Well why can't we three go together?" Baekhyun suggested linking arms with Yoona. Kai's eyes widened when Baekhyun touched her. "No, let her go." Kai said ready to attack Baekhyun. He removed their linked arms. 
Yoona stood between the boys and stared at the two. Were they really fighting over her? 
Baekhyun was playfully challenging Kai and it was getting better by the minute. Kai was boiling with jealousy. He didn't like the games Baekhyun was playing and he didn't want her near Yoona. 
Poor Yoona could only stand there and only watch. 
"Aiman-ah help!" 
A/N- damn guys only a few days passed and I already have 55 subbiez! Here's the next chapter!!! I told you gus ever 5 subbiez I update! here's the beginning of their amusement park date. lol i think theres two parts. WAIT TILL THE NEXT CHAPTER OMG YOU GUYS THE MOMENT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. 
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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha