Chapter 10

Yoona POV:
I caught a cold from that horrid day when it was raining. I Kai okay? Did he catcha cold as well? It's already Monday and I haven't talked to him since Saturday morning when he dropped me home. 
I was worried about him.
I hope his back healed. He took a really bad punch in the back and he was always bending down in pain from it. I hope he uses a heating pad. 
"Aiman-ah hurry up I'm starving." Yuri cried lagging me with her. Ever since my surgery my eye sight has been great. My headaches were gone and everything was much brighter it hurt! I waited for when the black fuzz would cover my eyes but it never came. Taemin's father was amazing. I have to drop by and thank him once again. 
"You're always hungry," Aiman grumbled swinging her purse to her left side. Aiman had a sour expression on her ace and her nostrils were flaring. "Aiman-ah are you alright?" I asked her. 
She blew a raspberry. "Just my stupid brother..." She said scrunching her nose. "Come on, maybe eating will keep my mind off of him." She said walking forward. I didn't even know she had a brother. 
Yuri and I followed behind her. It was a little chilly today and thankfully I wore a jacket. The grass was wet with dew when we walked on the grass.
"Might as well find a table," Yuri suggested. It was no use sitting on the grass since it was wet. We walked towards a nearby table unlike usually when we sat underneath a tree. 
"Oh my god, did he get into another fight?" Yuri gasped. I looked up to see who she was referring to. Kai and Sehun were walking on the sidewalk right next to us. The bruise near Kai's eye had turned into a yellowish-green color.It looked bad. I wondered how painful it was. I was tempted to ask him if he was alright. 
Kai must've noticed me looking at him because he met my eyes and and mouthed. 'I'm okay' 
Still his reassurance wasn't enough for me. I had so many question I wanted to ask him. Was he alright? Was he in pain? Did he use a heating pad? Did he change his bandages? 
"Yah, what's going on between you two?" Yuri poked my side. I looked at her surprised. "What do you mean?" 
"You know..." She bumped her hip with mine and gave a suggestive look. I turned bright red and pulled my lunch out. "Don't know what you're talking about," I stammered as I suddenly thought about that hug with Kai. 
"OYE! you three!" Someone called out. The three of us turned our head at the voice. 
"Yeah, you." The girl pointed at me. It was Hyorin. She approached me with her friend flanking her side. "What is it Hyorin?" I asked her. She's never spoken to me in Calculus why is she talking to me?
"Don't Hyorin me!" She snapped at me.  I blinked at her sudden change of behavior. "I want you to stay away from Kai." She poked my shoulder pushing me backwards. 
I stumbled into Aiman. "What?" I mumbled stupidly still not recovering. Why is she pushing me? I've never even spoken to her! And stay away from Kai? Why should I?
"Hyorin it's not like that they're just friends." Yuri said stepping up for me. Hyorin flared her nose and scoffed. "Whatever it is, get it straight. Kai is mine and he always will be." She narrowed her eyes at me as I stood frozen. She gave me one last look before marching off with her friends. 
"What just happened?" I asked turning to my friends in confusion.
"That thinks she can just do whatever she wants!" Aiman exclaimed. I looked at her aghast. Did Aiman just curse? 
"Is she Kai's girlfriend?" I asked. A hint of sadness could be heard in my voice. I never saw Kai hang out with her ever and he never ever mentioned her name. 
Yuri scoffed. "She wishes." 
"Yoona can we study at me place today?" Kai sent me a text. Before I could answer. I made sure I was alone. If Yuri found out I texted Kai she wouldn't let me live. 
"Of course :)" I responded after I finished gathering everything from my locker. 
"Great, meet me in the parking lot." He sent another text to me. O.K. parking lot. I walked out of the school and towards the parking lot where his car was. I remember it being a red flashy car. 
I spotted Kai from the driver's seat waving at me. Smiling I walked over to him and got into the car. "Ready?" He asked me. I nodded strapping the seatbelt in. Kai drove out of the parking lot and I could see all the nasty glares I was getting from the girls who were waiting. I don't know any of these girls and yet they hate me?
I looked down at my hand frowning so I couldn't look at them. Was it because I was hanging out with Kai? Are they frowning upon my behavior? 
"Don't mind them," Kai said. I jumped surprised. Kai must've known this would happen because he had a relaxed expression. "Girls can be mean..." 
I blew a raspberry. "Tell me about it," I suddenly thought thinking of Hyorin. She wasn't very nice to me at all. Telling me to stay away from Kai. As if! 
"Did someone say something to you?" Kai asked alerted. I shook my head quickly. No way was I going to tattle tale. But Kai didn't seem to buy it so I decided to change the subject. "So uh why are we studying at your house?" I asked. 
Kai made a sharp turn into a long pathway that seemed to be going on forever. "Well, I think it'd be more comfortable and safer if we studied at my house. That way I can drop you off home." He said quietly gazing at me. I avoided his gaze. Every single he looks into my eyes I keep thinking about that night. The way we walked in the rain as he held me. 
I have no idea why I'm feeling this way about Kai. Hes my friend.
I sulked and looked out the window staring at the passing cars. Why can't I figure out what's wrong with me? 
"This is your house?" I said not believing my eyes. After we entered the big white gates I was struck by the enormity of the house within."It's a little big..." Kai commented laughing nervously. I gulped. It's a mansion...
"It's beautiful, Kai." I said breathlessly staring at the amazing design of his house. Kai glanced at me with a smile in his eyes. I looked pretty stupid as I stared at his house in awe. "Come on," He said pushing the front door. Kai turned and reached for my hand. Unconsciously I slipped my hand into his. I was struck by how beautiful his home was. He had clear marble floors that were so shiny I could see my reflection in it.
But the tour was being cut short because an old man-the butler I presumed came over to us. "Mr. Kim you have a visitor," He said bowing at Kai and me. "I do?" He responded groaning. 
"He's waiting in the dining room." The butler said bowing before leaving. 
"I'm sorry Yoona, I'll get rid of him as soon as I can." Kai apologized. I shook my head. "It's okay." I was still look around his house. As we walked to his living room I marveled at the beautiful paintings. "Do you live by yourself?" I asked him curious. "Hmm," He responded. Must be lonely...
When Kai opened his door to the dining room I felt the warmth from my hands leave. "Dad?" He said shaking. I looked inside his grand living room and saw the school dean? 
The dean was his father?! 
Kai POV: 
This was just great. Right when I invite Yoona to my house he comes to 'visit' me. Just great. 
"I see you have a guest," My father narrowed his eyes at Yoona. He squinted hard looking at her up and down and it pissed me off. He was judging her. 
Why isn't this Im Yoona?" He broke into his fake smile. 
"Hello, Dean Kim." Yoona greeted him bowing respectfully at my father. My father laughed. "My boy didn't tell me he had a girlfriend," He said still observing Yoona. I didn't like the way he was staring at her at all. 
"That's because I don't have one." I told him trying hard not to roll my eyes at him. There he goes embarrassing the both of us. This can't be a coincidence. My father and I live in separate houses he never visits me. It's usually him calling me. 
"Yoona's been helping me with Calculus," I explained. "Ah, so you two have been 'studying'?" My mouth tightened. Yoona didn't seem to notice it but my father was mocking us. 
"Yes, and actually we were just on our way home," I told him my teeth clamped together. I turned to Yoona and she had a confused expression forming on her face. "I'll explain later," I whispered to her. 
"We'll speak when you return," My dad piped in. I held back a scoff. Show off. 
"Come on," I lightly held her elbow and tugged her away from my father. "It was nice seeing you Dean Kim," Yoona said from behind bowing again at my father. But my father was so immensely rude he pretended he didn't hear her. I was so angry at him. Yoona didn't do anything to him and he was acting like such a . I was used to his behavior but he wasn't allowed to treat Yoona like this. 
"I'm really sorry about him, Yoona. My dad's a jerk." I told her plainly when we exited the room. Yoona looked up at me. "You guys don't get along do you?" She asked but she already knew the answer when I just stared at her. It was pretty obvious. "It can't be helped."  We talked towards the front of the house in silence when suddenly I popped a question. "What's your dad like?" I asked. 
Yoona turned to me with a beautiful smile drawn on her face. "My dad...he's really cool. I wish I was strong like him." She confessed as she looked ahead thinking in memory. "He seems really cold at first because he's so stiff but he was raised in the military. My dad's actually a real sweetheart." Yoona laughed. "My mom always tell me how he's a romantic and how he wooed her the first time she arrived at his base."  We had reached my car already. 
"Wow must me nice," I said envious of the way she spoke of her parents. I felt like an orphan. 
I opened the passenger door for her as she looked at me with a pout. I closed the car door and proceeded to the drivers seat. Our conversation about her father ended there. Maybe she was missing him that's why she stopped talking about him. I glanced over her as we entered the highway. Did I upset her? She was thinking deeply. 
" don't have a girlfriend?" I was so shocked by her question I pressed on the brake instantly. "No, not at all." I answered driving normally again. "What made you think that?" I asked looking at her with an astounded expression. 
She shrugged looking down at her hands. "Well I thought you and Hyorin were...together." She said quietly not meeting my eyes. 
"Hyorin?" I said her name. I laughed. "Why I would be dating her?" Oh, it was so funny that Yoona thought we were dating I had tears in my eyes. "I don't know she's always...around you." She said. 
I looked at her slightly. I wonder..could she be jealous. Yoona wasn't meeting my eye so I assumed she was embarrassed.  "Hyorins not my type at all." I explained to Yoona. Was this what was bothering Yoona? She could not be jealous of that stupid bimbo. Does Yoona like me? 
"I like shy girls," I said bravely suggesting Yoona. She quickly turned her head and looked out the window so I couldn't see her face. I raised my eyebrow. This isn't how it's suppose to me. Girl finds out guy is single, she confesses and then happily ever after. 
The ride to Yoona's house was very I wish it lasted longer. "Thanks for the ride, Kai." Yoona said her hair falling down and covering her face. I frowned. Why couldn't she look at me. "Uh, yea sure anytime..." She opened her passenger car door. "I'll call you later~" I called out trying to see a hint of smile. But all I got a slight blush from her. was good enough. 
Yoona POV: 
My heart was pounding when I left Kai's car. I don't know why I was so over filled with joy at his words. He didn't like girls like Hyorin.
I at least have a chance with him. I smiled widely until my cheeks started hurting. 
I entered my house hiding behind the front door. maybe
I like him.
A/N- YEAH FINALLY UPDATED!!! fgetting close getting close man. up to 10 chapters already man! do you guys like it so far? I wrote these chapters ages ago BUT I GET LIKE 4 COMMENTS LOL. CAN U PLEASE COMMENT MORE LOL ITLL MOTIVATE ME TO UPDATE MORE OFTEN. I have seven chapters saved on my computer i just....idk anywayz until we meet again my lovelies.
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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha