
Jealousy is an Ugly Thing

         "I'm a wolf," Kris sighed. You stared at him curiously. Is he serious? You thought. How could he be a wolf? I mean, he was standing right in front of you on two legs, he had fingers, lips... But then it hit you. His strentgh. The way he effortlessly did push ups. The way he ran so quickly, you didn't even move a muscle to stop the ball. The speed that he had to be going to stop push you out of the trucks way. And most importantly, how his perfect eyes resembled the wolf in the poster. You stood there, trying to soak in all that was going on at once. You almost died. You were saved by a person you barely even know. You found out a secret that wasn't meant to be known. Of  course, you were frightened, but you didn't want to run. You wouldn't let the fact that Kris was a wolf scare you. Now that you thought about it, he kind of did look like a wolf. His thick hair, his peircing eyes and his steady breath.

        "Well? Aren't you going to run away? Aren't you scared?" Kris spoke up, expecting you to be fleeing, screaming in horror. You remained silent for a few seconds before speaking.

       "No, I'm not. I'm not scared of you and I won't run away," You replied sternly. You were determined to stay brave. To seem calm.

       "Why? You don't know what I'm capable of doing. I could hurt you," Kris said, mumbling on the last sentence. There was a stab in your back when he said that you dont know what he's capable of doing. What could he do to you? He saved your life, so he wouldn't hurt you... right?

      "That's why. I'm not scared because I don't know what you can do. If I knew that you could kill me, I would already be at home, calling the cops. But since you saved me, you wouldn't hurt me.. Right?" You said, hoping that he would agree. Kris sighed. She's right, Kris thought. He wouldn't hurt anyone, no matter how much he would want to. Especially you. 

     "No," He replied, taking a step towards you. You were now completely frightened. Your eyes became as wide as an owls. You wanted to turn around and race home. 

     "No, I wouldn't hurt you," He finished. You sighed in relief, annoyed that he didn't say it earlier.

     "Hey! You should've told me 'yes' or 'I wouldn't hurt you' earlier! You gave me a heart attack!" You complained, grabbing a hold of your chest. Kris grinned at your reaction. You looked down at your watch. It was now 8PM. 

     "My parents'll be so worried! You hissed at yourself. Kris noticed the troubled look on your face.

    "Everything ok?" He asked in concern. You shook your head.

    "My parents will kill me if they don't find me at home after work," You groaned. He noticed the worried look on your face. He felt kind of sorry for you, which was a big shocker to him. He usually never cared about anyone, but things were changing and he didn't even know it. Kris sighed at himself. Why are you going to do this? He thought.

     "Tina, get on my back," He instructed,  taking off his backpack. You gave him a weird look. Is he crazy? You thought.

     "What? Why?" You replied. Kris rolled his eyes. You should be thankful I'm doing this for you, he thought. 

     "Just get on," Kris demanded with a dark voice. With out hesistation, you got on his back, hoping that you weren't going to fall off. Kris wore his backpack in front of him.

    "Hold on. Don't let go," He said, turning his head to face your face. Your faces were uncomfortably close. 

   "Wouldn't dream of it," you replied.

     Kris began to run, going at full speed. You were kind of afraid at how fast he was going, but at the same time you sort of liked it. He was going about 30 to 35 miles per hour. You hair was blowing wildly behind you, the cold night air brushing against your cheeks. You began to hold onto Kris even tighter. He noticed your grip tightening and smirked.


     Once you arrived home, you noticed that the living room lights were on. You jumped off of Kris's back. 

    "Aish. My parents are home, so I can't use the front door to get in," You sighed. 

   "Do you have a back door? Maybe you could get in through there," Kris suggested, putting his backpack back on his back.

  "Yeah! I have a porch door that leads into my room," You smiled, leading the way. You snuck behind your house, Kris following you from behind. You stared up at the porch, which was about 9 feet above the ground. You kicked your feet on the ground in dissappinment.

 "I'll never get up there," You sighed. Kris stared up at how high the porch was. Maybe..., Kris thought. He came next to you and carries you bridal style. You stared at him in suprise.

 "What are you doing?" You asked uneasily. But before he answered, he jumped, kicking his right leg against the house and bounced off, landing right on the porch. He put you down. You were about to open the porch door, but you realized that you owed Kris a HUGE thank you. 

 "Wait, Kris!" You said, turning him around by the shoulder. "Thank you. For everything. Thank you for saving me, taking me home, and helping me get inside. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here right now," You said sincerely. Kris gave a small smile, which made your heart stop for a second.

 "No problem. You should get inside," he replied. 

  "No, seriously. You saved my life, so i have to do something for you in return. It's the least I could do," You offered. You were completely grateful. You wouldn't even be talking to him right now if he hadn't pushed out of the way, not that you hate him but because you'd be dead. Anything? Kris thought. He thought for a while, wondering what you could do for him in return. Please don't ask me to do anything... Nasty, You prayed to yourself.

  "In return, I want you to go on a date with me," Kris said, staring down at you. You smiled happily in the inside, but stayed cool on the outside.

 "Alright, I'll go on a date with you," You agreed. Kris nodded and held out his hand. You stared at it confusingly.

"Shake on it," Kris said. You shook Kris's hand, feeling a tingle run up your arm. 

"Good night, Kris," You smiled.

"Night, Tina," He replied, returning your smile. Kris turned around, jumping and landling softly on the ground. You watched as his human silhouette  turned into a wolf, running through the tall Wheat field and dissapearing deep into the woods behind your home. A smile spread across your face. Eventhough you couldn't see his wolf form, you knew that he was a beautiful creature. 


 Kris stopped in the middle of the forest, changing out of his wolf form. His clothes were still on his body.He thought about your words from when he saved you. 'I'm not scared of you because I don't know what you can do to me.' Those words echoed through his head. The sincerety in your voice made him warm inside. She's different. She's actually giving me a chance, Kris thought,  smiling back at your lit room.

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Ok, this WAS suppose to be a one shot, but it's turning out to be a short story xD


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Chapter 4: Oh my god this is so good!!!! :0 I can't wait to read more omo update soon!!! ^_^
ForeverEXOTIC_Kai #2
Chapter 3: Update!!!!!!~ Hurry up and update!! Palliwa kekeke
ForeverEXOTIC_Kai #3
Chapter 2: author-nim daebak!! Haha update soon unnie!! keke
Chapter 2: Pretty Good so far! Thanksies~