Intro; New student-New Jealosy

Jealousy is an Ugly Thing

    "Another boring day of school," you sighed, putting on your high knee socks for school. You were in your small, comfy bedroom, which had a queen sized bed, a desk and some of the trophies you won from the several dance competitions on the window sill. Your room also had a door that led out to a porch, where you sat to read or just admire the forest and trees. You walked to the bathroom, combed your long, dark brown hair and decided to let it down.

     "Tina! Come down for breakfast or your gonna have to leave without it!" Your mom called. You could smell the sweet aroma of blueberry pancakes travel from the kitchen to the bathroom. There's no way I'm gonna miss breakfast, you thought. 

   "Arraso, umma," you replied, rushing down the stairs. When you stepped into the kitchen, you saw a colorful plate of fruits and pancakes with a cup of milk on the side. Your face brightened with delight.

   "Thanks, umma! I will eat this well!" You gigled.  

  "Ok,ok. Eat up." She replied. 



    Once you reached the school gates, you spotted your best friend, Kai. He was leaning against a tree just by the gates. You skipped towards him, waving happily. He began to smile once he saw you approaching him. He straightened up, waving back. 

  "Hey, Kai!"you grinned. 

  "Hi,"Kai replied. She looks so cute when she smiles, he thought, admiring you. Little did you know that Kai has been crushing on you since 6th grade. You met Kai at a dance competition  when you guys were 7. From that day on, you guys were inseparable besties, but Kai wanted to be more than that. Now the both of you were high school seniors at an art school for creative teens. You both walked into the school gates, laughing and talking about the time you guys were in a school play and Kai had to dress up as a big yellow bird in 5th grade. 

   "I looked like a squash!" Kai laughed.

  "Well, i think you looked cute," you laughed back. He savored the words you said. She thinks I'm cute?He thought, secretly smiling. 

  "Well, at least you didn't have to dress up as a-" You were beginning to say. You couldnt  finish the sentence because something caught your eye. You spotted a tall boy about your age come out from behind a tall bush on the side of the concrete path to the school doors. What was he doing? Who is he? You thought, frowning in confusion. You stared at him as he casually walked into the school. 

 "As a what, Tina?" Kai asked, trying to see what you were looking at. 

"Huh? Oh, forgot," You replied. Kai noticed the confusion on your face. Whats wrong with her? Kai thought. 


 You sat down at your desk in 1st period, which was science. Students were at their friends desks, talking about fashion, boy bands, boyfriends, and school gossip. You took out your textbook and pencil for class. *DIINNGGDOONNG* The bell rung, signaling that it was time to start school. You looked at the classroom door, expecting Mr.Kim to enter class, but the only people at the door were a few guys who were a bit tardy. Where's the teacher?He's supposed to be here by now, you thought. You looked back at Kai who was doing a little catching up on sleep. You grinned at him. Of course, you thought. You ripped a small corner from your textbook, rolled it up in a ball and threw it, aiming perfectly at his head. 

  "Wha-"Kai mumbled, looking up. He saw you smiling at him and was wide awake at the sight of your pretty smile. 

   "Where's the teacher?" You asked in audibly. He shrugged, happy that he could have some extra time to nap with the teacher gone. You looked at your pink watch and noticed that the time was 10 minutes pass the start of school. 

  "Students, bow to the teacher," The class president announced, standing up at his desk. 

  "Good morning, teacher," The class greeted in unison, bowing their heads. 

 "Sorry I was late today, kids. We will be having a new student in our class today and from now on. Can you please come in?"Mr.Kim asked, waving his right hand at the door. Huh, wonder if she's nice, you thought. 

 "Please introduce yourself, Kris,"the teacher said. Wrong. It wasnt a girl. It was a guy. In fact, he was pretty handsome.

 "Hi, my name is Kris, I was born in China but was raised in Canada. I'll be majoring in art," Kris said. The girls in class squeeled like rats over him. But who could complain? He was drop dead gorgeous. But to you he was much more than that. His height, his hair..... He was the one who came out of the bush this morning. You stared at him, questions popping in and out of your head. Why was he in the bush? What was he doing behind it? Did he have a reason? You didn't even notice that you were staring at him until he looked back at you, your eyes meeting. You quickly looked down at your textbook, hoping that he didnt notice your stares.

  "Alright, well, please find a seat and we'll get ready to start class.   With your head still down, you heard foot steps coming your way. Then, the scrape of chair legs on the floor. You looked at the empty seat next to you, which wasnt so empty anymore. Kris had chosen to sit next to you. The girls stared at the both of you, wondering why he decided to sit next to you when there were plenty of other open seats left. You wondered the exact samething. He glanced at you, causing your eyes to meet once again. You noticed how dark, yet crystal clear his eyes were and how smooth his skin was. You were entranced. It was like falling under a deep, beautiful spell. It was almost too good to be true. Kai saw you and Kris looking at each other and got a little bit annoyed. He rolled his eyes. What is that nut job doing? Kai thought. No one could look at you like that, not while Kai was around. 

 "Tina, class is starting," Kai interrupted, causing you to look at him. 

 "Huh? Oh, yeah," You said, facing back to the teacher. Kai glared at the back of Kris, who was still staring at you.



SO how'd you guys like my first chapter? Haha, yeah its not that great, but thanks for reading! Subscribe for upcoming chapeters! :) How do you like it so far, TheKpopLuv?


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Ok, this WAS suppose to be a one shot, but it's turning out to be a short story xD


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Chapter 4: Oh my god this is so good!!!! :0 I can't wait to read more omo update soon!!! ^_^
ForeverEXOTIC_Kai #2
Chapter 3: Update!!!!!!~ Hurry up and update!! Palliwa kekeke
ForeverEXOTIC_Kai #3
Chapter 2: author-nim daebak!! Haha update soon unnie!! keke
Chapter 2: Pretty Good so far! Thanksies~