
Jealousy is an Ugly Thing


      Finally, last period was here. You arrived in gym class, more than ready to end the school day. School was tiring, boring and, well, lame. It was like a daily routine. You learn and study, learn and study, learn atnd study, take a break and start the cycle over.  You walked into the girls locker room, changing into red running shorts and a white t shirt. You tied up your hair into a high pony tail, so your long hair wouldnt get in the way. As you walked out into the gym, Kris caught your eye. He really did look handsome in everything. He wore red basketball shorts and a white T shirt, but made it look as if he were going to a photoshoot. You noticed that you were staring.. Again. You shook your head. Get a hold of yourself! You thought. You were never really intrested in anyone, but what was so special about him that made you heat up? You walked to your assigned seat, which was on the gym floor. You stood, stretching to get ready for class. Because of your dancing background, you were pretty flexible. What's happening? You thought. You saw the round gym teacher point your way, Kris standing next to him. Next thing you knew, Kris was standing in front of you. Why is he always by me? You thought. He sat next to you or by you in all your 7 classes. Now gym? All of the students got into their assigned seats, waiting for their instructions. 
  "Ok, now everyone give me 25 Push ups
," The teacher instructed. The class groaned, getting on the floor. Eventhough you were a dancer, you weren't that strong. You struggled pushing yourself up after getting down in a parallel position. You forced your weak muscles to push yourself up, grinning proudly. You looked in front of you, your mouth wide open in surprise. Kris was effortlessly doing pushups. He did it as easy as pouring yourself a glass of milk. One by one, he did it like it took no effort at all. Once he completed 20, which you couldnt tell because he was going so fast, he stood up. He saw you gaping your mouth. He slightly smirked, causing your heart to skip a beat. Seriously, this guy was good looking. 
    "Do you need help?" He grinned, holding out his hand. You stared at his hand for a few seconds before grabbing it. His hand's warm, you thought, secretly smiling to yourself. As he pulled you up, you noticed a tattoo on his hand. It was black and looked like some sort of blurry wolf. Kris saw your eyes locked on his tattoo and pulled his hand away. Kai, who was already making his way out to the field, noticed you and Kris. He scowled, mumbling a few ugly words under his breath. What does she see in him? Kai thought. 
    "Hey, Tina! Lets go," Kai shouted to you, hoping that you would get away from Kris. You broke your gaze away from Kris, walking away to Kai. Kris stared at you walking off, wearing a small smile. 
    "Alright, students. Today we'll be playing soccer. Now, we're going to break into two teams," the teacher said. You and Kai were on the same team, Kris on the opposite team. Once you heard the whistle, you got  into your position as goalie. You cheered on Kai as he was dodging the opposing team, about to kick the ball into the gaol. Swiftly, Kris stole the ball from Kai. He dribbled running as fast as he could. It was un believable. You couldn't help but stare at him with wide eyes. No human could run THAT fast! Seriously, he could beat everyone in the olympics! Soon, Kris was close to your goal, but you didn't even move a muscle. 
    "Tina! What are you doing?!" You heard Kai yell from down the field. Wake up call. You were now out of your daze, but the ball was now in the goal. What? How could the ball already be in the net? How could i not see that?You thought. You scratched your head in confusion. 
     "Class  over!" The teacher shouted. You walked back into the gym, apologizing to the students on your team. They complained at how lousy you were at being a goalie. After you changed back into your school uniform, you began to exit the gym. Kai ran up to you, walking out of the front door with you. 
    "What happened out there? You looked possessed or something," Kai asked. You shook your head.
   "Honestly, I don't even know. I was just focusing on Kris and the ball. Maybe I was just having a moment.." You answered. It was all true. It was scary, but true. 
   "Oh," Kai replied. Kai began to get annoyed again. Why does she keep getting lost on Kris? Kai thought, confused. 
   "I gotta go to the dance studio now. See you, Kai," You smiled. Kai smiled back. Well, at least she doesn't smile at Kris like that, He thought. 
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Ok, this WAS suppose to be a one shot, but it's turning out to be a short story xD


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Chapter 4: Oh my god this is so good!!!! :0 I can't wait to read more omo update soon!!! ^_^
ForeverEXOTIC_Kai #2
Chapter 3: Update!!!!!!~ Hurry up and update!! Palliwa kekeke
ForeverEXOTIC_Kai #3
Chapter 2: author-nim daebak!! Haha update soon unnie!! keke
Chapter 2: Pretty Good so far! Thanksies~