Jealousy is an Ugly Thing


        "Hi, Aunty!" You greeted, bowing respectfully to your aunt who was trying to climb down a ladder. You arrived at the dance studio that you practice daily in. It was owned by your aunt who teaches ballet. The studio was huge and had mirrors covering three of the four walls. The fourth wall was where the door and big glass window was. 
       "Hi, Tina. Are you here to practice?" Your aunt asked. You saw her struggling, so you rushed over to help her. You held onto the ladder as she climbed down. 
       "Yup, as always," You replied. Your aunt stared up at the fourth wall. You followed her gaze and noticed a poster of a gray wolf. You frowned. 
       "Aunty, why'd you hang that up?" You asked. 
       "It's beautiful, isn't it?" She smiled."A wolf is a strong and powerful creature. They are loyal, faithful and honest. It's just a little something I put up for my students to remind them to be strong and have courage every time they perform or when something troublesome goes on in their life." You nodded, staring at the wolf. It was standing on its four legs, staring out into the studio. You examined the wolf's eyes. They were shiny, yet as pitch dark as the night sky with no moon. It seemed really familiar, but you just couldn't make out what or who it was familiar to. Your aunt stared at you as you focused on the wolf's eyes. It kind of freaked her out at how much attention you were giving it. 
     "Tina, sweetie, are you okay?" Your aunt asked, waving her hands in front of your face. You were out of your trance, back into reality. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm alright," you replied. You went into the locker room and changed into black shorts and a gray tshirt. As you came out, you began to tie up your hair in a ponytail. You stood in front of the mirror that was on the right hand of the fourth wall and began stretching to loosen up.
 ~~~~~~~~~~~Kris's Point Of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            "Okay. I got it," Kris said through the phone. He sighed as he he put it back in the pocket of his jacket. He walked down the street with both of his hands buried in his pockets, cursing in his head. Can't I just run home instead of walking? I could be creating another drawing or painting or taking a nap. I would've been at home a minute after school ended, Kris thought. 
        "If you run home, people will be suspicious of who you are," Kris remembered Luhan warning him through the phone. He rubbed  the back of his neck in frustration. He began to hum a tune of a song that he was faintly hearing. Where's that music coming from? He thought curiously. Kris took out his phone again and checked the time. 4:30PM, it read. I have nothing better to do anyways, he thought. With his sharp ears, Kris followed the music. He turned this and that corner until he came upon a dance studio. He looked up at the sign, which was above the door of the studio. 
Ms.Lee's Grade school ballet class, Kris read. The words were in pink and white letters. Kris looked through the window of the studio, which gave a full view of the room. Through the window, he saw a someone dancing. It was a girl.          
       "Tina?"Kris said outloud, louder than he expected to say. He noticed that you stopped dancing. Quickly, Kris hid at the side of the building, hoping that you didn't see him. You turned off the music and looked at your aunt. 
       "Aunty, did you call for me?" You asked, re tying your ponytail.
        "Eh? No, i was just working on the seating arrangements for the kids dance recital next week," She mumbled, her eyes glued onto the laptop screen. Your aunt was a perfectionist. You scratched the back of your head in confusion. I could've sworn someone called my name, you thought. You let go of your thoughts and the music, which was Sunmi's 24 Hours. You stood there for a while, letting the song captivate you. After a few seconds, you began to dance. 
        Kris heard the music playing again and was relieved. He hesitantly went to the front of the studio and saw you dancing once agian. He was in awe. Your every move was precise.. So detailed and  fluid. As you danced, it was like you were in your own little world. You had so much... so much passion. Nothing could bother you. It was just you and the music. The melody and lyrics came into your ears, but came out from the smooth movements of your body. If one word could describe tour dancing, it would be hypnotizing or enchanting. It's like art in motion, Kris thought in amazement. He couldn't take his eyes off you. You looked so mysterious, but poised and care free. What felt like hours, you stopped dancing. You were out of breath, but it was a good feeling. Kris was out of breath by just watching you dance. He coild barely let a breath go while you were dancing or blink. But when you stopped, he, once again, went to the side of the building.  He looked back at his phone. 
        "6PM?!" Kris said in disbelief. I watched her dance for over an hour? Kris thought. To him, that hour felt like 2 minutes. You changed back into your school uniform, getting ready to go home and take a long, hot shower. When you came out of the locker room, you saw your aunt waiting at the entrance. You ran up to her.
      "Are you closing up?" You asked, walking out the door. 
      "Yeah. I've finished all my work, so I'll end the day here," Your aunt yawned, locking the door. "Ok. Good night, aunty. Rest well!" You smiled, waving good bye. She nodded and walked to her car. You watched her as she did. You wouldn't want her to get hurt, since it was pretty dark outside. Once she drive away, you were finally okay to go home. You took out your black iPod, plugged in your headphones and began listening to your playlist. You your music so that it was blaring into your ears. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kris Point Of View~~~~~~
    Kris heard you talking to your aunt, so he tried to keep as quiet as he could. Once he heard you say goodbye, he began to walk forward, but you walked straight in the direction he was going. What am I going to do? I can't let her see me or she'll think I'm a stalker! Kris thought. He began to slowly walk behind you. With your headphones turned up, you couldnt hear anything around you, only the music. Please dont turn around, please don't turn around, Kris prayed to himself. You quietly sang along to yoir music, which made Kris chuckle. Your voice wasn't bad, it just was amusing to Kris. She's cute, Kris thought, grinning. You both stopped at the cross walk. Kris stood a good distance away from you, hoping you wouldn't catch him. Once the walk sign turned green, you began to walk. Kris began to walk too, but he wasn't on the crosswalk yet. There was a disturbing, rough sound in his ears. It sounded like a motor. Where is this coming from? Kris thought in annoyance, covering both of his ears.  His head  quickly shot up as he looked at the street. It was a speeding car. Kris watched in horror at the sight of how fast the car was going. But it wasn't a car. No, It was a produce truck. He turned his head to you. You were still walking on the side walk........
Right where the truck was coming by.
     His eyes widened. 
       "TINA! TINA!!" Kris shouted.... But you couldn't hear a single word he was saying. Kris glanced back at the truck. It was only seconds away from crushing you. 
6 seconds.
5 seconds.
4 seconds.
     Without any thought,Kris raced toward you, going faster than the speed of sound. At the rate at how fast he was going, it would be impossible for him to be human. He grabbed you, pushing out of harms way and holding you tight in his chest. You were in total shock. As the truck passed, your hair blew backwards by the wind. You couldn't even speak. It was all so sudden. I mean, you were less than a second away from DYING! You stared wide eyed at him. You noticed how the moonlight captured his sharp and handsome features. Kris tilted his head down and the first thing he saw was the utter shock and fear in your eyes. He was still holding onto you. You stared into his stunning dark eyes, as he stared back into yours. You had so many questions, so many thoughts going through your head all at once, but you couldn't find away to let them out. I. ALMOST. DIED. Was the only thought that was clear to you...
     "Who are you?……What are you?" You shuddered so softly that it was barely a whisper. You could feel his steady, slow breath. He just looked at you in relief that you were safe. The question didn't sink into him until he noticed that you were breathing heavily in fear. He let you go, but you guys were still pretty close.
      "If I told you, you would run away in fear.. In disgust," He replied in a dark, smooth voice, while staring straight at you. You didn't know wether you should be scared or intimidated, but you knew you weren't going to run away like a chicken. 
     "Well, we don't know that will happen if you don't tell me, will we?" You gathered up the courage to say, determined to get an answer. You crossed your arms and took a step toward him. Kris sighed. I can't believe im gonna tell her this, he thought.
     "I'm a wolf," He finally answered, shutting his eyes. He waited for a scream. For a shriek. For footsteps rapidly moving away. But all his advanced ears heard was your slow breathing. Once he replied, you were taken aback but didn't want to seem any more shocked and afraid than you already were. You clenched your hands into fists, trying to be brave. You gulped.
       "Oh," You simply replied, trying to be calm. Kris frowned at you in surprise.
      Sorry if it's not that well written. Hope you enjoyed this chapter though! :)
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Ok, this WAS suppose to be a one shot, but it's turning out to be a short story xD


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Chapter 4: Oh my god this is so good!!!! :0 I can't wait to read more omo update soon!!! ^_^
ForeverEXOTIC_Kai #2
Chapter 3: Update!!!!!!~ Hurry up and update!! Palliwa kekeke
ForeverEXOTIC_Kai #3
Chapter 2: author-nim daebak!! Haha update soon unnie!! keke
Chapter 2: Pretty Good so far! Thanksies~