Do you know who made this?

f(x)- Pink Tape


“Do you know who made this?”


Sulli smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. Though she had her hair cut short, the stylists made an effort to make her feel comfortable with it.

It was just 10 minutes before their performance. The other 4 were outside their dressing room, waiting for their time.

“SULLI! HURRY UP!” She heard Luna call from outside.

“YEAH! JUST A MINUTE!” She replied.

Sulli took another look before she stood up from her chair.

Then Sulli thought, ‘Maybe just a few more minutes.’

Well, let’s just say Sulli was in love with how she looked.

As she was brushing her hair, maintaining it’s beautiful soft feeling, the lights suddenly went off.

“AHHH!” She screamed and dropped her brush.

Then she heard the door creek open and suddenly, fear took over the young girl.

“Luna? Is that you?” she asked.

The door was shut and she got no response.

“Krystal? Amber? Victoria?” she asked some more but, just like before, she got no response.

“Hello?” she called out.

Then she felt someone’s breath on her shoulder. She stiffened.

Slowly, a hand crept up to her hair and pulled it. The person pulled it as hard as they could.

Sulli screamed and tried to remove the person’s grip from her hair but due to the dark and panic, she couldn’t grab hold of the hand.

“SOMEBODY, HELP ME!!” She screamed.

As Sulli was trying to fight the tears that were threatening to fall, the person’s grip loosened and Sulli heard the door open then close.

It was still dark and Sulli was shivering with fear.

Krystal, Amber, Luna and Victoria tried to open the doorknob. Unfortunately, it was locked.

“SULLI, STAY CALM! WE JUST CALLED THE STAFF!” Amber said from outside.

Sulli didn’t reply and instead let the tears fall. She sat on the chair and waited for the light to come.

She felt horrible. She felt like a monster.

Not only was her hair ruined, but it hurt too. Her scalp was aching like crazy.

She sniffed and thought, ‘What did I do to deserve this?’

Then, to her joy, the lights were back on. But the door was still locked and she didn’t have the guts to unlock it.

On the other side of the door, the other four ladies were trying to open the door.

Amber kept twisting and turning the doorknob.


Sulli just shook her head, though she knew she wouldn’t see.

Then, just as Amber had twisted the doorknob with all her strength, it opened.

“Woah!” the four ladies said when they almost tripped from the sudden opening of the door.

Krystal hurriedly ran to Sulli. “Are you alright? What happened?” she asked.

Then Victoria asked, “What happened to your hair?”

Luna nudged her and shot her a warning look.

Sulli looked terrible –her cheeks had eyeliner stains from her crying and her hair was a mess.

Sulli covered her face with her hands and said, “D-don’t look at me!”

Victoria the younger female’s hair, “It’s alright, Sulli.”

Then the show’s producer and director came running. “Are you girls alright?” the director asked.

Everyone but Sulli turned around and nodded. The director and producer understood so they went on to the other rooms to check on the idols.

“I don’t understand…” Amber said.

“Do you know who made this?” Krystal asked Sulli. Sulli grabbed the brush from the floor and shook her head. “Nope.” Then she brushed her hair. “But I wish I did.”


Aaaaaand it's crap. Sorry if it was too much for you. I really tried making a creative scene for this. And a compatible one for the caption and picture. 

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Okay, with most of the stressful school activities done, I think I can continue with this. Phew. Soon. . .


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Chapter 7: I reckon Krystal is your bias? And Luna is your least favorite? Or maybe Amber..? I kinda hope for a bit more Luna as she's my bias and I notice she doesn't have much part in this story..
Chapter 7: Aw... I love f(bond)
They're a family...

I dont mind... Cos i'm krystal's bias.
Chapter 6: Lol... You dont have to ask me...

You finally update >.<
It's been awhile...
I dont have the photobook... Wish i had tho...
Now i wonder what's next.

Kaistal is jjang!!!
Chapter 5: Lol... At the last part..

You're a good writer, that's for sure.
I enjoyed every bit of it. That's the most important. Is just that, you write halfway, and left us hang with question mark on our head. But maybe that's your style of writing.
I totally love it tho

Keep up the good work