Walking My New Classmate Home

500 Days of EXO

We exited the room and realized that Sir Oh-Hyuk forgot to lock the door.

"We should probably tell the guard about that," he broke the ice. "Oh, and your school is nice."

Luhan proved to be talkative. You'd have thought a transfer student would be more quiet.

Between the two of us, I was actually the shy one.

I generally tried to avoid conversation. And this is probably why I have close to no friends.

I showed Luhan our entire school: the hallways, the gym, the chemistry labs, and the library.

Afterwards, we stopped at a water fountain close to my locker.

Walking through the whole school like that has a tendency to dehydrate you.

"By the way," I finally said. "This is my locker."

I pointed closer to the plate where the number "143" was written.

"I know we're in the same class, but if you need anything, just come here."

Luhan let out a laugh and a smile along with it.

I managed one myself out of politeness.

We walked back to the entrance and told the guard about Sir Oh Hyuk's door. He gave me that same weird look.

After we left the building, Luhan asked me if I could walk him to his house.

"Just so you'll know where to go," he explained. "...in case."

"In case?" I asked curiously.

"Oh you know. If I get sick or something. I'd still very much like to do my homework."

"Don't you have any siblings?"

"Nope. I live with myself."

Well that was a coincidence. Luhan also lives alone. It's kind of strange considering that he's a transfer student. The school we attend isn't all that special either.

"It's a long story," he cut short. "So, tell me about you."

He started walking, and neither accepting nor denying his request, I chose to follow.

"There's nothing that great about me," I began modestly. "I write, but only occasionally. I don't win any contests, either. I'm good in school."

"No," he interrupted, letting out his trademark giggle. "Not your school life. Tell me about you. What do you like doing?"

I felt like an idiot. He sensed that I was startled by the question, but I acted like I wasn't.

"I'm not into tv that much," I said unsurely. "But I do like reading books."

"Nice! What else?"

"This might sound crazy but..." I hesitated.

Luhan raised an eyebrow.

I continued, "I like writing. Poetry; essays; dramatic scenarios. It's like I'm forming all the clutter in my life into a visual art."

I waited for Luhan's reaction. Part of me wished he wouldn't laugh. But part of me also wished for his approval.

Then, he stopped. "We're here."

I looked up at the two-story building Luhan calls home. It was kinda spacious for a teenage boy who lived alone.

"Oh and-" he stuttered briefly. "That's pretty cool."

I don't know what's more shocking: the fact that I told someone that I like to write, or the fact that he thinks it's cool.

Anyway, it was still only 10:40am and I didn't want to go home yet.

I wasn't that hungry, and it was very uncharacteristic me for me to say,

but I asked Luhan, "Say, wanna grab an early lunch?"


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haejelpraise #2
omg kasjhdujahdujahjsa :")
Chapter 3: "When are you gonna move in?"

WEW I like that~~ HAHAHA!~
stormfall #4
Chapter 1: did you know theres already a hunhan 500 days of summer fic?