Overnight Project

500 Days of EXO

Our History teacher reminded us that our project was due tomorrow.

We were supposed to make a board game based on any event on history,

such as the Great Depression in the United States or the Tiananmen Square Massacre in China.

He suggested that if we wanted to make a good quality board game, we were gonna have to stay overnight at each other's houses.

Fortunately, Luhan and I already finished ours.

It was a very intricate, whodunnit, Clue-type game based on World War 2. (Don't ask.)

We'd started 2 weeks earlier, unlike our procrastinating classmates who were probably rushing cheap Monopoly imitations.

But nonetheless, Luhan invited me to stay over for the night.

"But I didn't pack any clothes," I countered.

"You can wear mine," he assured.

"Hyung, I'm much taller than you."

"I think our torsos are about the same size..."

And with that, we finished the rest of class and left school when the bell rang.


On the way to his house, Luhan couldn't contain his excitement.

He was randomly throwing his fist in the air and making "wooooo!!!" noises.

I, myself, was a little freaked out by this.

Hyung's face resembled that of a child. And though he's still fairly tall, it looks like he never grew up.

It's reflected in his very odd, but cute personality.

I ended up smiling too. Not to be polite, but to show my gratitude and my genuine happiness with having a friend like Luhan.

He talked nonstop as we walked. I just kept smiling and only half-listened to the conversation.

It was the sound of his voice that I paid more attention to, and in a way, the moment itself.

I'd seldom have these before I met Luhan.

Any similar experiences I've had are very vague and most are actually from my childhood.


"Sehun," he called, while snapping to me. "Sehunnieeee."

"Yeah?" I said unawarely.

"We're here."

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm just kinda hungry."

"Awww. Don't worry. I have plenty of food here."

His smile was very reassuring and it made me wish Luhan would end up with a job helping people.

He has the eyes that could convince you, "Hey. Everything's okay. Everything will be okay, and I can assure you that."

The simple luxury of his eye contact was sometimes, all I needed.


"Let's see," he began looking.

"We have lots of cereal in the pantry... There's a ton of milk in the fridge."

"What kind of cereal?" I said enthusiastically, even though I wasn't really hungry.

"There's Froot Loops. About 5 boxes of them."

"I've never heard of it."

"Oh? Then you should try it! It's my favorite cereal."


Luhan grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and two spoons from this fancy silverware container.

He filled the bowl with cereal about three-fifths full and poured some milk in.

"I hope you don't mind," he referred to the second spoon. "I like Froot Loops."

He let me try it first.

Personally, I found it very sweet and lively. But what distinguished it from other sugary cereals was the multi-colors and that addicting taste.

Here's a list of foreign cereals that I never really liked: Apple Jacks, Frosted Flakes, Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

I kind of liked Cocoa Krispies, but my body always rejected them.


Then Luhan started eating the cereal along with me.

It's not as awkward as you think. The bowl was pretty spacious.

But both of us tended to bring our faces closer to the bowl in order to catch the cereal.

I'm just thankful that there wasn't that much milk in the bowl.

"Woooo," I said, breaking the silence. "That was tasty."

"Well," he said with satisfaction. "I'm glad you liked it. I can't really cook anything. And I never get tired of Froot Loops."

I burped rather loudly. Luhan couldn't hold his laughter.

"Ahhh," I changed the subject. "Let's just get started on our 'project.' "

"Sure!" he agreed willingly.


We crashed on the too-soft blue sofa in the living room and played video games.

It was one that I was unfamiliar with.

We played as future engineers who are trying to save mankind from evil aliens, using very dangerous engineer equipment.

I died a lot. And rather graphically, too.

It included having my spine torn out, my head ripped off, or my limbs dismembered in every possible combination.

Luhan generally tried to save me, but I died whenever we were separated.

He didn't about my loser gaming skills, however.

That's one thing I liked about Luhan. He was immature, yeah, but he was very patient and understanding.


We were nearly halfway through the game when we realized it was dark.

"Oh ," Luhan realized. "What time is it?"

I checked the phone my aunt gave me during her last visit. She said my parents had sent it.

It was a little too expensive for my taste, though.

"Umm," I uttered, waiting for the screen to buffer. "About 11:00"

"How did that happen?" Luhan said, laughing. "You hungry?"

"I'm not really hungry for cereal. Besides, we won't be able to sleep."

"Noooo. I have frozen pizza in the fridge."

"Is it any good?"

"It's DiGiorno," he said with a cheesy expression.


We popped one in the microwave for several minutes and the computer while waiting.

We watched Happy Tree Friends as well as Annoying Orange.

I didn't like Happy Tree Friends too much. It reminded me of that video game we played earlier.

I found Annoying Orange unbearable.

I asked Luhan why we hadn't started eating yet.

"SHHH!!!" he replied. "Here comes the good part!!! Besides, it's still very hot."

"I'll take the risk," I said, not willing to watch Annoying Orange for any second longer.

"Suit yourself," he warned.


I opened the microwave and not much steam came out.

The pizza was already sliced so I reached for a slice.

I should have listened.

The pizza was very hot. It burned at least three of my fingers and instinctively, I went to the kitchen sink.

I turned the faucet on and I realized too late that there were two handles.

I switched the hot water on by mistake.


Luhan must have heard me screaming.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concerned by my position.

I was sitting on the tile floor. My left knee was raised, my left arm curving over it; my left hand covering my right.

I was probably overreacting.

"I found out your sink has two settings," I began sarcastically. "Scalding hot and frostbite cold. And unfortunately, I switched the former."

"Aww," he said with the signature pouty face. "I love how you speak formal English."

I shrugged.

"Come on," he offered his hand. "Let's get you up."

Ditzy as I am, I reached my burned hand, which jolted with pain when it made contact.

Luhan tried his best not to laugh.

He ended up grabbing one of my arms around his shoulder to get me up. I was kind of embarrassed.

"This never happened," I requested.

Luhan nodded.


We ate the entire pizza and showered together afterwards.

Luhan let me borrow his clothes as promised. But they turned out to be too short.

The pajamas fit me just about right, but the tip of the shirt hanged just below my belly button.

However, having my belly button exposed whenever I stretched still wasn't as weird as having to share the same towel - which we did.

We alternated using it and even had a tug of war with it at one point. I don't know why I'm sharing this with you.

I passed on borrowing his underwear and contemplated reusing mine or going commando.

The most sterile one was going commando, and that's what I did.


The house actually had a spare room.

It even had furniture and the bed was fully dressed.

"Sure you don't wanna move in?" Luhan asked while showing the room to me.

"I'm good," I said gratefully, and then smiled. "Thanks. Good night."

"Good night!" Luhan returned happily.

I switched the light off.


I laid there on the bed. It was very comfortable and most likely expensive.

The bed sheets smelled really nice.

Then it hit me. These sheets have been recently washed.

It's as if Luhan really prepared for me staying over. Huh.

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haejelpraise #2
omg kasjhdujahdujahjsa :")
Chapter 3: "When are you gonna move in?"

WEW I like that~~ HAHAHA!~
stormfall #4
Chapter 1: did you know theres already a hunhan 500 days of summer fic?