
500 Days of EXO

I woke up the following morning to find Luhan sleeping beside me.

His breathing was hushed and he didn't snore like most people.

He looked so peaceful in this state, and I almost forgot to ask why he was sleeping here in the first place.

I took advantage of his unconsciousness by taking a picture of him with my overpriced phone.

And aside from the drool that trickled out of his mouth, he looked really cool - photogenic, even.


I got out of bed and quickly noticed how hungry I was.

My appetite was always like that.

It's never been a problem though since I have all the food at home and no siblings to share it with.

The fridge was very empty, aside from three milk cartons. One was opened.

Turns out Luhan really can't cook.


There were several fine-looking pans in the counter, however.

I recalled a conversation that Luhan and I had in class.

"What would you choose as your weapon in case of zombie apocalypse?" he asked, catching me off-guard.

"Huh?" I returned, not really paying attention to both him and the teacher.

"You know..." he hinted. "Like in the movies."

"Uhhh. Probably a machete," I said sarcastically. "I think it makes me look handsome."

Luhan squinted at me.

"You're such a dork," he teased. "No offense."

"I was being sarcastic," I defended.

"I know hon," he smiled. (He thinks we're a couple or something.)

"K," I said, not really interested in conversation.

"I'd choose a frying pan," he said cheerfully, not really caring if I paid attention.

But I did, nonetheless.

"Cool," I remarked. "And then you could heat it on the stove before smacking the zombie's face with it."

He looked at me gleefully. "Exactly!"

Then we talked for the rest of class. The teacher scolded a couple of our classmates for being too loud, but never really noticed us.


Back to the present, I'm still hungry.

I entered the room which Luhan and I slept in, and looked for my wallet.

I treaded lightly on the carpet and was very subtle, like a ninja.

Unfortunately, I tripped while tiptoeing and made a considerable amount of noise.

I might have broken something, but I wasn't really sure.

Though I don't think it would be a problem. Not with Luhan's mysterious wealth, anyway.

He didn't wake up.

I've come to learn that he's a heavy sleeper. Especially during P.E.

He was only awake when we played soccer, which was not very often.

Otherwise, he'd hide behind the stack of dodgeballs and snooze off. I'd usually cover for him.

I covered him in his blanket and then continued looking for my money.


I finally found my wallet in the bathroom. It was in the pocket of my still damp uniform.

After showering, I have a habit of drying my feet in the clothes I used before I showered.

I picked them up and shot them unsuccessfully into the laundry basket in the bathroom.

I missed by at least five meters. I then picked them up and carefully dropped  the clothes into the basket.

Fortunately, my money was dry. I took note about being less forgetful.


I found a notepad in the living room and jotted down a list of things to buy at the grocery store:

  1. a dozen eggs
  2. onions
  3. bell peppers
  4. cream
  5. pre-cooked ham
  6. cheese (I like most cheeses)


I opened the front door and then locked it from the inside.

I contemplated waking up Luhan-hyung before I left, prioritizing his safety.

Then I figured it might upset him. Besides, I wanted to surprise him with my cooking skills.

I learned a thing or two from watching the Food network.

And yes, a good 10% of my allowance is invested in the 500 or so - foreign channels that I received.


I jogged to the grocery store and quickly noticed how cold it was outside.

Out of eagerness, I slammed into the sliding door at the grocery store, when I arrived.

It was very embarrassing and there were plenty of witnesses. Fortunately, I didn't know any of them personally.

Several old ladies laughed and I quickly made my way to the aisle at the very back of the building.

Then I realized I forgot the list in the living room.

"Darn," I told myself, still red from the sliding door mishap.


In a weird twist of fate, there was a basket at the aisle I was in, that contained almost everything I needed.

"Apparently, I'm not all that unlucky," I reassured myself. "But it's still missing cream - something."

I assumed it was whipped cream since I loved whipped cream.

At home, I'd sometimes fill an entire bowl with whipped cream and eat it with a spoon.


I saw one of my classmates at the freezer section. He made his way towards my direction, not really seeing me.

I quickly entered the bread aisle before he could see me. I really didn't like seeing teachers or classmates or anything school-related on a Sunday.

"Sehun-ah!" I heard from behind me. I let out a sigh.

It was Baekhyun. He wasn't really my classmate and we weren't actually close.

"Hey!" I returned, trying my best to hide my disappointment in seeing him.

He made small talk. I took every chance to get out of the conversation, though unsuccessfully.

After what seemed like forever, his mom called him and he left unhappily.

"Urghh," I muttered, rolling my eyes. The classmate I was trying to hide from earlier caught me doing this.

I shot him a mean look and then he moved on.

Then I realized I was still wearing Luhan's pajamas that didn't fit. Awkward.


I paid for the groceries and then made my way out, taking extra caution at the sliding door.

It got considerably warmer outside and I was grateful.

Though it was still kinda chilly and I was shivering when I got to the doorstep of Luhan's house.

I remembered locking the door and the mistake hit me like a sliding door. How strangely poetic. And stupid.

I knocked several times loudly on the door and rang the doorbell even more frequently.


The door opened and Luhan was already awake.

"Thank God, hyung." I made an exaggerated brrrrr. "I'm glad you're awake."

He looked at the bag of groceries I was holding. "You bought me food?" he gasped. "Come in!"

I entered the house and Luhan offered me the blanket.

I thanked him and then emptied the bag of groceries onto the kitchen table.

Luhan oohed. "What are you making?" he asked, clearly appetized.

"It's called a Denver omelet." I said formally. "I saw it on the Food network."

"That sounds cool," he said nicely.


I set the frying pan (which was non-stick!!!) on the stove and then heated it.

"Do you have butter?" I asked him. "I forgot to jot it down earlier."

"Jot?" he questioned my weird term. "Umm. It's in this compartment in the fridge."

He opened the refrigerator door and showed me the compartment.

During breakfast, I usually substitute cooking oil with butter.

I find it more yummy.


I melted the butter in the frying pan. "Watch this for a sec." I called to Luhan. "Just tilt the pan until the melted butter has covered everything."

Luhan did so and I heard more of his ooh's and aah's as I beat several eggs in a bowl.

I mixed in the rest of the ingredients - minus the cream. (I bought whipped cream instead of half-and-half.)

I poured what I assumed was salt into the mixture and I heard Luhan yell, "Sehun!"

I turned my head, unsure about the hubbub.

"That's Cayenne pepper," he said, disappointed.

"Ohhh..." I realized. "Well, variety is the spice of life." I shrugged and made a hopeless smile.

"Okay..." he pouted. "But I don't like spicy food. Remember."

I took note and then poured the batter onto the frying pan.


I cooked the omelet for several minutes while Luhan watched behind me.

When it finished, we set it on a large plate and cut in half.

"Your half is bigger than mine," he complained.

"It's the same..." I remarked, but let him have the supposedly-larger half anyway.


He took his first bite and then screamed. He ran to the fridge and drank from a milk carton.

"Is it really that bad?" I asked in disbelief. "Is it hot?"

"No," He took a gulp. "It's really spicy!"

I laughed, noticing just how cute his milk mustache was.


















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haejelpraise #2
omg kasjhdujahdujahjsa :")
Chapter 3: "When are you gonna move in?"

WEW I like that~~ HAHAHA!~
stormfall #4
Chapter 1: did you know theres already a hunhan 500 days of summer fic?