
Youngjae woke up, feeling happy and tried his best to ignore the slight pain he felt in his lower region. He gave a kiss to his boyfriend and sat up, stretching his arms up and stood up before his eyes fell on the window.  There was a man standing, staring at the scene before him and he was holding a suitcase and behind him was a woman, trying to do something with her phone all Youngjae did was letting out a loud scream that left everyone jumping. It was already past 9am and everyone still was in bed, Yongguk woke up an hour ago already but he kept in bed because it was really comfortable right now, until he heard the scream. He suddenly sat up, looking over to himchan firstly who stirred awake and then to the other two that were in the bunkbed, just the same position as himself before he got up and rushed out to the other bedroom. After a moment, himchan trailed behind him but he holded tightly to the plushiee anyway. 
Yongguk stared at the two boys who hided under the blanket before he looked at the laughing man and female outside the window before he facepalmed. Everyone was confused but Yongguk stepped out of the room and to the door, opening it. "Hi dad" he said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "Soooo, did you had an ?" his father directly asked and went inside, taking his shoes off with the female that hugged Yongguk. "my little brooo!" she said happily and went after his father, the other (who were only in his sleepclothes) looked confused at the three. "So, daddy, this is the friends I took here because their parent's aren't answering their phones anymore" he smiled at looked at the 5. "Nice to meet you kids! Just call me dad" he chuckled and walked to the kitchen, pulling out some beer and a glass. "Hey bro, so.. I heard you said that you have a 'girl'? Where is she?" the female looked curiously around and yongguk laughed awkwardly again.  "Ah well, since I don't know what my girlfriend is doing thats why I'll take one of them" he pointed to the guys before looking at his sister again. "This is natasha by the way, my sister." he smiled and looked at his friends again. Natasha looked curiously before she spots himchan, he looked down because he didn't knew yongguk had a girlfriend and he was kinda hurt by it. "He is pretty!" she said excitedly and the other agreed before the father said something from 'let's sit and chat' so everyone sat down on the long table. Himchan next to Yongguk and his now dressed brother, looking down in his lap and played with his plushiee. "You know, what you will do is really dangerous right?" His father suddenly turned serious as he glanced at himchan, "Should I dress him up?!" The only girl in the room said excitedly as he stared at himchan's features.  Only then himchan looked up, looking around confused before Yongguk nodded slowly. "I guess you have better things than we do" yongguk smiled warmly at himchan but himchan himself felt small.  Suddenly natasha stood up fastly and walked over to where Himchan was who looked up rather scared at the excited female, "Come! Let me take a look at you and guess what would fit you!" Himchan looked at daehyun and at the others before he was being pulled to the bathroom. 
Suddenly the atmosphere at the table changed, his father told the kids about what he is doing and in what kind of situation they are in right now. Yongguks father is the head of some high security organisation who has connections allover the world. Even when they aren't doing really legal things they are still protected. Their deals with international factorys are a big help in Korea and if something happens for them an important source of money would be gone. They even got to know that the empty houses around this 'hideout' will be soon being used as base for their managers, workers, etc. He even promised the kids to find their parents and Yongguk just smiled. He didn't expected that his father had such an side of him, he was always this arrogant guy and he knew something had changed in him. 
Meanwhile in the bathroom, natasha had stripped the boy down and squealed at how cute he was. His skin was really flawless, his wait very thin and she was blabbering stuff that himchan couldn't really understand because he was too embarrassed to be half infront of a girl. The only ones who had seen him ever was his father, mother or older sister but that only rarely since the boy didn't really liked his own body. He had problem zones but Natasha didn't cared a much. She found Himchan cute and smiled brightly as she made mental notes before she left the room to let the poor boy dress up again. Everyone else already went to dress up or made some food to eat when Natasha came out and joined his brother at the table who was chatting about some topic. She sat down next to Yongguk and smiled happily, "this himchan is really cute!" She said and nodded before she pulled her sleeves up. "I should come over still tonight and bring the things, he should start learning how to walk in high heels. "  The two men stared at Natasha before the father agreed. 
After a few moments they went to join the other 5 in the small Kitchen, Natasha helped them with the food and the father watched, making witty comments that makes everyone laugh and the whole atmosphere lifted up. Even so Yongguk went to search for Himchan, he found him in the bathroom, sitting in the middle of the bed as he read a book that laid around as 'decoration'  and Yongguk smiled to himself as he stepped in quietly and closed the door behind him. "Is it interesting?". The other boy was so into the book he didn't heard the eldest walking in, the dark voice caused him to jump and dropping the book onto the bed. Yongguk chuckled and sat down on the bededge also, "Sorry, I didn't meant to scare you" he smiled and turned to Himchan, "Anything wrong? " he asked with concern in his voice as he looked at the boy who avoided eyecontact. Himchan quietly shook his head and feeling a sinking in his chest as he felt the bodyheat from the other, "You know you can tell me anything right? Do you miss your home? or are you scared?" He tried to find a message in the boys sudden distance, he felt like he was 100 metres away from the other even when a inches seperated them.  "I'm scared.." himchan said quietly, it was somehow true. He was scared he might fall more, he was scared he might wake up tomorrow and everything was gone. He heard the other taking in a deep breath as moments of silences passed, suddenly he felt strong and warm arms wrapped around him. Pulling him tightly to the others chest as he rubbed himchan's back slowly. "Everything is a chaos..but we need to be strong alright? Nothing bad will happen to you as long you are along me" Yongguk said warmly and himchan nodded slowly, he blushed anyways before he allowed himself to rest his head against the others chest, pressing his warm red cheeks against it as he letted out a soft sigh. 
The door opened and Daehyun called out happily 'food is ready~' before he saw Yongguk hugging himchan and he blinked, worried and confused.  Yongguk nodded and mouthed 'on the way' as he continued rubbing the boy who barely was awake anymore and daehyun nodded slowly, smiling before he closed the door again. Himchan opened his eyes slowly and looked up at Yongguk. "I fell asleep?" He asked quietly and rubbed his eyes. "For a moment, yes, come eat and then take a nap alright?" he smiled and got up slowly, leading the other boy out.
After they ate and Yongguks father helped them to clean he took Yongguk aside for a quick talk. "Yongguk, three important things!" He said happily and smiled, pointing to the suitcase that stood by the door. "Give that Mr.Kim you'll meet this weekend and ...Mom is pregnant" he said happily, leaving Yongguk speechless. "How?" He asked, causing his father to frown. "How?? Guess how babies are made, stupid" he laughed and hugged his son happily. "Oh my gosh, thats awesome news! but she is in america right?" Yongguk hugged his father back and smiled, looking at him. "Yes, and now the third one, we will be all moving to america until the whole war is over here" He grinned widely as he watched his son, he expected a good reaction but he looked at the others happily in the kitchen/livingroom. "What about them?" He asked and his father sighed. "Why are they so important?" he asked and yongguk closed his eyes. "They are my friends, I expect them to be safe as well or I won't come" he said in a voice that just sounds  sure of what he is saying. His father rolled his eyes and nodded, "Let me find a way alright? Go and have fun, natasha comes later" he nodded and walked away again to the others, leaving Yongguk behind. 
"What have I brought myself into?"
The following hours was filled with Himchan taking a nap, the other 4 playing a boardgame and Yongguk watched them as he wrote some things on and took a look in the suitcase, it was filled with money, guns and white powder that Yongguk doesn't even want to know what that is. The doorbell rang and everyone greeted Natasha happily and Yongguk went to wake up Himchan. "Wake up, himmie-ah!" he said happily and chuckled at the whining of the smaller one. "Come come~" he smiled and took himchans hand, dragging him out of bed again. 
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Chapter 2: 2 first interesting chapters^^
why himchan so shy here omg i imagine his cute face :3 but yongguk won't do anything bad, will he? himchan is too innocent to be harmed
geezleweez #2
Chapter 2: sounds interesting
i hope nothing bad happens to himchan when they go to whatever meeting it is that yongguk has to go to
but what about the sirens or whatever and did the boys contact their parents?
PuZzLe_Solved #3
Chapter 2: i hope you'll update soon.. ^^