Hectic Morning

Living As A Male Amongst Super Junior Is Not Easy

After five minutes of explaining, I finally understood that they were a famous idol band and I felt slightly shocked since I couldn't imagine how they got famous with so many members.

"So, can you remember all of our names now?" asked the blonde male and I think his name is Leeteuk, the supposedly 'angelic' leader. I of course tried not to snort at this ridiculous nickname.

"Just about. Maybe after a few more days I'll get the hang of it."

The remaining members nodded in understanding and stood up to stretch their arms.

"Er... Leeteuk Op-Hyung!" Crap! Why did I nearly call him 'Oppa'!?

"Oppa?" The guy named Heechul was in hysterics while some of the others chuckled. Leeteuk seemed rather amused too.

"And you say you're not a girl? Unbelievable," he said teasingly, patting my head. "How old are you again?"

I hesitated and decided just to tell him the truth.

"I'm nineteen in a few weeks time."

"Wait a minute!" Heechul pointed a finger towards me which made me go cross-eyed. "Your voice has changed... Like a much higher pitch. I swear it was deep before."

I snorted at him and covered this slip easily. "I'm a growing boy. Never heard of boys going through a stage in life called puberty?"

Heechul lowered his finger lowered and the suspicious looked also disappeared.

"Yeah well, not all boys sound like banshees during puberty if I'm correct. Do you find me screeching when I talk to you? I don't think so! Anyway, remember to cook a good breakfast tomorrow, slave! I'm expecting five star quality food! I'm off to bed. Night." Heechul waved and slumped off to his own bedroom with another guy. What was his name? Ginseng? Oh, I don't remember.

"So anyway, you're younger than our maknae, Kyuhyun! You do know kyuhyun, right? He only joined us like a few months back and we still haven't managed to get him a bed so I guess you'll have to share the room with him and Sungmin."

"S-share? Don't you all have your own rooms?" I murmured in disbelief.

This can't be happening. Sharing a room with a guy and sleeping on the floor? You've got to be kidding me! I, Jung Nana have never sleep on anything apart from a king sized bed! Thinking about this make me regret not booking a hotel. This was not a good plan after all.

"Of course not! We're not that popular to be offered a room each! Mianae Nana, but that's the only choice we have. And plus we're all guys, right? There's no problem with sharing," Leeteuk patted my shoulder before pushing me into the room. My suitcase was already squeezed into the corner of the door and the room was smaller than my bathroom alone. I felt horrified at the site... This is not the correct living conditions for human surely...

I could see a male lying across some blankets on the floor while playing some sort of game on his laptop. It looked uncomfortable and cold, so different from my bed at home. I assumed this guy was called Kyuhyun. The other guy was already asleep, his breathing was heavy but not quite loud enough to be classed as a snore. His brown hair was spread across his pillow, his leg overlapping the quilt. This must be Sungmin.

"Er... I'm Nana and I've been told to share this room with you," I whispered, not wanting to wake Sungmin up.  Kyuhyun turned his head around to face me then shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant way.

"Well... As you can see there's not much room. I guess you'll just have to sleep here with me," he said in a monotone as he patted the space next to him. He didn't sound pleased at the arrangements but at least he wasn't too rude about it. I gulped at the idea of skinship and shuddered. I'm too young to and pure to sleep with a man!

"Excuse me? Sleep with you? Like now?" I questioned, my voice was rising from being nervous.

Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow at my defensiveness. "Is there a problem with that? Except the fact that we don't know each other very well, of course. I don't want to share with you either but if that's the orders, I must follow it too. If you don't want to sleep here, I guess you can try the porch which is full of mosquitoes. Good luck with that." He returned back to his laptop screen and ignored me before I could answer.

I frowned at his apparent coldness and opened up my suitcase, blocking his view from my personal feminine belongings. From thinking things thoroughly, I knew I had no choice but to stay here. I was about to take my nighty out when I realised I couldn't wear this; I'm meant to be a guy!

I groaned slightly, scolding myself for not thinking ahead. I stole a glance at Kyuhyun and bit my lower lip in uneasiness.

Should I really ask him?

"Kyuhyun-Hyung..." I whispered and he turned around, shocked that he not the youngest anymore.  His expressions hardened as the shock wore out, replaces by can empty expression once again.

"I don't know you very well, Nana-ssi," he replied icily and I sighed at the fact that he was so far, the least welcoming member.

"Well, I'm sorry, Kyuhyun-ssi," I said sarcastically before changing the tone of my voice into a much sweeter one. "Do you have any spare pajamas I can borrow?"

His eyes widened at the idea but got up to open his own small drawers and pulled out a huge white T-shirt and blue bottoms.

"Gomawoyo," I said with a small smile before finding my way to one of the bathrooms. I locked the door behind me before taking my wig off, freeing my long brown locks.

My reflection stared back at me uneasily and I knew instantly what I had to sacrifice. I took a pair of silver scissors from my make-up bag and began to cut my long hair, each strand falling into the sink below... This was what i needed to do if I wanted to survive out of the mansion for a long period of time; pretending to be a guy.


I lied down awkwardly besides Kyuhyun, we only had inches of space between us. I stared up to the ceiling, wondering how I'm ever going to get to sleep with him by my side. I could hear the tapping of his keyboard, the noise distracting me, sending me into a space of deep thoughts.

What am i going to do with my life now? I have always been classed as 'bright' and I have basically abandoned my education. Was this really worth it?

What seemed like minutes later, he finally shut his laptop and shoved it to the side and lied down, his back facing me. I felt less claustrophobic this way and breathed a sigh of relief. This was definitely going to be a long night. My back ached from the flatness of the floorboards to I curled into a ball, trying to make myself comfortable.

"Turn the lights off," he mumbled and I did what he told me to, too tired to argue.


I opened my eyes and was greeted by an unfamiliar face, his body was still on the raised bed above me...

I automatically screamed, feeling lost on where I was.

"Nana-ssi!" he said in astonishment, attempting to shake some sense into me. I stopped when my vision returned to normal and recalled what had happened last night. This guy is Sungmin. Wonderful.

"Mianhamnida Sungmin-ssi, I'm going to go get changed..." I bowed before leaving the room, shocked at my own deafening scream.

"What was that about?" I heard someone say loudly.

"Nana got scared of me I guess and screamed. My ears are still ringing." I assumed this was Sungmin speaking.

"He sure can scream.... It sounded feminine too, like a human version of a mating call."

I can hear another round of hysterical laughter between the boys.

"Oh, don't say such weird things, Yesung Hyung!" I heard Kyuhyun's voice say before spluttering into fits of laughter with the others.

"Ok, move on, we need to wait for him to get changed so we can all eat handmade breakfast."

"Nana-ah! What's for breakfast? I want food!" I heard that sarcastic Heechul shout while banging on the bathroom door.

"I'm coming! Be patient or you'll starve!" I threatened while putting toothpaste onto my brush.

"What the hell is he? He's here to work and he's acting like a spoilt brat!" I heard another shout, making me sigh. I dumped my toothbrush into the sink and stormed out, heading for the kitchen.

The members followed and sat at the tables, happy that I have finally started to cook.

"We want food! I want Kimchi!" The food chant was getting on my nerves...

I opened the fridge angrily and chopped up some pork up into cubes and threw it into the pan. It didn't look like the dish Hyomin made at home but I swear I did exactly what she did... Maybe I didn't add enough oil? I added another spoonful along with another sprinkle of salt. It still looked slightly brown. Maybe I should add some sugar to it to get the flavour out?

After what seemed like hours, I placed the dishes onto the two tables where the members were speaded out. I smiled at my first set of dishes made, proud that it looked edible. Well, edible for a dog anyway. The members all stared at the food with what seemed like horrified expressions.

"Here is my home-made kimchi," I said pointing to a dish of vegetables. "This is samgyupsal," I announced afterwards, pointing to the char-coaled pork. "And this is the rice!" I said happily, handing out the bowls of watrery rice.

None of the members moved and poked the dishes with their chopsticks with blank expressions.

"Is this a joke?" asked Leeteuk with an raised eyebrow.

"Oh, Manager Hyung!"

"Morning everyone, having breakfast already?"


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unnilovesKYU #1
please update soon!! :D i'm really enjoying reading it so far :D
just4u_25 #2
please update soon! :D:D
OMG! You better update now!!
Oooooh! I wonder what she's gonna do! x) And no problem about the last post :) Hell yes, Jung Nana! You strut that auburn hair! You drink that iced coffee! Haha, I imagine that her dress must be so pretty *__* I should probably grab myself my very own yellow summer dress LOL yellow makes me happyyy~ BECAUSE EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW! XDD
@Chelle3lf LOL O___O my bad.
What about Ddangkoma?!?!<br />
My lovely turtle!!? NOOOO!!!
LOL @ when she said Kyuhyun and Sungmin's room was smaller than her bathroom xDD<br />
'Human mating call?' Ahaha~ Yesung xDD <br />
Good job! Lovin' her sense of humor, update soon<br />
kyuspecial #8
wow...daebak..i reli love ur ff...im addicted to it already...epic!...hwaiting..=]]
BoA-DNA #9
Please update soon :D <br />
And aww Kyu, why so mean tp a newcomer? I bet you wouldn't treat her like that if you knew she's actually a girl!
@orangezzang: LOL. I never noticed that and it surprises me that no one else noticed earlier too! Gomawo xD<br />
And yeah, he is blunt but thats why we love him xD