Sorry, She's a What?

Living As A Male Amongst Super Junior Is Not Easy

"Jung Nana, you're up." I pouted and stood up, following the plump man into a interviewing room. There was a rectangular table near the windows and behind it sat three mean, all whom I did not recognize. The exited after I entered, the closing of the door echoed throughout the room. I scanned my surroundings, everything seemed dull and my eyes felt bored with the blandness of the interior design.

"You're a guy?" asked the middle man of the three, one of his eyebrows raised to match the tone of his voice. His eyes were filled with suspicion, as if he was doubting my gender just by looking at my physique.

Has he never heard of the quote 'never judge a book by its cover?' I guess I shouldn't blame him since I'm the who's telling lies.

"Ne... Annyeong haseyo. My names Jung Nana," I said in a deep voice while bowing to each of them. I found this manly voice quite realistic myself.

"Jung Nana?" he asked in a surprised voice, looking at my fake profile that I had given. "What a feminine name."

"My mum was desperate for a daughter but she became infertile after I was born so... Yeah. Blame her," I said effortlessly without thinking. I bit my lip afterwards, wondering if I went too far.

"Excuse me?" The man chuckled a little with disbelief.

"Oh, sorry. That was a little more information that you needed," I improvised with a small, awkward laugh.

My head felt hot from the wig and my neck was starting to sweat. Plus, I was wearing my father's knitted jumper and chinos which only made it worse. But this was my disguise attire so I guess I'll have to bare with it a little longer. As long as I get somewhere to stay the night, I'm one happy girl.

"Ok then, swiftly moving on. What skills do you have to offer?" The man on the left asked. He had a pointy beard and looked scrawny from where I was standing.

"Offer? Well, myself of course. That's what your after, right? And as for skills-" I coughed a little as my voice returned back to normal, attempting to hide my slip. None of the Ajussis seemed to notice so I'm still game. "Sorry about that, a little cold there. As I was saying, I can cook most cuisines as long as you provide me with the ingredients, clean furniture and clothes... Basically do any house chore that exists," I lied easily with a confident smile, ticking off each point with my fingers.

The men certainly looked amused and nodded at me each time I looked up.

"Family background and any social skills?"

I thought about this. It's fine Nana, just ramble like you always do, I thought to myself.

"My parents are constantly out at sea, sailing the oceans. They're in the fish business you see. My father catches crabs and lobsters while my mother catches eels and octopuses. You never know, all the creatures you eat might be captured by them."

The man in the middle coughed suddenly and his face turned a bright shade of crimson. He looked like he was trying not to laugh.

"Y-yes, carry on?"

"Well yeah, they're basically always floating out in the sea so I don't see them much. I do recieve postcards every month though. As for social skills..." I gulped. I didn't have any. Just then, a thought popped into my head.

"Excuse me Ajussi, where will I be living if I get accepted again?"

"With Super Junior of course." What the hell is 'Super Junior'?

"Thirteen boys?"

"Well... Yes, that's the criteria," the man confirmed and I started to panic slightly.

I paused as I processed this information. Never did I think about the boys since I only thought about food and a warm bed. But now I realise that I'll be living with boys and thirteen of them too? How will I communicate with them or even worse, live with them for weeks on end? I'm a female!

"Jung Nana?" I heard the men shout loudly which brought me back to reality.


"You're accepted. I like your personality even if you are certainly very confident with your skills. I'm Super Junior's manager, I think we'll get along well, especially with your sense of humour to keep me going."

I felt shocked at his words. I'm accepted? But... Oh, what the hell. They're not going to know that I'm a girl anyway.

"Ne, Kamsahamnida Sunbaenims!" I said delightfully with a bow, all the worries were pushed aside to the back of my mind. I skipped towards them and shook hands with all of them, grasping them tightly in happiness.

Super Junior's manager chuckled and threw an arm over my shoulder and patted my back, nearly making me choke at the force. So this is what you call a proper man hug...

"You're very scrawny for a guy aren't you? How tall are you again?" he asked, looking at my profile once again.

"I'm one-six-six centimetres tall actually!"

"Below-average of a height of a man. You'll need to grow more, lad. We'll get some more protein in you to get you those abs, eh?" He patted my back again and I forced the cough down. Geez, no need for such violence!

"Come on, I'll introduce you to all the members, every fan girl's dream."



I looked out of the window in awe as I admired the night scenery as the car whizz past. As the manager drove through the central, I could see the Italian resteraunt that I was probably meant to be in by now. Guilt struck me as I realised that my parents are most likely to notice that I was missing, frantically looking for me.

Mianhae Eomeoni and Abeoji, if you didn't force me, I wouldn't have done this...

I shook those thoughts away and got out of the car when the manager Ajussi parked it in an empty space. He helped grab my suitcase from the boot and handed it over to me in one fluid movement. My arms are stretched so that I could catch it but as soon as it made contact with my arms, I fell forwards to the floor from the heaviness, head-butting my own luggage.

"Aishh!" I groaned as I rubbed my forehead in embarrassment. I could hear the manager's laughter ringing in my ears which only made me feel self-concious about giving my true gender away.

"What did I say about the protien? Come on, it must have been a long day for you, I'll carry it just for today," he said with a warm smile. I couldn't help but smile back at his kindness.

"Thank you, Sunbaenim."

"Just call me Hyung from now on, ok?" I'll need to get use to using male honourifics...

"Ne," I bowed with a nod.

We got in the lift and he pressed the number twelve and we chatted until we reached the correct floor. He pressed the doorbell and looked into a minature camera attatched to the wooden door, waiting for a response.

"Nuguseyo? (Who is it?)" I heard a male voice say which was quickly followed by "Hyung! I can see you! Wait... Who's that?" I realised they must have one of those built-in CCTV cameras installed so they could see the manager and I on the outside.

"Just open the bloody door!" I heard another voice say.

Finally, the door opened and there was around six members by the door but I could hear the others inside. I felt slightly nervous even though most of them seemed friendly for a first impression.

I followed closely behind the manager as the members all gathered around the living room, all eyes are on me, giving me looks filled with curiosity. Everyone made themselves comfortable and I felt myself figeting while I sat on the sofa, not knowing where to look.

"Everyone, this is Jung Nana, he'll be living with you from today so I hope you can all take care of him, just like he will be taking care of you."

There was a chorus of 'Yes' which was perfectly in sync and I bowed at all of them as a greeting.

"Ne, Annyeong haseyo."

"He's a... Male?" asked the blonde male and I bit the flesh inside my mouth from the accusation.

"Yes, he's quite a cute one isn't he? Very feminine features but he does have a fiesty personaliry, I must say." The members nodded in agreement and continued to stare which made me feel... Exposed.

"Anyway, it's already half eleven so you guys can sort out the sleeping arrangements. Leeteuk, I'll leave this duty to you. Night, all." The manager gave us all a wave and left.

"Night, Hyung!" They all shouted at random intervals.

As soon as the manager left, the members started to gather around me, invading my personal space as if I was some sort of zoo animal on a exhibition.

"If Hyung didn't say you're a male, I wouldn't believe it myself! You look more cuter that Wookie!" cried the guy with black hair and he poked my cheek. "I'm Yesung by the way, the member with the artistic voice, you do know me, right?" he asked with a creepy smile. I backed away and shook my head furiously at him.

"Ani!" I exclaimed, which made all the members laugh like a bunch of hyenas. It felt strange to be surrounded by so many members of the male speicies that it was starting to be a horrifying experience.

"How about me?" asked another and I shook my head once again.

"Do you even know who we are? As a group?" Oh, please! Just cut the crap! I wanted to say but I held my tongue back. No need to offend anyone without knowing them first.

"Ani!!" They were seriously testing my patience.

"Really?" they all looked amused and began their fits of laughter again. "Well we should introduce ourselves. Hana, dool, set, Annyeong haseyo, we are Super Juni-OR!" I flinched when all of them placed their palms in line in a uniformed way. What the hell is all this about?

"I, er, gatheted that. But what I don't get is what is 'Super Junior'?"

"Well, we're singers, a band of thirteen members. We debuted two years ago and we are quite popular in the K-Pop industry, I'm surprised you haven't heard of us. I'm not trying to sound arrogant of course."

Band? K-Pop? My brain already felt confuzzled with the overload of useless information.


Author's note: Mianhae if this chapter was too long T_T I enjoyed writing this chapter and woo, Super Junior is finally introduced! Thanks for reading and please drop a comment before you go! (Preferbably long ones xD keke)

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unnilovesKYU #1
please update soon!! :D i'm really enjoying reading it so far :D
just4u_25 #2
please update soon! :D:D
OMG! You better update now!!
Oooooh! I wonder what she's gonna do! x) And no problem about the last post :) Hell yes, Jung Nana! You strut that auburn hair! You drink that iced coffee! Haha, I imagine that her dress must be so pretty *__* I should probably grab myself my very own yellow summer dress LOL yellow makes me happyyy~ BECAUSE EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW! XDD
@Chelle3lf LOL O___O my bad.
What about Ddangkoma?!?!<br />
My lovely turtle!!? NOOOO!!!
LOL @ when she said Kyuhyun and Sungmin's room was smaller than her bathroom xDD<br />
'Human mating call?' Ahaha~ Yesung xDD <br />
Good job! Lovin' her sense of humor, update soon<br />
kyuspecial #8
wow...daebak..i reli love ur addicted to it already...epic!...hwaiting..=]]
BoA-DNA #9
Please update soon :D <br />
And aww Kyu, why so mean tp a newcomer? I bet you wouldn't treat her like that if you knew she's actually a girl!
@orangezzang: LOL. I never noticed that and it surprises me that no one else noticed earlier too! Gomawo xD<br />
And yeah, he is blunt but thats why we love him xD