The Great Escape

Living As A Male Amongst Super Junior Is Not Easy

"Rise and shine Nana-ssi!"

I groaned at the familiar voice of one of the two maids and buried my head under the pillow. After all, it was the weekend, correct? Surely it's not time to get up already?

"It's ok Hyomin, I'll take it from here," I heard my mother's voice say. There was a click of the door and I felt mum patting my leg in a motherly way.

Oh, the joys of being petted by your own mother.

"Come on, Nana, there's a whole day ahead of you!" Mum said enthusiastically which made me sit up, my eyes felt heavy and tired. Of course, mother just had to shake me using both of her hands which only made me feel more agitated.

"What is it, Eomeoni?" I questioned, no longer consumed by sleep. She released me with a satisfied smile and clapped her hands.

"I think I have found you the perfect husband, dear! He has the looks, the brains..."

"Woah, wait a second... Husband means marriage... And before that means- What!? I'm ENGAGED?" Both my eyes and mouth opened widely in a unladylike fashion which triggered Mum to make that tiresome tutting noise. I snapped my mouth shut immediately, wiping the remaining traces of drool away from the edges of my mouth.

"Now, now, Nana. You're soon going to be nineteen (eighteen in western age) and I think it's time you found a partner. Good partners are hard to come by nowadays and you don't have to get married straight away! I just think that it'll do you some good to have someone to support you. Int ime, you'll be the lady of a house and you'll need to start to act like one too," she said with an amused expression.

I tried my best not to scrowl at the arrangements she had made without my consent. We're in the twenty-first century, for God's sakes!

"Does it have to be him? Can't we cancel and let me find someone I actually love?" I asked while looking at the photo of my so-called fiance. True, he is handsome but he is still a complete stranger to me. For all I know, he could be walking along the streets right now, handing out flyers. The fact that my parents want him as a son-in-law only made me repel from him even more.

"Nana... We've already-"

"Arasso, arasso!" I muttered unhappily and I leaned back to hide under the covers, just like the immature child I am on the inside. I heard mum sigh, pausing for a few moments before talking again.

"We'll be having lunch with him at the Italian in the city tonight at ten so prepare yourself, ne?" I heard her say and I didn't reply. I'm defiantly not in the mood for pasta. "I'll be back by nine-thirty so Dad can pick you up. Be ready by then, ok?"

 I was deep in thought, trying to ignore her and finally moments later, she left my room, closing the door behind her. I sat up as soon as she left, my brain ticking with ideas.

This can't be happening... How can they just send their only daughter to another family so easily?

I needed a plan to escape. I hated living the life of someone rich. I wanted to enter reality and become someone normal, just like all the citizens out there. I got my notebook out and started to map out my route, I only had hours left before my parents come back from work.




"Yes, Nana-ssi?" The maid looked puzzled as she walked towards me, standing next to the table.

"What time do you the servants who guard the gate leave? Do they not go out for lunch since all they ever do is stand there. Omo, don't they starve?" I asked sweetly while twirling the straw in my orange juice. The maid smiled and happily answered my question.

"Well of course at midnight, miss when the master and lady of the house comes back work. Lunch is permitted but there are other guards to replace them."

Wonderful. Another road block.

"I see. What time is it now?"

"Quarter past two."

I should start packing soon and escape while Eomeoni and Abeoji are out at a business conference...

I watched the guards as they stood there in the sunshine and my eyes wondered off to the wall beside it. My lips curved into a smile as a brilliant idea popped into my head. I felt like there was a real light bulb turning on next to my head. Oh, I do love you my dear brain!

"I'm full, I'll be upstairs and don't interrupt me. I'll be... Reading the autobiography I brought the other day," I lied and rose from my seat. The maid bowed and started to collect my plates.

Act normally, Nana, just go up the stairs like you usually do...

As soon as I got into my room, I locked the door behind me and got my suitcase out from under my bed. I opened my wardrobe and stuffed all the common clothes I had into my luggage. Mum has never approved of my dress sense but that didn't matter anymore.

Just like I planned, I pulled a white shirt and boy shorts that I had stuffed up my shirt and quickly put it on. These are brand new and are the clothes that the servants in our house wear and I decided to wear it as a disguise, just in case. I even added a baseball cap to my outfit after tying my hair up, to hide my face.

After throwing in all the essentials I needed, I attacked my piggy back and realised that I only had just over three-hundred and fifty won left. This was hardly enough for me to stay in the cheapest hotel for barely three days. Nonetheless, I pocketed the cash and zipped up my suitcase.

I wrote a note and stuck it to my door, saying that I'll be out with some friends even though I didn't have any. It's hard to socialize among the rich since you never know it's a true friendship or whether they just want to have a link with you for easy access to business.

I smiled and headed down the stairs, waiting for the coast to clear. Hyomin was still busy in the kitchen, washing a stack of dishes while the two other servants were t the garden outside. By pulling the suitcase with me, I ran across the living room and exited out of the front door, not bothering to close it. It was hard to sneak across the lawn and I suddenly felt myself falling forwards, gravity pulling me towards the floor.

"Oww..." I winced and stood right back up. I kicked the stone that I had tipped over to the side and crouched down, practically crawling across the grass to the giant brick wall.

I'm free!

I gulped at the height of the wall and started to roll my sleeves up. The guards still haven't noticed me and I smirked at as I ninjaed my way to the bunch of trees that stood near to the wall. 

Think about all those heroes in those historical dramas!

I scrambled up the small apple tree besides me and leapt over it, pushing my suitcase down first before crashing into my neighbour's garden, rolling across the flower beds. I rolled in the mud, squishing all the flowers in my path. My head felt dizzy and I nearly shrieked in happiness and the success even though my knee was bleeding slightly from the fall. The sprinklers turned itself on seconds later and I ran away from the sprays of water, choking on the sprays that went up my nose.

"Ahh!" I spluttered before covering my mouth.

By the time I was out of the neighbourhood, I was completely soaked, my hair plastered to my face. I probably looked hideous to the public, maybe even a drowned cat, but I couldn't Care any less.

"Now I need a place to dry myself..." I mumbled and noticed a sign pointing northwards: Central city of Seoul.



After wondering around the streets for several hours, I was still slightly damp and I could feel a cold coming near. I sat on the bench an took the cap off, throwing it to the side. I shook my hair free and noticed an advertisement stuck to the lamppost. It read: Interested in Super Junior? Are you looking for a job? Fear not! Book an interview now at this address and see whether you are capable of looking after these thirteen boys! There are only three requirements: One, You must be a straight male. No exceptions. Two, You must be able to cook and clean and three you must be willing to stay in a dorm with thirteen boys. Visit us now!

I ripped the poster down and read it through one more time. My eyes scanned the address and I sat there, thinking whether this was fate's way of telling me that I could stay in this dorm to eat and sleep to my heart's content. And even better, I would also get money for it! This is called hitting a er... Dog with two stones, right?

I stood up with a determined smile and headed off to ask for directions to the SM building.



Author's note: Hahaha~ Nana is really naive and thinks like a child, right? xD She is rich though, so keep that in mind that she is also hard-headed, stubborn and fearless. Hope you enjoyed this first chapter and sorry for the cliffhanger, I couldn't resist it ;D Please comment! They mean more than anything for sometime who has written their first fic ^__^

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unnilovesKYU #1
please update soon!! :D i'm really enjoying reading it so far :D
just4u_25 #2
please update soon! :D:D
OMG! You better update now!!
Oooooh! I wonder what she's gonna do! x) And no problem about the last post :) Hell yes, Jung Nana! You strut that auburn hair! You drink that iced coffee! Haha, I imagine that her dress must be so pretty *__* I should probably grab myself my very own yellow summer dress LOL yellow makes me happyyy~ BECAUSE EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW! XDD
@Chelle3lf LOL O___O my bad.
What about Ddangkoma?!?!<br />
My lovely turtle!!? NOOOO!!!
LOL @ when she said Kyuhyun and Sungmin's room was smaller than her bathroom xDD<br />
'Human mating call?' Ahaha~ Yesung xDD <br />
Good job! Lovin' her sense of humor, update soon<br />
kyuspecial #8
wow...daebak..i reli love ur addicted to it already...epic!...hwaiting..=]]
BoA-DNA #9
Please update soon :D <br />
And aww Kyu, why so mean tp a newcomer? I bet you wouldn't treat her like that if you knew she's actually a girl!
@orangezzang: LOL. I never noticed that and it surprises me that no one else noticed earlier too! Gomawo xD<br />
And yeah, he is blunt but thats why we love him xD