The Lovebrids

The Runaway Bride
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“Do you know what our parents are talking about?” I asked curiously as I walked into the garden where a fountain greeted our sight.



“Sorry, I don’t.” He replied. “Your garden is amazing, it’s like it’s from a fairy tale!” We started to walk around the fountain and I lead him into my favourite part of the whole garden – the maze.



“Well, Daddy and Mommy wanted only the best for their only daughter.” I rolled my eyes sarcastically. Not that I’m being ungrateful but honestly, I hated the way they spoiled me. With everything they missed in my life, they try to compensate it with something materialistic.



“Do you have any brothers or sisters?” I asked curiously as we walked aimlessly in the maze.



“Nope,” he said, popping the ‘p’ as he shook his head. “You’re an only child too right?” He offered a smile.



It was my turn to shake my head. “No, I have a sister, her name’s Chaerin, she’s in the house somewhere.” I grinned.



“Oh, Dad said you’re an only child.”



I shrugged.



“Are you guys staying here for the weekend,” I asked “Because normally, all of Daddy’s guests always stay for at least a weekend.”



He shook his head, “Ah, no, Dad bought a new house somewhere close to here. We just moved from China. Have you ever been to China?” I nodded.



“Wo ai zhongguo!” I exclaimed in perfect Mandarin. I think he was taken by surprise. I giggled. “I’m fluent in 4 different languages!” I bragged and he nodded impressed.



“I’m only fluent in 3, English, Mandarin and of course Korean.”



I nodded impressed too but after that, silence took over. It wasn’t an awkward silence or anything; it was more of a comfortable one. I barely knew this guy but I felt comfortable around him. I smiled inwardly. Within a few more minutes of silence, I started to see the exit and I’m sure he noticed too because of his next words.



“For a moment there, I thought you didn’t know the way and we were gonna be stuck in the maze.” I laughed.



“Don’t doubt me! I’ve been in and out of this maze since I was potty trained!” He chuckled then ruffled my hair. I reacted vio

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GirliedeDios #1
Chapter 4: Chanyeol can't stop prying. He won't give up and is too eager to know about the other guy. I'm also curious. Is she being delusional? Or that's the first name that came up?
Chapter 4: more pls...update
GirliedeDios #3
Chapter 1: People are people and got friends like Dara who pitied themselves for being neglected as they say when I know of people who would happily trade places with them anytime of the day. These acquaintances of mine felt they need a space from soooo much attention from their parents and can't breathe anymore. Ghad it gives me a headache when I heard them being dramatic. But humans are like that concentrating on what they lack rather than what they have.. Do we have new pairing here?
Chapter 1: I want more of ChanDara!!! >O< XDDD
daramaegon #5
i guess this fic is nice and interesting~~~pls update soon:)