The story continues

Companion ❦ - Sequel to figment -

2 weeks had passed since the 5 last talked and Baekhyun was sick of it. Raising his hand, he caught a peek of the glaring sun through his fingers and winced. “Yeol, what do you do when you get bored?” The giant rolled around on the field they were on, rolling past the butterflies that didn’t even notice him. Or more like they couldn’t notice him.

Baekhyun, when he wanted his friend to, could make copies of objects Chanyeol couldn’t usually touch. He didn’t know how; he just knew he could. The same thing went to the situation now, when fake butterflies flew through the bodies of passersby.

The kid shrugged, carefree and Baekhyun wanted to be like him too. To be carefree, to not give a damn about the world.

That was how he wanted to be, and that was how he wanted Chanyeol to be too.


[Baekhyun:] Guys, can I meet y’all on the roof later?


The group was inactive for so long that the kid was actually afraid of breaking the virtual silence.


[Kyungsoo:] Sure.

[Suho:] Okayy

[Sehun:] I have a date!! Just kidding I have tuition so I can’t go D’:


Kai never replied. He did turn up though and Baekhyun gulped from nervousness. Why am I freaking out? He took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut. “Are… Are you guys disgusted by me? Because I might be gay?”

“What? No way.”

“The you talking about?”

“Duuuuude.” Baekhyun grinned, overjoyed and he started hopping before stopping again. “Then why were you ignoring me?”

It was quiet again, until the boy who didn’t reply on the group chat spoke up. “I was angry you never told us. 10 years of friendship, Baek—and you never bothered telling us?”


Everything was back to normal again and Baekhyun pranced about. “My house today! My house! Not your dumpsters, my place!” He would dance if he could, but sad to say he couldn’t dance. Not at all, so he could only express his emotions through his prance-like movements.

Why was he so happy? There are multiple reasons, like how they recently finished an important examination, or how Baekhyun got an A for his presentation. But most importantly, the 5 of them were back together and he wanted to introduce Chanyeol to them.


“So, where is this… Channie you tell us about all the time?” Kai rolled his eyes to accent his point, earning himself a slap to the back of his head. “Yeah, where is he?” Suho smiled his famous angel smile, ignoring the daggers Kai sent him.

“He’s in my room.”


It went better than Baekhyun thought it would, and he was thankful. Kyungsoo admitted finding it ridiculous out loud, but he would try to understand his friend and Baekhyun knew all 4 of them felt that way. I don’t know about Sehun, but I doubt he’s all comfortable with it either.

Chanyeol rolled around on his friend’s bed, one the happiest smiles Baekhyun’s ever seen on his face. “Chanyeol. I have to tell you something.” The taller turned to face the older, an eyebrow quirked up. Calm down, Baek. Taking a huge breath in, he opened his mouth.

“I think I like you.”



Okay, I have a Baekyeol and non-Baekyeol version planned out. I just... don't really have time to write so after my tests i'll post the next chapters :)

I can't fail LOL \facepalms\

Guys, I won't be able to write for quite a while due to exams. They're starting in a week and i haven't even started on revision (while everyone else taking my combination has already started a month ago XD imma slacker). So yeah, i'll update when i can :)

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Chapter 6: Yep, I regretted reading this. I knew they wouldn't be together but... T^T. Anyway thumbs up for you author-nim!
Chapter 6: I regretted reading this.
eLquinox #3
TT_TT Channie disappeared?
eLquinox #4
Chapter 2: Huh? This was in chap 1?
eLquinox #5
Ya know, were still gonna be here! :P